Zombie Preparedness Act

It is a legitimate and petty use of procedure.
Call it what you will. You had no problem using procedure to bypass further debate (on an amended bill, which you admitted was technically new) and, by extension, overrule the objection to moving to a vote. At least this procedure is quite clear.. I didn't have to play fast and loose with it.

They aren't doing what I want them to do!
Puppet revolt. :shakefist:
So now the reason that this should not be voted on, and the reason that the RA should not have it's will enacted is because I didn't think of this earlier?

EDIT: Also, this bill has had plenty of debate. It is only *procedurally* a new bill. Everyone has seen the basic text of this already, and we've been talking about it for a week. The people in favor of this want it enacted before zombie day. The people who aren't in favor of it don't want it enacted at all. Extending the vote to after zombie day is a petty trick to let the minority of the RA who opposes this bill to defy the will of the majority.
It would still be in place for next year were it to be passed by the Assembly so I fail to see how the will of the majority would be defied...

You are using procedure to try to rush this through, and others are using procedure to slow it down. Seems pretty democratic to me.
First off, you can't use delay tactics and then say that I should have proposed it earlier.

Secondly, anyone who supports this bill wants to see it in place for this year's zombie day. There is no purpose to extending the vote except to make sure it doesn't pass before zombie day. Therefore, if it passes after a 7 day vote, the 10% who extended the vote are overruling the will of the majority who pass it. It's undemocratic.

EDIT: And don't try to claim that there's any other reason for extending the vote. You're already on record:
Democratic Donkeys:
As an opponent of the idea of this legislation it seems to me a legitimate use of procedure to attempt to stall this bill until it is totally, as opposed to mostly, irrelevant. :P
I've never denied it, quite the contrary.

I would absolutely say that if you wanted this to be a sure thing you should have proposed it earlier, stall tactics or no.

The bill would still be passed, so claiming this is undemocratic just comes across as whining because you aren't getting your way 100%.
Well, I didn't think of it earlier. :mellow:

The will of the majority (provided that a majority is in favor of the bill) is that this be passed sooner rather than later.
The people in favor of this want it enacted before zombie day. The people who aren't in favor of it don't want it enacted at all.
That's the general dynamic of legislating. Ayes are for, Nays against. I may not want this piece of legislation to be enacted, but that's not to say I would be against further attempts at drafting legislation around Z-Day.

Extending the vote to after zombie day is a petty trick to let the minority of the RA who opposes this bill to defy the will of the majority.
Amending a bill after Formal Debate and getting 10% of the RA to rush it through isn't exactly the moral high ground here either.

It's undemocratic.
This is essentially a filibuster (at least to me anyway). So that's undemocratic? Democracy's a great thing until it rears it's magnificent head against you.. hmm? Regardless of people's various motivations, this is a legitimate procedure. The Law (and democracy for that matter) supports it. Spin it as petty, undemocratic, etc. all you want. I won't lose any sleep over it. :shrug:
Crushing Our Enemies:
OK, first off, this bill has never gone to vote, and this is only the second attempt to get it there. The first time, I was supposed to have changed the text, and I told everyone exactly how I was going to change it. The first attempt was a non-starter. This is the real bill, and it's been under debate for a week now.
And I recall that having happened several times before and causing people to get irate over the fact that multiple variations of a bill were brought up for debate. But as I said before, some people want to be able to do that but frown upon others doing exactly the same thing.

Maybe someone should re-word a new rendition of the Repeal State Religion Act and see how quickly people explode at that and demand 'multiple renditions' of the same bill be quelched.

I would say that this is just an example of 'turnabout is fair play' were the proposed bill not entirely inane, useless and downright silly.

Remember, the tools that are designed to stop votes is a double-edged sword that cuts both ways, thankfully.

Just sayin'. :lol:
Amending a bill after Formal Debate and getting 10% of the RA to rush it through isn't exactly the moral high ground here either.
How exactly is formal debate in any way relevant here?

Let's suppose COE had had a smidgen more free time during Formal Debate - a counterfactual hypothetical, but let us suppose it nonetheless.

Let us further suppose that he used this free time to do the thing he stated he intended to do, namely, edit the language in the proposed version to include mcmasterdonia's suggestions.

What do you suppose would happen next?

Me, I see no difference between what happens next in that scenario and what happened next in reality. That is, I find it highly probable that the same three individuals would motion to cancel the vote, the vote would be cancelled, and COE would begin (and achieve) the 1/10 motion to push his bill to vote. It would then be at vote, in the exact same timeframe, with the exact same language, as is the case now.

