In my previous campaigns one of the things I said I would do would be to open up an application process for anyone that is interrested in being an Assistant AG may express intrest and have their application taken seriously. Newer and older players alike. So if anyone is interrested in arguing criminal cases in front of the court of the North Pacific and looking into complaints and assisting the AGs office to the best of their ability -- Pick up an application, fill it out and post it here. If you are not comfortable for any reason to post it here you may inbox the application to my PMs Thank You.
I am looking for 2 maybe 3 players with a knack for arguing and a workable grasp of the Criminal code to help process complaints and to work with me to be a top notch Prosecution team.
I am looking for 2 maybe 3 players with a knack for arguing and a workable grasp of the Criminal code to help process complaints and to work with me to be a top notch Prosecution team.
Assistant AG Application
Forum Name:
TNP Nation Name:
How long have you been a member of TNP:
Do you participate/hold office in other regions:
Have you ever been convicted of any crimes by the court of TNP:
Do you currently hold any other positions in the region:
Do you have previous experience in the Judical of TNP (Justice, AGs office) Briefly explain:
Why Would you make a good Assistant AG: