For your consideration:
Revised Draft
Revised Draft
The Run-Off Bill:Chapter 4, Section 4.2 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific shall be amended by appending the following definition to that section:
Chapter 4, Section 4.3 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific shall be amended by inserting the following clause between clauses ten (10) and eleven (11) of that section:Section 4.2: Election Law Definitions:A "run-off" shall be defined as an additional election following an election wherein either (a) the leading candidate(s) has (or have) failed to attain the required majority of votes, or (b) a tie for the most votes has occurred in an election where plurality is permissible.Section 4.3: Overall Election Law:The eligible candidates for a run-off shall be either (a) all candidates tied for first place in the plurality if more than one, or (b) the sole candidate in first place plus all candidates in the plurality tied for second place where a required majority is specified.
The Run-Off Bill:Chapter 4, Section 4.2 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific shall be amended by appending the following definition to that section:
Chapter 4, Section 4.3 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific shall be amended by inserting the following clause between clauses ten (10) and eleven (11) of that section:Section 4.2: Election Law Definitions:A "run-off" shall be defined as an additional election following an election wherein the leading candidate(s) has (or have) failed to attain the required majority of votes.Section 4.3: Overall Election Law:The eligible candidates for a run-off shall be either (a) all candidates tied for first place in the plurality if more than one, or (b) the sole candidate in first place plus all candidates tied for second place in the plurality.