In order for the fact that the amended text occurred after the end of formal debate and the cancellation motions to be in any way relevant to the discussion, one must necessarily, logically, take the position that had the text been amended during formal debate, the ensuing objection to it going to vote would not have happened, or a successful 1/10 motion would not have happened, or some other substantively different thing would have occurred.

Given that the individuals objecting to the bill object to both versions of it, I am not finding this a compelling possibility.

There is no ambiguity in the law - the 1/10 rule can be used on any motion or piece of legislation, at any time, so long as the proposer supports it. It can be used on brand new pieces of legislation, or ones that have been debated ad nauseam, or ones that have been objected to, or motions about porridge, or recall votes, or literally anything ever. It exists precisely to counter both the Speaker's discretion on when things go to vote, and the 3-person cancellation of a vote. Accusing COE of being disingenuous by using it for exactly what it was written to do is... well, silly.
Silly String:
Accusing COE of being disingenuous by using it for exactly what it was written to do is... well, silly.
Accusing me of being petty and undemocratic because I used procedure for exactly what it was written to do is ______? (fill in the blank)
Um. The purpose of that procedure is to prevent abuse of power by the Speaker by scheduling a vote for a very short period of time in an effort to limit the number of voters.

It is not to subvert the intent of a bill by extending the vote beyond the critical date by which it needs to be passed to have any effect.
Democratic Donkeys:
Section 2. Clause 4 of the Rules of the Regional Assembly:
4. If at least one-tenth of the members of the Regional Assembly object to the duration of a vote of the Regional Assembly decided by the Speaker before the conclusion of the vote, then that vote will last for the maximum duration permitted by law.
I hereby object to the scheduled duration of this vote.
I think I am third to support this motion. Full voting period.
Add me in as well as to supporting the motion.
Um. The purpose of that procedure is to prevent abuse of power by the Speaker by scheduling a vote for a very short period of time in an effort to limit the number of voters.
That's your interpretation of it. Nowhere in the language of the procedure (or anywhere else) is that mentioned. The voting duration was shortened to accommodate a deadline, in order to stem a fictitious threat. I could see that if it was a matter of regional security. Your bill may call Z-Day an 'actual emergency', but it isn't. It seems like god-modding to me. Oh .. let's eliminate the zombie threat by giving the Delegate power to ban anyone who dares to choose the nom nom option (or whatever goes against gov't policy and a regional poll), and then proceeds to invade/infect TNP (all within the rules of Z-Day). Never mind that there is no legal redress for such bans. Ah.. democracy at work. :clap:
Yes he did - falapatorius accused COE of godmodding. :P

Falapatorius, note that this bill does not allow anybody exporting zombies to be banned, only nations who move into the region during the event - existing nations and newly founded nations are safe, but the delegate is free to remove those attacking the region or otherwise attempting to subvert its goals.

Also note that anybody banned has the exact same legal redress as all banned nations have, since neither the constitution, nor the bill of rights, nor the rest of the legal code is suspended.

But I thank you for not actually responding to my point. Can I take it you agree that none of this has anything to do with formal debate? ;)
Silly String:
Falapatorius, note that this bill does not allow anybody exporting zombies to be banned, only nations who move into the region during the event - existing nations and newly founded nations are safe, but the delegate is free to remove those attacking the region or otherwise attempting to subvert its goals.
You didn't read my post thoroughly.

ban anyone who dares to choose the nom nom option (or whatever goes against gov't policy and a regional poll), and then proceeds to invade/infect TNP (all within the rules of Z-Day)
Subvert it's goals? :rofl: What's next? Senate hearings to root out Communists? I will decide what option to take, regardless of any poll, or the government position. That is my right as a Z-Day participant (if I choose to do so).

Silly String:
Can I take it you agree that none of this has anything to do with formal debate?
Once again.. read. This was discussed earlier in the thread.

As for god-modding Ainin, the NS definition isn't what I was referencing. Obviously, you haven't adminned a game server. I play a zombie game on a server where I have admin status. We have a mod called Last Man Standing. Basically, when a player dies, he comes back as a zombie and tries to infect other players. As an admin I can avoid that by spawning weapons, spawning doors to block players, give myself a ghost ability to walk through walls, and increase my health beyond the game's limits. Cheating basically. But I don't do those things. Not only is it against the rules, but is also unfair. Not to mention cowardly.
Hmmm, I've been thinking about how to use this 'Zombie Preparedness Act" as a tool to increase the influence of the most influential nations in the region, you know, just as an experiment. Works to a certain extent, at least in smaller regions who have experimented with it, but only if done correctly and it's only temporary. Shoves the SPDR accretion to larger, older nations, but only temporarily.
I'm really tired of this Zombie Bill. I'm not as invested in it as the other proponents of the legislation, and I think the debate has turned personal quite early on for some reason. This is unusual, I do not think it is normally the case with other pieces of legislation. The ten pages of 'debate' simply prove that point.

