In response to Prime Minister Sirus, Premier Nightsong says, "Anthony and I are good. We are glad to hear that we were able to resolve the situation with Greece peacefully. That Balkins war could have ended worse than it did for both sides had our Houses and Guardian Corps not intervened when they did."
High Priestess Audrey interrupts the conversation, "However, now House Angeliki has got it into their heads a little bit that they are better than everyone else. We need to go back and let them know that religious authority is shared equally among the five houses."
Premier Nightsong laughs at the interruption, "Prime Minister Sirus, I should be delighted to introduce you to High Priestess Audrey. She can be a bit nosy and butt in on conversations but she means well. Joining her this evening is High Priest Geoffrey who together oversee House Ruach Tov di Songs and as she mentioned, make up one-fifth of the power structure of our religious institution."
Meanwhile, Vice-Premier Stark and High Priest Geoffrey have wandered off together to have a drink and soon find themselves upon the stage.
"I, on behalf of the Kaltian Estate, would like to declare that
Kalti shall not take a side in the elections forthcoming in
Guslantis however we shall support whoever is rightfully elected in whatever manner and capacity we can", states Vice-Premier Stark.
High Priest Geoffrey, now slightly tipsy from too much alcohol, grabs the microphone and bellows out (quite loudly to the discomfort of some of the guests), "And the Guardian Corps of the Houses stand united to ..."
Before he is able to finish High Priestess Audrey rushes to the stage and pulls High Priest Geoffrey away before he makes a fool of himself. Solveig, still with Prime Minister Sirus and his wife, slowly applauds Anthony for taking the stage and relieving her of the burden of having to make the speech herself.