1st August 2016
Magicality City, The North Pacific
A brief update:
To our embassies,
The North Pacific Diplomatic Corps would like to send out a brief update on what the region has been up to in the past while.
In May, Lord Ravenclaw was reelected as Delegate. The election was extended as voters voted reopen nominations rather than electing the candidates unopposed. Bootsie was re-elected as Vice Delegate as was Zyvetskistaahn as Speaker. quak1234 and Mister Masses continue to serve him as Deputy Speakers. Lord Ravenclaw appointed flemingovia as Minister of Communications, Gladio as Minister of Defence, Plembobria as Minister of Home Affairs and Mousebumples as Minister of World Assembly Affairs. Lord Ravenclaw accepted applications to the remaining ministries and Kasch was appointed Minister of the newly created Gameside Affairs, IndieGirl is in charge of Culture & Entertainment and Praetor was chosen for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Judicial Election has just finished; SillyString is the new Attorney General. Gracius Maximus, Kialga and Eluvatar were elected as justices with the last serving as Chief Justice.
The North Pacific is part of an
endeavour to reduce the number of mass-telegram campaigns aimed at all WA nations for WA resolutions. The signatories agreed to collaborate to take measures to counter such campaigns, including having the Delegates of the signatories vote early against the resolutions, issuing telegram campaigns in response in their own regions or more widely, and compiling a list of those that use such campaigns regularly (presumably with the intention of tending to vote against their proposals as a deterrent measure).
Since the recent Imgur flood courtesy of Firehelm, The North Pacific has gained 42 citizens. Several of these citizens have joined us on Discord and in the Executive Staff.
Due to the influx of nations our Delegate has surpassed 1000 endorsements. His vote has been crucial in affecting the outcome of several resolutions, most recently, defeating Ivo's attempt to besmirch the TITO in Liberate California. The North Pacific has also contributed to passing Repeal Condemn the Pacific after the resolution failing twice in the recent months.
The North Pacific Army is very much active, they've completed twelve operations recently and are able to field approximately 13 troops.
The North Pacific is looking forward to continuing to bring new individuals into the community in the next while.
The Diplomatic Corps of The North Pacific