Generally speaking, I'm not a fan of using the RA rules to push for an immediate or shortened vote for no good reason. I do not think in this case, that it was unreasonable for Crushing Our Enemies to have moved for an immediate and shortened vote. Having the bill passed before Zombie Day is a reasonable goal for the supporters of the bill. I'd suggest to those who are against the bill completely, should simply vote against it. Whether it passes before Zombie Day or after, it will still be law. Surely it would be better to focus your attention to the bill failing, rather than simply extending the voting period. That said, I don't exactly have a problem with what those individuals are doing, only that it seems to be a waste of time.

We managed last year without this bill. I'm sure we can manage without it again. The Delegate is very unlikely to ban very many nations, however, I don't think he should be expected to not ban other nations either. I'm not of the view that every puppet that comes into TNP whether that be to simply troll our RMB, annoy us with their rulebreaking nation names, spam our region, or for this short period just to export zombies, should be entirely protected from being ejected from our region. I think in this case, we can reasonably believe that our current Delegate will exercise restraint over who he ejects from the region. My concern was for future Delegates, who will be more liberal with their use of the ban hammer and we had to be careful that any legislative amendment did not condone widespread ejections or bannings. My amendments limit ejections and bannings quite significantly to those nations who enter during the crisis. I believe this is a reasonable compromise for both sides of this debate, even if you don't believe it is a regional emergency.

The defeat or extension of this bill should not be seen as the end of the world. That is simply my opinion. It will not cripple the executive governments response and it will not be the death of zombie day in TNP. If the bill isn't passed by Zombie Day, the Delegate will still respond to Zombie Day appropriately as has been done in the previous year. If people are really willing to recall the Delegate or place him on charges because the section in the bill of rights for Zombie Day is not enough on its own, then I will be seriously surprised and disappointed.

That said - I voted Aye. I want this to be firmly behind us. I do not want the shadow of this legislation to destroy any fun for other nations who wish to participate. I do not want to see people trying to bring frivolous charges against our Delegate if this legislation passes or fails. Either way, however you're voting on this piece of legislation, let's agree to put it to bed once the vote has concluded.
Crushing Our Enemies:
The will of the majority (provided that a majority is in favor of the bill) is that this be passed sooner rather than later.
Actually the only people who have expressed an opinion about the length of the vote are, I think, yourself and the speaker in favour of a rushed vote and five ra members thus far in favour of giving it the usual voting period.

Others have voted aye or nay simply on the substantive of the motion.

And yes, McM, pass or fail this becomes our law (or not) and should be respected as such. I do not think anyone should bang on about this afterwards.
The substance of the motion has to do with an event that is occurring during Halloween. It would be preposterous to propose that most people in favor of this motion think it ought to be passed after that event.
Not at all. Someone could be happy with the wording of the bill, and happy for it to be on the statute books for future years, and maybe even wish it had been proposed earlier to allow full debate and a proper voting period.

That person might still be uneasy about the vote - any vote - being rushed.
First off, it's not rushed.

Secondly, if so many people are opposed to this being "rushed" then why, 40 hours after the motion being proposed, have only 5 people risen in support of it?
I think it's cause the vote isn't actually rushed ;) Everyone knows this bill, and what it's about. It's the same bill that was gonna be voted on in the first go around, except I didn't edit it in time.
I still say it's a silly bill.

What next? A Goblin Preparedness Act and a Pink Elephant Preparedness Act? Think of the children. :P
tl;dr :P That's all well and good. I agree with Roman.. this is a silly bill. But this has degenerated into more than a debate about the bill itself. It's the use of RA procedure to rush/stall it's passage. Moreover, it's about hypocrisy too (from my standpoint anyway). I recall a silly bill being proposed awhile back, and it was objected to by one of the parties rushing this through, and thereby stalled. I didn't think it was undemocratic or petty.. just a legitimate use of procedure (off-putting as it may be). If I want to use that procedure, I have the right to (regardless of how many knickers get knotted by it).

