ARCHIVED: Uthvaq Shanar

Sarah stared around the hall, thoroughly impressed by the beautiful architecture all around "It's beautiful." she smiled, eagerly looking around "Are your people very devout?" she aske Qirien.
"We are not extremely devout in religious practice, but over 99% of us are religious. The Church of Syrixia, however, is very lax on various customs, and encourages people to worship on their own schedules, and live their lives however they want to. Our Church has been called one of the world's most kind and pure." said Qirien, with a smile of pride on his face.

"However, it is not the only faith in Syrixia, it is just the biggest. There are other faiths, such as the Jewish faith, as well as Islam. There are also some atheists and, lastly, there is a very small percentage of...ugh...Flemingovianists."
Sarah tilted her head, nodding as she listened "Wolfsea isn't very diverse in terms of our religion, we have a few other religions but Great Marwolaeth loves all so we have no issue with other faiths... except my brother did ban Christians from being inside the Palace without express permission... they kept breaking into his office." she shrugged, not quite sure how this came about "But this church is very beautiful." she smiled, still entranced by the beauty of the décor.
"Indeed." said Qirien, also clearly captivated by the beauty of Atroba Doha. Around 30 minutes later he remarked, "But, we must go. There are only a couple more places to see. Why don't we stop for lunch nearby? There's a McDonalds about a block away from here. Or, we could walk three blocks to a traditional Syrixian restaurant, though it isn't as big as before. I think we should just hit the McDonalds. What about you guys?"
Qirien laughed. "Of course not! However, after Syrixia lost World War II due to its spot in the Axis, the United States of America held a huge influence in the country, even going so far as to occupy Miraca. Thus, American fast food is common here today and Syrixia and the US are close allies."
Sarah nodded "Oh, I apologise Mr Qirien. Wolfsea has been in Isolation a very long time, we have only just recently began to incorporate outside influences." giving Qirien her usual innocent but vaguely flirtatious smile.

(This is totally based on my RL sister btw XD)
"Princess," Kultur said suddenly, breaking out of his contemplative silence for the first time in a few hours, "would you mind if I were to visit your country? I find myself interested in not only your country's religion, but also in how another country in isolation developed culturally."
Sarah turned to Kultur and smiled "Of course, we'd be delighted to have you visit our country. We wish to cement relations with all our neighbours." already preparing for the inevitable discussion with the Khan "In fact we've been considering extending invites to many nations." She explained[/i]
"Excellent," Kultur said, imitating a human smile as well as a fanged dragon could. "I've been planning a celebration in Klarliert; I will be sure to personally send you an invitation." He turned back to Qirien. "Any of Syrixia's delegates may also be extended an invitation, if they wish." He paused for a moment. "I would prefer the traditional Syrixian restaurant, but I suppose being conquered affects a nation's culture as well. I would be fine with either restaurant."
Qirien nodded. "I wouldn't be the one to decide whether Syrixia sends delegates, my friends. I'm just a tour guide. But I'm sure you can ask the Prime Minister when you meet him." Qirien beckoned and walked to the McDonalds as it was closer. Soon, after a good lunch, the Tronkandalians, Darcanians, Wolvish, and the Cascadian John Smith, as well as Qirien, were all off to Balamb. Eventually, the plane landed, and they stared at the big city around them. "Welcome," Qirien said, "to the New York of the Pacific Ocean, Balamb, the shining capital of Syrixia!"
Sarah practically had her face pressed against the windo "Incredible!" she smiled, awestruck by Balamb's Skyscrapers.
(OOC: Dragons can't keep up with fixed-wing aircraft. How would they keep up with the Star?)
(OOC: Fixed-wing aircraft can't fly when their speeds are so low... they would have to be going only about thirty or forty miles per hour...)
(OOC: Then assume they arrive late. You can make a post about that replying to my previous IC post.)
(OOC: Just posting to make sure this RP doesn't die. Darcania, could you post about the dragons arriving in Balamb?)
"I know that perfectly well," Kultur said to Qirien. "I did not want you to feel left out." After the lunch at McDonald's (which Kultur did not particularly enjoy), he got a rendezvous location from Qirien before flying to Balamb. Though he and his guards could not fly nearly as fast as the Syrixian Star, he was able to take off immediately, so he wasn't too far behind when he landed in Balamb. He sought out Qirien and the rest, who respectfully waited (OOC: I assume) for Kultur to arrive, and proceeded to stare around him at the monoliths of steel around him as Qirien spoke. He was amazed at the industrialism and ingenuity of the humans, but he quickly grew bored of staring at them and began looking around at the sheer amount of citizens. He had been to Klarliert several times before, but it had always boggled Kultur's mind to see so many living beings at once. He never understood how humans could live together with so many others constantly; it would drive Kultur mad to have to live so close to so many dragons.
A taxi pulsl up, with a motorcade following it. "Well, I must go." says Qirien. "From here you'll be taken to Parliament Hall where you will meet, well, our Parliament. From there, I think you'll be taken back to your resorts and will be brought back to the Qo'mei Balamb, our central square right in the middle of the downtown metropolis, for the official celebration performance. Afterwards, you'll probably have the rest of the day to relax until the next day, when the service in Manaan begins at Atroba Doha. There, they will customarily reveal the Holy Skull. And, of course, afterwards will be when you all leave for your homelands. That said, hopefully we will meet again. Bye!"

Qirien gets in the yellow taxi, and the rest of the party gets in the motorcade. "I understand you're much too big for these vehicles," says one of the chauffeurs to the three dragons. "If you'd like, you can fly through the skies of Balamb to Parliament Hall; just try not to destroy anything as the city is very crowded and bustling." The chauffeur gets in the limousine where the Tronkandalians, Wolvish and John Smith are, and the party begins to drive to Balamb.

Meanwhile, in Parliament Hall, everyone is running around in a panic, almost in a cartoony fashion. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has forgotten to get a motorcade for the Guslant delegates, who for all they knew could be walking aimlessly around Balamb at the moment. People are going nuts trying to sign papers, contact the GusNet, etc etc. Clearly, the government is not ready for their guests. "THIS IS A DISASTER!" one Minister screamed.

(OOC: I'm an idiot. Sorry, Bootsie. Do you think you can post on your delegates contacting the government and getting their motorcade? We can make a comedy out of the incident.)
Sarah climbed into the Limo, a little intimidated by the skyscrapers, she was too used to the antique architecture of Crescentmaw's old town around the palace, she gazed up at the sleek structures through the window "I don't think I'll ever get used to these..." she sighed, Jaeger shrugged "Don't really see the need... These buildings must be a nightmare to plan defences around..." he noted, a little annoyed that the Khan had built Port Ascension with these strategic follies in an attempt to give Wolfsea a 'modern' image.
The Nord guard growled at the chauffeur as Kultur, currently offended yet still calm, stated, "I know very well how to fly. You need not worry about any damage to the city." Kultur then took off before the chauffeur could respond and proceeded towards the Parliament Hall. He expected to get there before the motorcade, but he didn't want to delay; it had been a long day, and he was unused to dealing with humans so much. The Aradaki guard proceeded to clear the landing area of any stray humans by swooping down to scare them away, after which she landed and kept the strays away from Kultur as he landed, followed by the Nord. Kultur lay down and waited for the motorcade to arrive; he took the moment to close his eyes and shut out the world around him to give his overstimulated mind a break while the Aradaki continued to watch for the motorcade.
(OOC: The motorcade has already arrived, the chauffeur is chauffeuring it.)

The motorcade leaves, making sure the dragons had arrived at Parliament Hall beforehand via GPS. It reaches, after ten minutes, the great gates of Parliament Hall, more than large enough to fit a dragon.

(OOC: I moved the conversation I was having with Syrixia to PMs. The post I deleted above may come back, or I may have to re-do it.)
The party enters to a crazed mayhem of government officials running around. Suddenly, they all stop, run to a nearby desk, and shove their papers under it. The Prime Minister, at this time, exits a doorway and greets the party. "Welcome to Parliament Hall and the shining city of Balamb! Sorry about the mess, we had some attendance issues concerning the Guslants, who are somewhere in the middle of the city right now. Please, come in." says Prime Minister Nursson.

(OOC: His name is Alfred Nursson.)
Sarah smiled enthusiastically, bowing slightly "A pleasure Prime Minister Nursson, the Khan sends his salutations on this most joyous day... I am Crown-Princess Sarah, acting as his emissary, this is Commander Jaeger, my bodyguard." she smiled "Your nation is truly a wonder..." she beamed.
In direct contrast to the princess, Kultur simply inclined his head toward the Syrixian prime minister. He was certain that the minister already knew about him, the first dragon to set claw on Syrixian soil, already; as well, Kultur didn't have enough time to recover fully in the few short minutes he waited for the motorcade. He followed the minister silently, while the Aradaki ensured that any few government workers who failed to notice the three dragons would not run into them in their blind rush.
"Thank you, your highness. We care quite a lot about our culture." said the Prime Minister, who then turned to Kultur kul Luft. "Spiffing. Absolutely spiffing. Most people in Syrixia and many other places have never seen a dragon. This is remarkable, as well as a great cultural lesson and an honor. Very pleased to meet you, Kultur." Alfred was clearly impressed with the concept that not just humans could run governments, and he believed this would lead to a better Earth where perhaps one day all intelligent species would create their own civilizations, culture, and history. Darcania was a bastion for that leap, and Alfred understood it very well. "As Neil Armstrong said, this is one small step for a man, but one giant leap for mankind." He said.

(OOC: Just a reminder to Bootsie, we kind of reallllly need you to post right now. Your delegates are somewhere in the middle of the city as no one came to pick them up.)
(OOC: I would imagine it went dead for a while because people expected me to post next, seeing as how the Prime Minister spoke directly to Kultur. Sorry, I was busy and had a case of writer's block.)

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well," Kultur replied, moving his tail out of the way of a hassled civil worker as the Aradaki growled at her. He still had a bit of a headache, but he hoped that this minister would be the last person he'd have to talk to for a while. "If you are interested, we would be glad to have a delegation of yours in our nation. I am planning a holiday in my nation, and while we don't have nearly as many landmarks or artifacts as Syrixia, I would be happy to personally explain our culture and history to you." His headache grew stronger as he spoke; it was difficult being so formal and impersonal, and went against all his draconic instincts. All the hustle and bustle around him did little to ease his mind.
Sarah sighed "Sadly we Wolvesh are very private when it comes to our holidays... but I'm certain my brother would welcome any visitors.. and I could persuade him t make it something of an event." she grinned.
(OOC: Since this RP is quickly dying down I'm gonna speed it up.)

Alfred smiled. "That would be wonderful; though right now our Minister of Foreign Affairs and Culture is off in Guslantis on foreign business. Come, let me give you a tour of our hall of government." Nursson, his guards, and the foreign delegation walked to the elevator. "We'll start from the top and work our way down. Computer, take us to Floor 12." he said. In about twenty seconds the elevator was at Floor 12. Unlike the other floors, Floor 12 only had one room, the Chamber of the Parliament. The party stepped in nonchalantly as the room was currently empty.

(OOC: Aw, I was looking forward to seeing Syrixia's government in action. I agree that it should be sped up, but not by that amount. Perhaps just one post per area, or one post with a summary of each area with a chance for us to respond?)