An Intermezzo in G

Syrixia's character could be an assassin sent by the King's rival to stalk the Principessa and assassinate her on opera night.

How about that one? Thoughts?
Syrixia's character could be an assassin sent by the King's rival to stalk the Principessa and assassinate her on opera night.

How about that one? Thoughts?
Why in the name of everything right, good, and true would the King's rival want to assassinate the very women whose hand in marriage he is vying for?
Oh. Ok. Not principles da then. He wans to assassinate King?

Sorry for bad spelling. I am on iPhone
Alunya, is there anything else important that needs to be discussed?
Of course there is!

I would like to get a clearer idea from Malvad as to the age of the former Czarina Hannah and her younger brother former Prince Justin. When we last discussed these two characters, Prince Justin was both an accomplished theater director and a symphony conductor; whether this is still the case I don't know. But it would seem to imply that Justin is a well-travelled and experienced fellow. By extension, his older sister Hannah is, well, older than he is.

Your King Tozian is less than twenty-five years of age. And Principessa is twenty-two years old, with a birth date of August 22, 1992. Human nature being what it is, whilst the Principessa may find an older man attractive, this may be more problematic in terms of fostering a potential rival relationship between King Tozian and the former Czarina.

I would be interested in your (Plembobria's) thoughts and Malvad's thoughts on this.

A potential solution is to introduce other characters by other players that may be more in line with Tozian's and Magdalena's ages. I think the rival relationship thing adds tension, and if other characters are the way to go, then there is also the possibility of introducing a royal versus commoner dimension as well, though with the Malvad royal house deposed, that is sort of going on anyway.

I'm very flexible on this, and can go with whatever is decided as a group. All I ask is that things be reasonably plausible, and that a main story line be distinguishable. I'm okay with subplots, though if they are to become story lines in themselves, it may be advisable to break them off into separate threads with only light cross-referencing.

Which leads me to this next section...

Syrixia, this is mainly for you. When you are in someone else's kitchen and you notice a fly that you want to smash, you don't go get yourself a ten kilo sledge hammer and slam away. A little more subtlety, like bug spray or a flyswatter, are called for instead.

Let me give you a couple of examples of how a considerate player could direct this role play towards his or her own country if they wished to highlight their nation in some way.

First, one could take the role of another student at The Alsobrook Conservatory of Performing Arts. Because the institution is very much merit-based, such a character is not likely to be a royal, a famous celebrity, or a general, but rather an ordinary commoner with one exceptionally extraordinary talent. For this example, we'll say that they are a gifted young actor or actress who isn't famous (yet) but is going to ACPA and will likely become famous in the future. You play them as ordinary now and you will have them as a character to be famous later, if you think in the long term.

This student would work at becoming a friend to the Principessa. If you play such a character well, then when Spring Break comes along, as it inevitably will, the Principessa and her boyfriend might accompany your student back to his homeland for the brief vacation. Other characters played by other players might also tag along.

How would this help you in your homeland? Well, if the boyfriend of the Principessa is the King of Plembobria, then certainly the leadership of your country would be inclined to ask the King to make his visit a formal state visit. But even without that, the family of your student is going to be very perplexed as to what to serve, and how to treat, a visiting monarch and his equally blue-blooded girlfriend. One can think up all sorts of things that create a sense of tension between the royals and the common folks, and such tension need not involve machine guns.

For instance, suppose you wanted to highlight that your country grows the biggest, fattest hogs in all of The North Pacific. Your student and his or her family would invite King Tozian and the Principessa to the local county fair. It isn't that they have to be judges in the livestock contest, but by having them around, you can use your characters to discuss why one hog is better than another. No one will start a war over such a thing, but you will make your point with subtlety. Everyone will know that your country produces fine hogs. And who knows, maybe you'll discover that the Principessa is very afraid of heights -- which is why she refused to go on the Ferris wheel.

A second approach is to use one thread to launch another thread -- and I said launch, not hijack. For instance, you might notice as this thread progresses that there is an arts school (the Rethel Academy of Art) and two art museums, one of fine old art and the other of modern art. If you want to create an international incident, what follows might be one way of doing so...

Where there is art, there is value. It might be that you have a couple of thieves that have decided to steal a painting or a sculpture. The seeds for this can occur within this thread if one is careful and respectful. Remember, this thread is about a romance and the theft is secondary to its main purpose.

What one would do is discuss this with Plembobria and set up a second planning thread. You would use the same area in Rethel, but your characters would be the thieves, his would be the museum guards, the police, and the detectives. You would allow for the fact that an insurance adjustor/investigator would likely be called in (probably from another player), perhaps a negotiator (from another player) if it is an art-napping, and maybe even other international police (more players). Maybe your thieves have to find a fence (another player), or perhaps the theft was commissioned by a prominent person (your own or another player's), who may or may not renege on the deal, especially if his or her art appraiser (another player) determines that the work wasn't original in the first place, but a very clever forgery. In that case the forger (another player) might well be worried that the unwanted attention will expose more of his or her own forgeries, while museum curators (more players) around The North Pacific start reviewing their own collections, leading to the formation of a working group to stop forgeries and catch art thieves region-wide.

You can achieve an awful lot of drama and attention in a role-play without a single gun being fired, if you want.

How does one tie this in to the current thread? Simple, Introduce your art thieves to the world by having them as a couple of characters sitting at a cafe table in Rethel's main arts and entertainment square. The Principessa and her friends take a table close by, your characters whisper briefly, then get up and leave. You might arrange for one of the Principessa's party to be suspicious (perhaps a girlfriend is the daughter of a cop, and is naturally suspicious of everyone anyway.) She mentions the suspicious characters in passing to her friends, and writes them off as probable pick-pockets.

Then you launch the second new thread concerning the theft. In this original thread, of course, some minor paper trail leads the police back to that cafe, on that date and time, at that table, and they question the Principessa and party. While they don't have anything they recall to help the police in your thread, it does tie the two threads together -- and it got your thread launched without having to create all the setting details.

That is just a couple of examples; with a bit of imagination and some patience, you can come up with very reasonable and plausible scenarios that will encourage others to role-play with you.

Of course, if your idea of fun is smashing up other people's kitchens with a ten kilo sledge hammer while they are cooking, you will soon find that you are no longer invited over for cookies and milk anymore. In that case, you may put your five million man army where the sun doesn't shine. It's your call...
And with that dispensed with, I have been working on a map of the Rethel Arts and Entertainment district. The core area is 2,500 x 2,500 feet squared (762m x 762m) and the overall map is one square mile (2.59 square km). I hope to finish it and have it up on this planning thread by Thursday. I'll be labeling streets with numbers and letters for reference and will need names for them. (I already have Queen Nara and Chestnut set, but can swap them if needed.)

I've been calling the main square in the arts and entertainment district The Square but I trust Plembobria can come up with a better name -- it is his city after all.

I have considered Hannah to be around 22-24 years of age with Justin either 18 or 19. Justin doesn't have to be accomplished yet and could very well just be studying to be a director. They have both received world-class educations in Malvad and could be a bit ahead in their university education. Do these ages seem good?
I like that, Alunya. Here it is, organized. I think I've got a golden character here.

Syrixia's Character: David Sirus

Occupation: Student, studying to be a character actor

Jobs: Childhood friend of the Principessa, helps her relate to boys, especially the King of Plembobria. Son of Syrixia's Prime Minister. Is in all of the Principessa's classes, and often helps her with work that she can't figure out, as well as rehearses with her.

Role in Opera: Plays one of the supporting roles, if lead role is not taken character plays the lead role

Personality: Cheerful, Friendly, Respectful, Ethical and Kind

Perks of Character: Goes to Syrixia with opera class to rehearse for Prime Minister Sirus, who is a huge fan of opera

Activity: Yes, I'm active consistently every day and I believe this character can be one of the roleplay's most active, if not the most active, character.
Malvad, the ages look good to me as well. 19 would be better for Justin. I like the fact that he's younger than Magdalena -- he'll have to be sharp to compete with Tozian!

Syrixia, I'm going to suggest that you use two (2) characters.

The first should be an ordinary citizen of Syrixia who isn't famous at all. He is, an excellent operatic tenor in his third year of study at The Alsobrook Conservatory of Performing Arts. He isn't related to anyone famous either. He is dating a woman (a musician) who also attends ACPA. She is a Plembobrian and will be the Principessa's new room-mate. She can advise Magdalena about Plembobria; he can advise her about men.

Your second character can be David Sirus, the Prime Minister's son. His best friend is your first character. He is a second-rate acting student at RIPA.