What next? A Goblin Preparedness Act and a Pink Elephant Preparedness Act? Think of the children.
The Stick in the Mud Act - an amendment to eliminate fun in TNP. :notalk: :lol:
As for god-modding Ainin, the NS definition isn't what I was referencing. Obviously, you haven't adminned a game server. I play a zombie game on a server where I have admin status. We have a mod called Last Man Standing. Basically, when a player dies, he comes back as a zombie and tries to infect other players. As an admin I can avoid that by spawning weapons, spawning doors to block players, give myself a ghost ability to walk through walls, and increase my health beyond the game's limits. Cheating basically. But I don't do those things. Not only is it against the rules, but is also unfair. Not to mention cowardly.
I have, but I don't see how it's relevant. Without context, the only reasonable interpretation of godmodding on a NS-related forum would be the NS one. If I say that someone is a raider without context, then expecting people to realise that I mean raiders as in the historical tribes that practiced pillaging isn't very reasonable in my opinion.

But point taken, I'm going to stop arguing over something this trivial :P
I think the bill should have included provision for members of the Regional Assembly to be removed if they violated the directives of the Delegate during the time of crisis.

Seems kind of pointless to only allow for the removal of new or incoming nations, especially in light of the border security measures.

What if a semi-large nation that is in the RA decided to go against the grain and push for a zombie horde? What if that nation was incredibly arrogant about it and liked to shove the ineptitude of the ignorant masses in your faces on the RMB?

Seems like a wasted effort that compromised the 'integrity' of the system to many.
Gracius Maximus:
What if a semi-large nation that is in the RA decided to go against the grain and push for a zombie horde? What if that nation was incredibly arrogant about it and liked to shove the ineptitude of the ignorant masses in your faces on the RMB?
Someone tried that on me. I forget their name.... Something like gluteus maximus?

Pointless exercise. Their efforts were undone in a couple of hours. All mouth, no trousers as my mother used to say.
Gracius Maximus:
What if a semi-large nation that is in the RA decided to go against the grain and push for a zombie horde? What if that nation was incredibly arrogant about it and liked to shove the ineptitude of the ignorant masses in your faces on the RMB?
Someone tried that on me. I forget their name.... Something like gluteus maximus?

Pointless exercise. Their efforts were undone in a couple of hours. All mouth, no trousers as my mother used to say.
Indeed. It took less than 5 min to give you 20billion zombies and a couple of hours to correct it.

Yes, I can see how that illustrates your point entirely. :eyeroll:

That must be why the infection rate in TNP is so low...oh wait.

What we could really use are cure missiles for ignorance.
No. I logged out for a couple of hours. Looking at my graph I think the cure took about as long as the infection. I guess McM and r3n could give some stats as to infection rates vs cure rates.
No. I logged out for a couple of hours. Looking at my graph I think the cure took about as long as the infection. I guess McM and r3n could give some stats as to infection rates vs cure rates.
Looking at your national happenings it can be easily seen that the infection rate was much quicker than the cure rate. Also, the infection stemmed from one source, whereas the cure occupied the time and attention of many nations, which is the entire point here.

If my nation could legally be ejected then the infection rate would be significantly lower. I started out last night with Span. You can go back to its initial infection rate and see how my one influence skyrocketed his rate of infection. The same with Former English Colony, Unicron III, McM, Novare Res, your nation and many others.

One nation. But curing takes a lot of concentrated effort.
What if a semi-large nation that is in the RA decided to go against the grain and push for a zombie horde? What if that nation was incredibly arrogant about it and liked to shove the ineptitude of the ignorant masses in your faces on the RMB?
I like the way you put that. :lol:

I think the bill should have included provision for members of the Regional Assembly to be removed if they violated the directives of the Delegate during the time of crisis.
Meh.. one could just resign from the RA.
Someone tried that on me. I forget their name.... Something like gluteus maximus?
OK, that was brilliant. :lol:

Now, now, I remember getting warned 20% and beat up for making fun of another forum member's name in exactly the same biologically oriented vein. Just sayin'.

Well, with the passage of this bill we have yet another layer of inane law(s) on the books to befuddle and confuse the poor Justices. But status quo is status quo and it must be enforced by more and more inane laws. ;)
Well, with the passage of this bill we have yet another layer of inane law(s) on the books to befuddle and confuse the poor Justices.
Look, just cause most of our laws confused you when you were justice doesn't mean so many others are in the same boat.
Crushing Our Enemies:
Well, with the passage of this bill we have yet another layer of inane law(s) on the books to befuddle and confuse the poor Justices.
Look, just cause most of our laws confused you when you were justice doesn't mean so many others are in the same boat.
Now, now, just because a Justice is subjected to a political crucifixion and abuse for trying to maintain order in the Court and refusing to cave to political demands and popular sentiment is of no concern to you. In fact, I suspect the whole concept is entirely alien to you. :P

But other than that, I'm in such a good mood tonight and because I am feeling rather magnanimous, I won't bother taking the bait and insult you. :fish: