Royal McMasterdonian Airlines (RMA)

Nation Name: Asnaz
International Airport(s) Names: Ostium International Airport (OIP)
Map denoting airport location: I am being put on the map in the next version.
Closest city to airports: Ostium
City Population: 9,564,241 Asnazians
Demand for international flight (particularly to McMasterdonia) (low, med, high): Medium, due to the shyness of my people
Aircraft restrictions: Ostium International can handle the biggest cargo planes to the smallest of jets.
Do you currently have foreign relations with McMasterdonia?: No, but I hope to put in an embassy request soon.
Would you like RMA to consider domestic flights in your nation? Yes, we do have five huge cities, with five internaitonal airports, I was just trying to establish a relationship with one first.
Can RMA establish a hub in your nation: Yes
Other restrictions: N/A
Nation Name: Lord Emmanuel
International Airport(s) General Emmanuel international airport(IAAS):
Map denoting airport location: None yet
Closest city to airports: Lagos
City Population: 1.000
Demand for international flight (particularly to McMasterdonia) (low, med, high): med
Aircraft restrictions: none
Do you currently have foreign relations with McMasterdonia?: none yet
Would you like RMA to consider domestic flights in your nation? yes
Can RMA establish a hub in your nation: yes
Other restrictions: none
Comments: none
Nation Name: Highton
International Airport(s) Names (code in parenthesis): Sophia II International Airport (HCI); Alexandria International Airport (AXI)
Map denoting airport location:

Closest city to airports: HCI- Highton City; AXI- Alexandria
City Population: 1,200,000; 3,150,000
Demand for international flight (particularly to McMasterdonia) (low, med, high): High
Aircraft restrictions: N/A
Do you currently have foreign relations with McMasterdonia?: No, but we would be interested in establishing them.
Would you like RMA to consider domestic flights in your nation? Yes
Can RMA establish a hub in your nation: Yes
Other restrictions: N/A
Comments: Transport to other regions of Highton is simple as the Highton Bahn Rail System connects the airports to major cities.
Highton Islands:
Nation Name: Highton
International Airport(s) Names (code in parenthesis): Sophia II International Airport (HCI); Alexandria International Airport (AXI)
Map denoting airport location:

Closest city to airports: HCI- Highton City; AXI- Alexandria
City Population: 1,200,000; 3,150,000
Demand for international flight (particularly to McMasterdonia) (low, med, high): High
Aircraft restrictions: N/A
Do you currently have foreign relations with McMasterdonia?: No, but we would be interested in establishing them.
Would you like RMA to consider domestic flights in your nation? Yes
Can RMA establish a hub in your nation: Yes
Other restrictions: N/A
Comments: Transport to other regions of Highton is simple as the Highton Bahn Rail System connects the airports to major cities.
Accepted! Congratulations.
Nation Name:Democratu
International Airport(s) Names and codes:
Democratu City International [DCIN]
Regalia International [REIN]
Farnios International [FAIN]
Closest city(s) to airports:
Democratu City [National Capital]
Xarius [Regalia Regional Capital]
Erus [Farnios Regional Capital]
City Population(s):
Democratu City: 5 Million
Xarius: 4. 7 Million
Erus: 4.2 Million
International Flight Demand: High
Aircraft restrictions:None
Foreign Relations with McMasterdonia: None
RMA Domestic Flights: Go right ahead
RMA Hub: We'd be insulted if you didn't
Other restrictions:None
Comments:Look forward to seeing you.