Constitutional Amendment to Article 5 - The Fiqh Act of 2014

Formal debate has ended. This bill will be put to vote for five days (excluding the Creation Day holiday) in two days time.
Of course not, this bill is not approved by the Oligarchy and will be silenced.
Poor Roman. He is never happier than when he is being repressed.

He is turning into TNP's very own Reg Shoe.
The Fiqh is working absolutely fine, and has no desire to come under the Constitutional framework.

If Y'all want secular civil courts, or an arbitration service, set up your own.
looking back through three pages of debate nobody seems to be arguing in favour of this except Romanoffia.
That's just because we're all brainwashed lemmings who can't identify a good idea when we see it. Or, you know, something.
I thought a change in avatar was fitting to mark my departure from elected office.

Notice how all the bulges are following one another mindlessly, though?
My lemming is not a lemming. His name is Kevin. He is an individual, and wishes to be treated as such. He likes Mozart, cubist art. He once travelled to Manchester to view brutalist architecture. His mother's name is Sharon. He isn't Jewish which, for a lemming, would be quite radical.
Kevin may be a lemming under the strict rules of taxonomy, but can any one so individual TRULY be described as a Lemming?

Also, he has never jumped off anything as he is afraid of heights.

This is still a silly bill.
Of course not, this bill is not approved by the Oligarchy and will be silenced.
Poor Roman. He is never happier than when he is being repressed.

He is turning into TNP's very own Reg Shoe.

Now, that was a nasty and uncalled for comment. You get an F for Congeniality and an A for Asshattery.

At any rate, there might be some serious discussion on this matter provided some people actually keep on topic instead of trolling legislation threads.
I'm not making any argument from that post, strawman or otherwise. I wasn't saying that your hypocrisy invalidated your argument; I was merely calling attention to it.
I will not be supporting this bill. I believe that no God has a place in the legal system of TNP.
This whole God thing is kinda useless as a whole; NS is a text-based nation simulator game. You all do realize Flem is a person behind a screen just like us right? If there was a God, and he were to play NS, you could "tell". I'm not sure I can "tell" as of right now...
I will not be supporting this bill. I believe that no God has a place in the legal system of TNP.
This whole God thing is kinda useless as a whole; NS is a text-based nation simulator game. You all do realize Flem is a person behind a screen just like us right? If there was a God, and he were to play NS, you could "tell". I'm not sure I can "tell" as of right now...
Google the word "Kenosis". Perhaps I have emptied myself of my divinity in this incarnation. So I am at once just like you but also divine.

Or possibly "docetic." Consider the possibility that I am actually God. Being god I am, of course, absolutely perfectly able to appear to be just a person behind a computer screen.

Honestly, the ability of you mortals to delude yourselves into believing that you can somehow "tell" whether I am God or not is rather amusing.
I wouldn't even attempt to characterize why people voted against or abstained on a particular vote, and I'm not sure others should either. It's like putting words in someone else's mouth that may or may not be valid.
I wouldn't even attempt to characterize why people voted against or abstained on a particular vote, and I'm not sure others should either. It's like putting words in someone else's mouth that may or may not be valid.
:yes: Gloating is difficult to resist I guess.
I am the Lord, and I do not gloat.

I do, however, use the Oxford comma.
Technically the Oxford comma has been removed from the Oxford manual of style. :(

As it remains included in the CIA's manual of style, I therefore now prefer to consider it the CIA comma. ^_^
That's only OUP (Oxford University Press).
In the essay style guide of the university itself, the comma is still there*

*mainly because the guide hath not been updated since Shakespeare was a swain.
I am the Lord, and I do not gloat.

I do, however, use the Oxford comma.
Technically the Oxford comma has been removed from the Oxford manual of style. :(

As it remains included in the CIA's manual of style, I therefore now prefer to consider it the CIA comma. ^_^
The Culinary Institute of America has its own comma?! And all along I thought they only used cooking implements. :cry: