- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia
Role Play Moderators
This has been a good initiative. I would propose that we continue with the process of Delegate appointed Role Play moderators, on the advice of the culture staff.
Thread Jacking and other issues
The best way to deal with thread jacking and other unwelcome posts is for those posts to be reported to the Role Play Moderators directly. This can be done using the report function or by posting in the assigned thread. Ideally, the OP of the particular role play would simply deal with it themselves. But the reality is that moderation over a given forum is only likely to be held by a few people, so Role Play moderators need to be able to take an active role in the moderation of those forums.
Forum reorganisation
Given the rather sudden explosion of Role Play over the past year, it is understandable that the RP forum needs to make some changes.
I would propose something like this:
- National Role Play
- Diplomacy
-- Embassy Exchange
-- Negotiations
- Economics and Trade (this would include storefronts and other business ventures)
- Drafting Plane
-- Factbook writing workshop
- Map
- Democratic Union
- Character Role Play
Is it mainly economic/trade issues that we need addressed with forum reorganisation? What else would you like to see?
This has been a good initiative. I would propose that we continue with the process of Delegate appointed Role Play moderators, on the advice of the culture staff.
Thread Jacking and other issues
The best way to deal with thread jacking and other unwelcome posts is for those posts to be reported to the Role Play Moderators directly. This can be done using the report function or by posting in the assigned thread. Ideally, the OP of the particular role play would simply deal with it themselves. But the reality is that moderation over a given forum is only likely to be held by a few people, so Role Play moderators need to be able to take an active role in the moderation of those forums.
Forum reorganisation
Given the rather sudden explosion of Role Play over the past year, it is understandable that the RP forum needs to make some changes.
I would propose something like this:
- National Role Play
- Diplomacy
-- Embassy Exchange
-- Negotiations
- Economics and Trade (this would include storefronts and other business ventures)
- Drafting Plane
-- Factbook writing workshop
- Map
- Democratic Union
- Character Role Play
Is it mainly economic/trade issues that we need addressed with forum reorganisation? What else would you like to see?