Just out of curiosity, how long will this rumble on for waiting for the requisite number of supporters?
Hypothetically, let's go forward seven years to 2021. Will this still be stuck on six supporters, waiting for a couple more? Or at some point will a Speaker pull the plug? And at what point would that come?
Well, when I can muster enough support behind the scenes to steam-roller this through the RA by overwhelming the opposition.
I mean, we already have meaningless laws (one in specific I can think of) on the books that cannot be enforced because they cannot be violated ("vanity laws"), so what's the harm of yet another one? We already have a vanity state religion law, so why not a vanity jackasshattery law? It's only the same thing wearing a different asshat.
Either way, the spirit of this law is not to be silly, it's to point out the silliness of a certain vanity law passed in your name and, as I have stated elsewhere, such silliness needs to not only stop, but be entirely eliminated from our legal codes for the sake of the dignity of the region.
Eventually, silly laws will be purged from the legal code, so, this is just a means of fomenting such sentiment to that end.
Let the debate continue.
Esteemed Member of The Regional Assembly, Ladies and Gentlemen of the gallery, it is by honour and privilege to stand before this august assembly and call attention to the asshattery of existing vanity laws that are even more useless than the legislation I am proposing in this bill.
I think this bill is a wonderful bill and will be a wondeful continuation of the asshatter traditions started by the Vanity Official State Religion Act. We have one act of asshattery and vanity enshrined in the TNP Legal Code, and therefore we must continue to pass such meaningless and unenforceable laws until we have thousands of pages of such laws - or we clean up the legal code of such idiocy as has already been passed.
Therefore, I think that this bill and many other similar bills should be passed until the clutter and asshattery of vanity laws becomes so evident that even asshats will beg for their repeal!