David is a political liability to his father. But Dad will have to go through Son when Tozian and Magdalena visit Syrixia.

Plembobria, the Principessa will need a room-mate.
Ok. David Sirus and James Nordoun.

However, I want David and James to be in the same school so they can meet up a bunch.
Syrixia, the two campuses are near a common square which is 800 feet (244 meters) wide. ACPA is small and very selective. RIPA is public, less selective and less specialized.

I control ACPA -- Sirus does not attend and would have been rejected even if he applied.

I also control the Principessa. Do not god-mod her.

Plembobria, if you decide to play her new room-mate, feel free to either accept or reject Nordoun as a suitor as you see fit. His welcome mat is very thin.

Activity: Yes, I'm active consistently every day and I believe this character can be one of the roleplay's most active, if not the most active, character.
Keep in mind that it's common for people in the RP to take turns posting.

Plembobria, if you decide to play her new room-mate, feel free to either accept or reject Nordoun as a suitor as you see fit. His welcome mat is very thin.
I could play her room-mate, but it surprises me that a prestigious institution like ACPA doesn't have gender-segregated dormitories. Anyway, if they don't could you elaborate on the Nordoun fellow?
Alright, though I would like David to be interested in composing music, and he takes rudimentary music classes at APCA. James can bring him advanced sheets from RIPA and tutor him after school every day. One day, we could have drama by having David unable to be tutored one afternoon, and the next day he has a quiz. TENSIONSSSSS
That was hilarious, Syrixia!

You really should read this whole thread again. There are no rudimentary music classes at The Alsobrook Conservatory of Performing Arts.

Every ACPA student is already a great performer. As an analogy, every NASA astronaut trainee is already an accomplished pilot, scientist, doctor or combination thereof.

ACPA is to RIPA as the California Institute of Technology is to Michigan Technological University. Each is specialized in the same disciplines but one institution is far superior to the other.

And I have the greatest respect for MTU graduates -- good, no nonsense engineers who earn their salaries. RIPA graduates should be considered in the same vein. But Mozart would study (or teach) at ACPA.

Plembobria, Nordoun would be the boyfriend of the female room-mate to the Principessa. Nordoun is a Syrixia-controlled character. I am asking you to play a female room-mate to the Principessa.

This accomplishes several things. First, ACPA housing is gender-segregated. Second, since the room-mate is a native Plembobrian, this lets the Principessa ask questions about Rethel and Plembobria in character and allows you to answer in character as the female room-mate. Third, as Syrixia's James Nordoun character would be the boyfriend to this female room-mate, you would have a strong say in how (or even whether) Syrixia participates; if you need to, you just dump the boyfriend. And finally, it gives you a chance to help shape ACPA which will be handed over to you in the future as a storefront.

Although I recommend you don't dump the boyfriend. It would be a true shame if we had an international incident on hand...

That was a joke. Don't hurt meeee D:
Additional Notes To Myself (and for others):

Especially with regards to grand pianos, there is a strong trend in the industry to secure exclusivity. Steinway and Sons (of the Astoria section of Queens, New York City, New York, USA and Hamburg, Germany) is particularly notorious for this practice. Their home consumer business sells subcontracted pianos under the Essex and Boston brands, while their high-end pianos are justly meant for concert halls. To market their products, they have often relied on exclusive contracts with music schools, and with professional pianists/artists. Steinway has dissuaded artists from using, or even commending, other pianos by withdrawing the complimentary use of Steinways at concert halls around the world.

With students aspiring to professional status as pianists having often seen (and used) Steinways, and heard so much about them, the common perception is that they are the very best of grand pianos. They do make great pianos, but not necessarily the best (which is both a subjective and contextual matter.) But the assumption can be made that Steinways will be seen in Rethel as well. For this role-play, RIPA shall be considered as having signed a Steinway exclusivity contract, meaning that at least nine out of ten pianos in the institution's inventory shall be Steinway models. Steinways will also be featured prominently, but not necessarily exclusively, at the King Philip II Royal Opera House, the Queen Nara Royal Ballet, the Rethel Performing Arts Center and the Greyface Comedy Club. The Benjamin R. Stanford Symphony Hall does possess a few fine Steinway Model Ds and Model Os, but is otherwise ambivalent about the manufacturer.

