Map Claims Thread

Just to show the layout of my nation and the positioning of the four islands:
I have a few things to say. One that configuration is really iffy geographically. And secondly it makes almost no political sense for those divisions... How can one of the smallest islands host the national capital and exert influence over two much larger islands while at the same time the fourth island is so populated that it is divided into 4 districts that each rival the other islands combind?
Have to remember that the map is not to proportion at the moment and the entire thing is a work in progress. My thinking behind the structure is similar to how the US and Switzerland are set up. Small capital with a large amount of influence that governs states.
Sure, do you want a random place or do you wanna pick? (If you wanna pick then either supply an image or list the coordinates of the area)
Sure, do you want a random place or do you wanna pick? (If you wanna pick then either supply an image or list the coordinates of the area)
Oh ok. Can it be a island (I designed)? If yes, I ready edit that the map I where I want to claim island to be on the map:

I made the map smaller to fit it in the screen.
Anyway, I don't care with the claim size, I only want it between them three tectonic plates. (That the reason I got the tectonic plates map on it aswell.) If it possible do it?
I've read a comment by Nierr and I've decided that during the time I'm working on the map, new claims will be accepted but new islands will NOT.

Island nations looking for claims (Example: New Sekai) should find a suitable place on the TNP mainland to claim.

Just don't go Archegnum-Original-Claim and claim a colossal swath of land for yourself.
Mr Insanity, read this ^
Lord Lore:
I've read a comment by Nierr and I've decided that during the time I'm working on the map, new claims will be accepted but new islands will NOT.

Island nations looking for claims (Example: New Sekai) should find a suitable place on the TNP mainland to claim.

Just don't go Archegnum-Original-Claim and claim a colossal swath of land for yourself.
Mr Insanity, read this ^
Thank you for that. Oh ok, ignore that last post. I will think of it, I will come back and tell you.
Just to show the layout of my nation and the positioning of the four islands:
Do you/can you make a version of that map without the names and labels on? So just the land? If you can then I can absolutely make those islands in the style of the original map without having to redraw anything.
Reference here for island sizes and relative position to each other:

Main Island (Serravalle Island and Acquaviva Island):
Akkar Island:
Elham Island:
Olira Island:
OK. And thanks Lord Lore for telling him that when I couldn't.
Oh ok. I have the new location of the claim now:

I made the map smaller to fit it in the screen.
Anyway, I don't care with the claim size (I would like to be that size but still doesn't really matter at all.), I only want to be next to another nation and the ocean. Aswell, have one tectonic plates. If it possible do?
It is, and will be reflected in a future map update.
That claim seems fine to me. It's unlikely it will change too much (if at all).
Seems fine to me as well. Next map update will have it; it'll be out by sometime this week.
My Webpage

Down in 6J if it doesn't work right, send me a msg and I'll get you a different version.

Edit to what Lore Lord said: It can be moved around some, doesn't matter to much. An island would be cool to but.
Since my nations size is causing difficulties regarding rp, I ask the cartograopher for more land, especially coastal. Sufficient enough to satisfy the conditions of a large navy. If it requires the moving of my entire home territory, so be it! However, i would take the liberty of suggesting options. Konoha hasn't been online in awhile, I would be more than willing to take that land if it frees up in the future. Another option is to extend my northern border further. Thanks.
Nierr, whenever you get a chance, here is the SVG for SillyString's map. It is 2240 px high by 2020 px wide, with a scale of 12.5 m per px. Total land area is 28km high by 25.25 km wide, or about 7 px by 6 px on the TNP map. Total length from end to end is about 525 km.

Note that the longer rectangular space is SillyString's airport, and the shorter one is its shipping docks.

I have spoilered it due to its size. :)

Nierr, whenever you get a chance, here is the SVG for SillyString's map. It is 2240 px high by 2020 px wide, with a scale of 12.5 m per px. Total land area is 28km high by 25.25 km wide, or about 7 px by 6 px on the TNP map. Total length from end to end is about 525 km.

Note that the longer rectangular space is SillyString's airport, and the shorter one is its shipping docks.

I have spoilered it due to its size. :)

This is confusing me ;c
Nierr, whenever you get a chance, here is the SVG for SillyString's map. It is 2240 px high by 2020 px wide, with a scale of 12.5 m per px. Total land area is 28km high by 25.25 km wide, or about 7 px by 6 px on the TNP map. Total length from end to end is about 525 km.

