Roleplay Moderator Megathread

Greetings comrades.

I am your fearless roleplay moderator, and I am here to help. Please note Elu's ANNOUNCEMENT on my duties.

I make an effort to read everything, but if you see something that you would like to bring to my attention, please post here.

Please note that official RP Moderator requests/actions on posts will be made in bold purple letters.

I am primarily going to focus on threadjacks, but if you would like my consultation on a thread, please post a link to the thread, and put "CONSULT" in bold purple letters.

If you are dealing with a THREADJACK please denote as such (with the formatting I just used) as well as a quote. Please read the quotebox on threadjacking to make sure you are reporting it properly. Also, only the OP can request a threadjack removal.

Threadjacking can include, but is not limited to:

-Someone who the OP does not want involved in the thread posts in the thread.
-The overuse of Out of Character talk in In Character threads. (That's what the drafting plane is for)
-Totally unrelated remarks
-Roleplayers taking the roleplay on a direction inconsistent with what the Original Poster wanted.

This list can be changed and expanded. Each case will be reviewed individually.

GODMOD consults should be made in the REALISM MEGATHREAD, but can be linked here.

I will address any additional questions, comments, concerns, jokes, or stories.
Quick Question: If a threadjacking were to occur, what would happen to the posts/ the threadjacker?
As current policy stands, nothing. If it becomes a recurring issue, it will be brought up to the admin team and addressed appropriately.

The side effect is that people will probably not want to roleplay with that person at all.
Can we get a check of who is an rp mod currently?
At the request of one or more participants in an RP, I provided a decision that can be seen here.
Purpletexted Sytarenne for acting like a mod and sniping in "OOC: Laura Kray wins the Cronaal Elections".

Locked "OOC: Laura Kray wins the Cronaal Elections" for degrading into a snipe war.
Purpletext to Sytarenne for again posting in the map claims thread despite a suspension of cartography services. Informed him that this will be the last time I go easy on him.
Purpletexted Syrixia for a string of godmodding. Also locked the thread.

As I am directly involved with the RP, I left specific instructions on how to appeal, in case the other RP mods believe I overstepped my bounds due to potential bias.
Dearest Darc:

I wasn't aware you were controlling the Kyloth Clan as well. If we discussed that, I probably had forgotten; but I'm not sure we discussed it. Anyways, my sincerest apologies. Here's what I'll do; I'll put the post on a document on my computer, and then when you return from your leave I'll PM you the code of the post so you can fiddle around with it to your liking. You can do the OP if you want. I will say, though, I'd very much like it if, when you're doing so, that you don't edit Kyloth's mythology or the Clan structure. You kind of get the jist. I think we both know what you'd fiddle around with in the post anyways. :)



PS: EDIT- I wasn't aware that you can't edit posts when a thread is closed, I thought you just couldn't post. Would it be possible if you sent me the post's code via PM?

PPS: EDIT #2- Since this isn't an appeal but rather an apology along with a request that also isn't an appeal, I posted it here instead of the Map Nexus. If this is the wrong thread to post it in, go ahead and move it accordingly. :)
PPS: EDIT #2- Since this isn't an appeal but rather an apology along with a request that also isn't an appeal, I posted it here instead of the Map Nexus. If this is the wrong thread to post it in, go ahead and move it accordingly. :)
Don't know about the other moderators, but I myself would much prefer that appeals are either placed in this thread or in a new thread in The Lounge.

I also sent you the code for the OP.

I'll send out a detailed response to your letter in a PM when I've calmed down. (I'm autistic and I just had a fit. Don't worry, you didn't cause it.)
Purpletext to Cronaal for baiting Sytarenne.
Edit: Considering Cronaal's humor, I withdrew the official purpletext and left it as an "unofficial" caution. I also told him to avoid using that type of humor with Sytarenne in the future, as continuing to do so would almost certainly be baiting.
Edited the topic title of The Seblandian Expansion upon request of the OP (since, for some reason, he couldn't edit it).
kind of intruding but I don't think Citizens can change titles. I've personally tried.
I can't change the title either via the "change the title" link, but I can do it, period, by going to edit the OP. In the editing page, the title and description are also available to edit.

But maybe that's just me and my Deputy Minister masking. I don't know. Could a Citizen who's started a non-closed topic in the RP subforum try that out?
Only moderators can change titles. It's a really dumb quirk of zetaboards software - among so many other things (a non-functioning search function, for example).
Interesting. The Editing-Page method is how I changed A Sudden Tragedy to A Game of Shadows, for example.
Closed the Slave Trade thread at the request of the OP. I was watching it closely prior to that for the direct attacks made.
Hid a post by Saint Oz in Slave Trade OOC, and purpletexted him here. Warned him against further sniping.

I'm getting very tired of being so lenient to everybody.
The Spokesman of Eumenor:
Are you looking for another RolePlay mod? I would like to offer my services if there is an opening, but if not, no problem.
You can find the application in this thread. Don't know at the moment if Nierr is accepting more, but if your application is impressive enough I'm sure he'll be open to discussion about it.
The Spokesman of Eumenor:
Are you looking for another RolePlay mod? I would like to offer my services if there is an opening, but if not, no problem.
You can find the application in this thread. Don't know at the moment if Nierr is accepting more, but if your application is impressive enough I'm sure he'll be open to discussion about it.
Impressive. Got it.
I'm pleased to announce Eumenor has joined the RP Mod team.