The Alsobrook Conservatory of Performing Arts has an exclusivity contract with the Schönhut Pianofortefabrik company with seventy-five percent of the institution's piano inventory being Schönhut pianos. This is also the preferred grand piano of the Benjamin R. Stanford Symphony Hall. High-grade grand Schönhuts use Adovion red spruce for their soundboards and cases. They also employ an Aliquot system as well as tuned strings below the bass for fundamental resonance. Some are slightly overstrung. The double escapement repetition actions are light and responsive. Schönhuts have been likened to having similarities to Bösendorfer, Blüthner and Fazioli.

Andres Schönhut (b: 5 Feb 1849 in Göppingen, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany; d. 7 Jan 1913 in Rethel, Plembobria) at age 17 traveled to Vienna, Austria where he apprenticed with Carl Schweighofer et al. In 1880 he emigrated to Rethel, Plembobria as a journey piano case fabricator. By 1885 he established the Schönhut Pianofortefabrik company in Rethel. His grandfather Anton Wilhelm, father Friedrich Wilhelm, older brother Wilhelm Friedrich and identical twin brother Albert were all noted Bavarian woodworkers specializing in toys. Albert Schönhut found considerable commercial success in the United States of America.

Schönhut Pianofortefabrik currently manufacturers five models of Grand Pianos:
  • Model SPG8860, 88 keys, 183 cm long by 150 cm wide, 330 kg (SRP: $94,990)
  • Model SPG8867, 88 keys, 200 cm long by 150 cm wide, 359 kg (SRP: $100,990)
  • Model SPG8870, 88 keys, 214 cm long by 150 cm wide, 372 kg (SRP: $119,990)
  • Model SPG8875, 88 keys, 226 cm long by 160 cm wide, 423 kg (SRP: $129,990)
  • Model SPG8890, 88 keys, 274 cm long by 160 cm wide, 515 kg (SRP: $149,990)

Schönhut Pianofortefabrik does maintain an Artists program giving preference to select pianists that identify with and ask for Schönhut Pianos on tour. A number of ACPA alumni are Schönhut Artists.

In the Arts and Entertainment district of Rethel, Plembobria, there is an exclusive Steinway dealer. Schönhut Pianofortefabrik can be visited at their factory, or purchases can be made through their network of retailers. The closest such dealer to ACPA is the Renzo Piano Company, which sells and services a number of piano brands (except Steinway, of course, unless used.) Renzo Piano is a proprietorship owned by Michel Donato Renzo, an expatriate of Alunya. Renzo Piano sells and services Baldwin, Bechstein, Blüthner, Bösendorfer, Broadwood, Estonia, Fabbrini, Fazioli, Feurich, Förster, Grotrian, Kawai, Mason & Hamlin, Petrof, Sauter, Schimmel, Schulze Pollman, Seiler, Stuart & Sons, Walter and Yamaha.

The ACPA does permit one to bring one's own instruments to the institution of course. The Principessa has an 1877 85-key Blüthner 270 cm grand piano with an Aliquot system as one of her personal pianos which she uses for solo repertoire. Her other piano is a Fazioli F278 which she uses to practice concert pieces. Her great uncle, His Royal Highness King Guglielmo, has gifted to the Principessa an 1896 85-key Bösendorfer 192, serial number 14102, which was purchased at auction and partially restored. This was the personal piano gifted by Ludwig Bösendorfer to composer Johann Strauss II in 1896. This piano will soon be displayed at the Alunyan embassy to Plembobria as the Principessa does not wish to play it.

Each housing unit at the ACPA is quite generous for musicians. Two are expected to share, but the space they use includes two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a laundry closet, a common great room, and two sound-proofed acoustically-tuned studio practice rooms. The Principessa will be able to fit one piano (the Blüthner) in one practice room; the great room will have to accommodate the Fazioli F278. Her room-mate will have the other practice room for whatever instrument she plays.

Although I recommend you don't dump the boyfriend. It would be a true shame if we had an international incident on hand...

That was a joke. Don't hurt meeee D:

Plembobrians are strongly pressured to date/marry outside of their race. So I won't. Unless he's a... nevermind.

Especially with regards to grand pianos, there is a strong trend in the industry to secure exclusivity. Steinway and Sons (of the Astoria section of Queens, New York City, New York, USA and Hamburg, Germany) is particularly notorious for this practice. Their home consumer business sells subcontracted pianos under the Essex and Boston brands, while their high-end pianos are justly meant for concert halls. To market their products, they have often relied on exclusive contracts with music schools, and with professional pianists/artists. Steinway has dissuaded artists from using, or even commending, other pianos by withdrawing the complimentary use of Steinways at concert halls around the world.
I am filled with joy and wonder with the mere mention of the name. There will, one day, be a Steinway Model O in my living room. You'd better remember that!

The Principessa has an 1877 85-key Blüthner 270 cm grand piano with an Aliquot system as one of her personal pianos which she uses for solo repertoire. Her other piano is a Fazioli F278 which she uses to practice concert pieces. Her great uncle, His Royal Highness King Guglielmo, has gifted to the Principessa an 1896 85-key Bösendorfer 192, serial number 14102, which was purchased at auction and partially restored. This was the personal piano gifted by Ludwig Bösendorfer to composer Johann Strauss II in 1896. This piano will soon be displayed at the Alunyan embassy to Plembobria as the Principessa does not wish to play it.
Hehehehe. It'll be fun getting those past customs. :D

Each housing unit at the ACPA is quite generous for musicians. Two are expected to share, but the space they use includes two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a laundry closet, a common great room, and two sound-proofed acoustically-tuned studio practice rooms. The Principessa will be able to fit one piano (the Blüthner) in one practice room; the great room will have to accommodate the Fazioli F278. Her room-mate will have the other practice room for whatever instrument she plays.

Good God! How much does ACPA cost? 1 Plemp is roughly $1.08 USD. According to nseconomy. My my, Alunya has the largest trade surplus in TNP. How nice.

There is an art case Steinway (similar to the one in the White House) in the palace. It feels lonely at times...
Could the Princess Nara II apply for ACPA? She doesn't have to be accepted. (I don't care, either way. She's not an important character.)

Regarding something mentioned earlier in this thread, the King will hire an expert on Alunyan culture. I'm not sure how he'll do that yet.
I am filled with joy and wonder with the mere mention of the name. There will, one day, be a Steinway Model O in my living room. You'd better remember that!
Excellent. We should have some fun In-Character (IC) discussions of the merits of Steinway versus Schönhut pianos then.
His Royal Highness King Guglielmo has gifted to the Principessa an 1896 85-key Bösendorfer 192, serial number 14102, which was purchased at auction and partially restored. This was the personal piano gifted by Ludwig Bösendorfer to composer Johann Strauss II in 1896. This piano will soon be displayed at the Alunyan embassy to Plembobria as the Principessa does not wish to play it.
Hehehehe. It'll be fun getting those past customs. :D
That piano is on one of the trucks near the Plembobrian embassy in Ronronne, Alunya. The serial number is duly listed in the manifest. It is wrapped and crated for shipping, so Sergeants Masum and Robinson will not be able to directly see this piano. Since Rethel is a well-cultured capitol, it is conceivable that your sergeants may well recognize a Bösendorfer as a fine piano. If you want to role-play a scene on the truck along those lines, I'm up for it -- you lead.
Good God! How much does ACPA cost? 1 Plemp is roughly $1.08 USD. According to nseconomy. My my, Alunya has the largest trade surplus in TNP. How nice.

There is an art case Steinway (similar to the one in the White House) in the palace. It feels lonely at times...
Taking into account the exchange rate, the all-up cost for one year is 80,053 Plemp; that is, room, board, tuition the works. Most of those attending do not pay anywhere close to that, however. ACPA alumni are not necessarily themselves generous, but their talents are in high demand, and their patrons donate to the endowment as a means of currying favor. A lesser institution would find this tactic difficult to execute.

When joined solid wood cases are made from the same material as the soundboard, inlays and encrustations as found on art case pianos interfere with the acoustic quality of the piano. Bösendorfer does do art case pianos, Schönhut does not. Steinways, as you've pointed out, do manufacture art case pianos. But Steinways do not use the case acoustically, so it hardly matters. Form over function, one might say.

For the sake of courtship, the Principessa might be induced to play that particular Steinway. But His Royal Majesty King Tozian might want to wrap his head around the idea that his progeny will be playing Schönhuts.

Could the Princess Nara II apply for ACPA? She doesn't have to be accepted. (I don't care, either way. She's not an important character.)

Regarding something mentioned earlier in this thread, the King will hire an expert on Alunyan culture. I'm not sure how he'll do that yet.
Princess Nara II could certainly apply to ACPA. But let us look at motivation here, even if she is talented enough.

The Principessa is foreign and not in a probable line of succession. As a foreigner she suffers no loss of prestige at home if she is rejected as an ACPA applicant. Also she is enough removed from the order of succession that there are no political ramifications to the House of Olivotto as well. She has everything to gain and nothing to lose by applying to the ACPA.

I would submit that this is not the case for Princess Nara II. She has skin in this game. She would have to be really determined to attend the ACPA above all else, and likely against counsel that would have advised her to apply to an equivalent institution, like the Julliard School or the Bolshoi. In the latter cases, a rejection carries no domestic sting as it would from ACPA. It is your call.

Don't forget that Princess Nara II may not be an important character in this role-play, but she could easily be a lead character at another place and time. Develop her with that in mind. Take her seriously.

Now, as to how to hire an Alunyan expert adviser for King Tozian, it should be noted that Alunya and its people have a loooooooooooooooong history. We sent forth several expeditions to punish those far to the west in what we thought was the Northern Sea when they stopped supplying us with the amber we so crave. At the time, of course, we didn't know about the Baltic Sea, so our depredations fell upon those in the eastern Mediterranean (1215-1170 BC.) The Egyptians referred to us as the Sea People, and the Habiru (Hebrews) later would call us Philistines (correctly, Felistines.) So an ancient history professor would be a good candidate for an adviser to King Tozian.

An ideal candidate would be a professor of ancient history, specializing in the history of Alunya, whose wife is a cultural attache whose posting has caused him to seek employment of some sort in the Kingdom of Plembobria, and on short notice at that. *hint, hint, cough, cough*

Barring that, there are a number of expatriate Alunyan merchants in Rethel, some in the arts district. HRM King Tozian could certainly send a trusted envoy to scout around, maybe to look for a new piano, perchance? At the very least, s/he could ask for leads to other Alunyans in Rethel that might be interested in such a position, or use those merchants as sounding boards from time to time to discover answers to His Majesty's questions.

I'll work with you anyway you want on this.

And for other players, bit characters such as students, theater patrons, waiters/waitresses, shopkeepers and even janitors are all good ways to:
  • express an IC (in character) opinion about something in the role-play
  • say something about your own country or culture
  • gather information about someone else's culture by asking a question
  • answer another player's question in character
In fact, I'm inclined to establish a separate thread for shopkeepers and merchants in Rethel's entertainment district. They might all meet early at the only breakfast place open before they open their own shops for a quick pastry and coffee. They could gab and gossip, and would be a standing set of characters from all sorts of nations who could comment on all matters of things -- as merchants, of course. They could be useful for other threads in the future as well that might involve Rethel's arts and entertainment district.

I'll claim Michel Donato Renzo, a piano store owner. I'll also claim Tony Zamboni (real name Antonio Salieri) who runs a magic shop (and is a pretty good magician and escape artist). Then there is Luigi Mostaccioli of Mostaccioli Shipwrights (which, in Rethel, is a foremost supplier of stage canvasses, rigging and tackle, and other fly-loft equipment for stages and slip-stages.) And Emilio Roveda sells both block and partially dressed fine Alunyan marble to sculptors and schools of fine art.

We could use an arts supply store, a store specializing in violins and other stringed instruments, a florist, a jeweler, a haberdashery, a costume shop or two, circus equipment suppliers, a store that sells musical scores, and the like. Every one of these shopkeepers could have their own persona, worried about finances, family back in their homelands, business in Rethel, the latest play/ballet/symphony and their own opinions (as opposed to theose fancy-schmancy critics). Being long-time residents of the area, seeing things come and go, they are all well-positioned to comment on the foibles of others. Please use your imagination to come up with more types of shops that one might find in such an area.

I hope this helps everyone.

His Royal Highness King Guglielmo has gifted to the Principessa an 1896 85-key Bösendorfer 192, serial number 14102, which was purchased at auction and partially restored. This was the personal piano gifted by Ludwig Bösendorfer to composer Johann Strauss II in 1896. This piano will soon be displayed at the Alunyan embassy to Plembobria as the Principessa does not wish to play it.
Hehehehe. It'll be fun getting those past customs. :D
That piano is on one of the trucks near the Plembobrian embassy in Ronronne, Alunya. The serial number is duly listed in the manifest. It is wrapped and crated for shipping, so Sergeants Masum and Robinson will not be able to directly see this piano. Since Rethel is a well-cultured capitol, it is conceivable that your sergeants may well recognize a Bösendorfer as a fine piano. If you want to role-play a scene on the truck along those lines, I'm up for it -- you lead.

For the sake of courtship, the Principessa might be induced to play that particular Steinway. But His Royal Majesty King Tozian might want to wrap his head around the idea that his progeny will be playing Schönhuts.

Could the Princess Nara II apply for ACPA? She doesn't have to be accepted. (I don't care, either way. She's not an important character.)

Regarding something mentioned earlier in this thread, the King will hire an expert on Alunyan culture. I'm not sure how he'll do that yet.
Princess Nara II could certainly apply to ACPA. But let us look at motivation here, even if she is talented enough.


Don't forget that Princess Nara II may not be an important character in this role-play, but she could easily be a lead character at another place and time. Develop her with that in mind. Take her seriously.
The Princess lives to rock the boat. Also this brings up an important point. Tozian is relatively arrogant. During the course of this RP, various events should lead to him understand the error of his ways, even if it means the Principessa snaps at him. The Princess is the only one in his life with the audacity to yell at him.

Now, as to how to hire an Alunyan expert adviser for King Tozian, it should be noted that Alunya and its people have a loooooooooooooooong history. We sent forth several expeditions to punish those far to the west in what we thought was the Northern Sea when they stopped supplying us with the amber we so crave. At the time, of course, we didn't know about the Baltic Sea, so our depredations fell upon those in the eastern Mediterranean (1215-1170 BC.) The Egyptians referred to us as the Sea People, and the Habiru (Hebrews) later would call us Philistines (correctly, Felistines.) So an ancient history professor would be a good candidate for an adviser to King Tozian.

King David just turned in his grave.

An ideal candidate would be a professor of ancient history, specializing in the history of Alunya, whose wife is a cultural attache whose posting has caused him to seek employment of some sort in the Kingdom of Plembobria, and on short notice at that. *hint, hint, cough, cough*

You mean Dotore Matucci?

Barring that, there are a number of expatriate Alunyan merchants in Rethel, some in the arts district. HRM King Tozian could certainly send a trusted envoy to scout around, maybe to look for a new piano, perchance? At the very least, s/he could ask for leads to other Alunyans in Rethel that might be interested in such a position, or use those merchants as sounding boards from time to time to discover answers to His Majesty's questions.

I'll work with you anyway you want on this.

And for other players, bit characters such as students, theater patrons, waiters/waitresses, shopkeepers and even janitors are all good ways to:
  • express an IC (in character) opinion about something in the role-play
  • say something about your own country or culture
  • gather information about someone else's culture by asking a question
  • answer another player's question in character
In fact, I'm inclined to establish a separate thread for shopkeepers and merchants in Rethel's entertainment district. They might all meet early at the only breakfast place open before they open their own shops for a quick pastry and coffee. They could gab and gossip, and would be a standing set of characters from all sorts of nations who could comment on all matters of things -- as merchants, of course. They could be useful for other threads in the future as well that might involve Rethel's arts and entertainment district.

I'll claim Michel Donato Renzo, a piano store owner. I'll also claim Tony Zamboni (real name Antonio Salieri) who runs a magic shop (and is a pretty good magician and escape artist). Then there is Luigi Mostaccioli of Mostaccioli Shipwrights (which, in Rethel, is a foremost supplier of stage canvasses, rigging and tackle, and other fly-loft equipment for stages and slip-stages.) And Emilio Roveda sells both block and partially dressed fine Alunyan marble to sculptors and schools of fine art.

We could use an arts supply store, a store specializing in violins and other stringed instruments, a florist, a jeweler, a haberdashery, a costume shop or two, circus equipment suppliers, a store that sells musical scores, and the like. Every one of these shopkeepers could have their own persona, worried about finances, family back in their homelands, business in Rethel, the latest play/ballet/symphony and their own opinions (as opposed to theose fancy-schmancy critics). Being long-time residents of the area, seeing things come and go, they are all well-positioned to comment on the foibles of others. Please use your imagination to come up with more types of shops that one might find in such an area.

I hope this helps everyone.


That's a good idea. On your map, you should leave some blank spaces for various shops, and other things that would be in the arts and entertainment district.