Note that the longer rectangular space is SillyString's airport, and the shorter one is its shipping docks.

I have spoilered it due to its size. :)

SillyString... your nation map is making my head hurt.
Nierr, whenever you get a chance, here is the SVG for SillyString's map. It is 2240 px high by 2020 px wide, with a scale of 12.5 m per px. Total land area is 28km high by 25.25 km wide, or about 7 px by 6 px on the TNP map. Total length from end to end is about 525 km.

Note that the longer rectangular space is SillyString's airport, and the shorter one is its shipping docks.

I have spoilered it due to its size. :)

SillyString... your nation map is making my head hurt.
I think it's meant to be a single line. Note 'SillyString'
Nierr, whenever you get a chance, here is the SVG for SillyString's map. It is 2240 px high by 2020 px wide, with a scale of 12.5 m per px. Total land area is 28km high by 25.25 km wide, or about 7 px by 6 px on the TNP map. Total length from end to end is about 525 km.

Note that the longer rectangular space is SillyString's airport, and the shorter one is its shipping docks.

I have spoilered it due to its size. :)

SillyString... your nation map is making my head hurt.
I think it's meant to be a single line. Note 'SillyString'
I know... still doesn't make her nation map any easier to read.
Just an update, on vacation this weekend (including Friday) up until Monday. Here are the claims I have seen so far and have accepted:

SkaroEsThals (Moved claim to a strip of land between Alta Italia and Alunya)
[CARTOGRAPHER'S NOTE: I did this because Andulus occupies a bit of land where you wanted your claim and you appear to be flexible land-wise based on your post]

New Sekai (The last of the unoccupied former Airellan territory)

Kalti (Olira Island)
[CARTOGRAPHER'S NOTE: I will not be accepting ANY MORE islands from Kalti after this so STOP MAKING MORE, PLEASE.)

Nasania (A bit more land on the coast)

Syrixia (Removal of an exclave)
Nierr, whenever you get a chance, here is the SVG for SillyString's map. It is 2240 px high by 2020 px wide, with a scale of 12.5 m per px. Total land area is 28km high by 25.25 km wide, or about 7 px by 6 px on the TNP map. Total length from end to end is about 525 km.

Note that the longer rectangular space is SillyString's airport, and the shorter one is its shipping docks.

I have spoilered it due to its size. :)

SillyString... your nation map is making my head hurt.
I think it's meant to be a single line. Note 'SillyString'
I know... still doesn't make her nation map any easier to read.
Sorry. :P
@Syrixia, I cannot promise the creation of more islands. However, I can guarantee that no more will be created until the scenarios involving Elham, Akkar and Olira are resolved.
Requesting the northern half of I5(stretching from the South Eastern border of San Martin De Porres to the river between I5 and I6). I do not believe anyone has claimed that region.
Requesting the northern half of I5(stretching from the South Eastern border of San Martin De Porres to the river between I5 and I6). I do not believe anyone has claimed that region.
Actually Alta Italia controls a good portion of that. The map is in a period of transition and the new cabinet has not been appointed so the official things are a little out of date right now
There are a few parts between San Martin De Porres and Alta Italia which is not controlled by a nation. Yerraenus will be given that land.
I am wondering if there is territory available around E6, from the border of Nasnia to the area where D6 begins?
Nierr, whenever you get a chance, here is the SVG for SillyString's map. It is 2240 px high by 2020 px wide, with a scale of 12.5 m per px. Total land area is 28km high by 25.25 km wide, or about 7 px by 6 px on the TNP map. Total length from end to end is about 525 km.

Note that the longer rectangular space is SillyString's airport, and the shorter one is its shipping docks.

I have spoilered it due to its size. :)

SillyString... your nation map is making my head hurt.
I think it's meant to be a single line. Note 'SillyString'
I know... still doesn't make her nation map any easier to read.
His map is a Silly String, not a chunk of land.
So, does someone have an updated map that I can look at? I want to see where exactly my country is based on the coords I asked for.
I'm not entirely sure if the map I'm looking at is still up to date (the one linked in the OP), but if it is I would like a clump of land that hugs the coast north of Nasania, named Funkadelia.