
From the office of HRM King Niilo, 14th Monarch of the House Saikkonen
The Constitutional Monarchy of Nasania (hereafter referred to as Nasania) agrees to establish an embassy exchange with applicant nations. Nasania has for years remained in long isolation from the rest of the world, but now sees it as prudent to formally join the international community in order to conduct communications with foreign states. However, we wish to establish some preconditions first.
Nasania agrees to provide full diplomatic immunity, security, and extraterritoriality to the applicant nation's ambassadors and missions, which includes:
Ambassadors may not be arrested or detained
Ambassadors may not have their residences entered and searched
Ambassadors may not be subpoenaed as witnesses
Ambassadors may not be prosecuted
Without prejudice to their privileges and immunities, it is the duty of all persons enjoying such privileges and immunities to respect the laws and regulations of Nasania. They also have a duty not to interfere in Nasanian internal affairs.
All official business with Nasania entrusted to the mission by the applicant State shall be conducted with or through the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Nasania or such other ministry as may be agreed.
The premises of the mission must not be used in any manner incompatible with the functions of the mission as laid down in this agreement or by other rules of general international law or by any special agreements in force between the sending and the receiving State.
A diplomatic agent shall not in the receiving State practice for personal profit any professional or commercial activity.
It is the responsibility of the applicant's Embassy to become aware of Nasanian laws and customs when acting outside of their official responsibilities. Consistently violating Nasanian law may result in the closure of the embassy and/or deportation.
Our diplomats are to be accorded reciprocal treatment.
All other ambassadorial legal protocols and procedures that Nasania and applicant nations mutually agree to are located here:
Consular missions between Nasania and Applicants are to be handled by these standards:
In order to apply for an Embassy with Nasania, fill out the form below:

HRM Niilo Saikkonen
The Constitutional Monarchy of Nasania

Prime Minister Rami Kosonen
The Constitutional Monarchy of Nasania

Foreign Minister Hayato Yamada
The Constitutional Monarchy of Nasania
Republic of Syrixia(CFA)
Socialist Democracy of Guslantis(CFA)
Democratic Republic of Eumenor(observer of CFA)
Eknorve States(CFA)
United States of New Sekai(CFA)
Republic of The Cascadian Commonwealth(CFA)
Republic of Malvad(CFA)
Kingdom of Tronkandal(CFA)
Triple Federation of Trinster(CFA)
Socialist Democracy of Guslantis(CFA)
Democratic Republic of Eumenor(observer of CFA)
Eknorve States(CFA)
United States of New Sekai(CFA)
Republic of The Cascadian Commonwealth(CFA)
Republic of Malvad(CFA)
Kingdom of Tronkandal(CFA)
Triple Federation of Trinster(CFA)
David Land
New Sekai
Alta Italia
New Sekai
Alta Italia
Nicolan Insurrection(1917-1924, 1975-2010, 2013-)
Oscarian Insurrection(1989-1992, 2009-2012)
Nasanian Civil War(1989-1992)
Nasanian Civil War(2009-2012)
Oscarian Insurrection(1989-1992, 2009-2012)
Nasanian Civil War(1989-1992)
Nasanian Civil War(2009-2012)
Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno-Isamu Kawaguchi
Kingdom of McMasterdonia-Arata Akiyama
Commonwealth of Kialga-Lourti-Katashi Himura
Republic of Syrixia-Kazuo Hamasaki
Republic of Malvad-Mitsuhide Sato
Most Serene Republic of Kalti-Aki Mizakuro
Allied Cities of AndulusAlliance of Andulan Cities-Komachi Hama
Kingdom of Plembobria-Itsuko Yoshihara
Democratic Republic of Eumenor-Rikako Mizukawa
The Allied Dragon Clans of Darcania-Ambassador Gorou Yamauchi, Attache Daiki Kagome, Attache Kumiko Tanaka
Monarchy of Guslantis (Former Socialist Democracy of Guslantis in March 2015)-Robun Oichi
Floregasque Republic-Seika Matsumara
United States of New Sekai-Masahiro Hokusai
Kingdom of David Land-Yoshitoki Matsumara
Kingdom Republic of Ceretis-Tuisku Salmi, Attache Väinämö Merimaa
The Kingdom of True Sebland-Maemi Saito
The Cascadian Commonwealth-Yoshimasa Shiroyama
The Federation of Xentherida-Motoyasu Amagawa
The Kingdom of Yayness-Shigenada Tateno
The Imperial Military Khanate of the Kingdom of Wolfsea-Mayo Ishikawa
Kingdom of McMasterdonia-Arata Akiyama
Commonwealth of Kialga-Lourti-Katashi Himura
Republic of Syrixia-Kazuo Hamasaki
Republic of Malvad-Mitsuhide Sato
Most Serene Republic of Kalti-Aki Mizakuro
Allied Cities of AndulusAlliance of Andulan Cities-Komachi Hama
Kingdom of Plembobria-Itsuko Yoshihara
Democratic Republic of Eumenor-Rikako Mizukawa
The Allied Dragon Clans of Darcania-Ambassador Gorou Yamauchi, Attache Daiki Kagome, Attache Kumiko Tanaka
Monarchy of Guslantis (Former Socialist Democracy of Guslantis in March 2015)-Robun Oichi
Floregasque Republic-Seika Matsumara
United States of New Sekai-Masahiro Hokusai
Kingdom of David Land-Yoshitoki Matsumara
Kingdom Republic of Ceretis-Tuisku Salmi, Attache Väinämö Merimaa
The Kingdom of True Sebland-Maemi Saito
The Cascadian Commonwealth-Yoshimasa Shiroyama
The Federation of Xentherida-Motoyasu Amagawa
The Kingdom of Yayness-Shigenada Tateno
The Imperial Military Khanate of the Kingdom of Wolfsea-Mayo Ishikawa
Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno-Qualcuno
Republic of Syrixia-Masahiro Syu'khobi
Republic of Malvad-Winifred Deliam
The Eknorve States of the Dish'nok val Di Morrsk of Cronaal-Dyr'crathe de Kotheseq
The Eknorve States of the Sultanate of Azkay-Dyr'crathe de Kotheseq
The Eknorve States of the Kingdom of Abenasca-Dyr'crathe de Kotheseq
Democratic Republic of Eumenor-Tacitus Martiales
The United States of New Sekai-Sens? Ky?ki
Kingdom of Plembobria-Victor Kessler
Most Serene Republic of Kalti-Salvia
Kingdom Republic of Ceretis-William Tockman
Kingdom of David Land-Scott Pleads
The Kingdom of Yayness-Packard Stephenson
The Federation of Xentherida-Jessica King
The Allied Dragon Clans of Darcania-Leanna Albrecht
Empire of Kannex-Herr Botschafter Lorenz Jang
Democratic Republic of Francovania-Henderson Franklin Johnson Macania
The Imperial Military Khanate of the Kingdom of Wolfsea-Major Grigori Hawes
Republic of Syrixia-Masahiro Syu'khobi
Republic of Malvad-Winifred Deliam
The Eknorve States of the Dish'nok val Di Morrsk of Cronaal-Dyr'crathe de Kotheseq
The Eknorve States of the Sultanate of Azkay-Dyr'crathe de Kotheseq
The Eknorve States of the Kingdom of Abenasca-Dyr'crathe de Kotheseq
Democratic Republic of Eumenor-Tacitus Martiales
The United States of New Sekai-Sens? Ky?ki
Kingdom of Plembobria-Victor Kessler
Most Serene Republic of Kalti-Salvia
Kingdom Republic of Ceretis-William Tockman
Kingdom of David Land-Scott Pleads
The Kingdom of Yayness-Packard Stephenson
The Federation of Xentherida-Jessica King
The Allied Dragon Clans of Darcania-Leanna Albrecht
Empire of Kannex-Herr Botschafter Lorenz Jang
Democratic Republic of Francovania-Henderson Franklin Johnson Macania
The Imperial Military Khanate of the Kingdom of Wolfsea-Major Grigori Hawes
Trade Treaties