Applications for the Executive Staff

Nation in The North Pacific: Berke Khan
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Cards
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None it is first time
Nation in The North Pacific: Pigeonstan
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of World Assembly Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
Nation in The North Pacific: Pigeonstan
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of World Assembly Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
Given your inability to engage with the bulk of our work given your ban from offsite properties (Discord), denied.
Nation in The North Pacific: Berke Khan
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Cards
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None it is first time
Accepted! I'll be sending you a PM shortly.
Nation in The North Pacific: Deropia
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs - Forum Mentor and Recruiter
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Former mentor and recruiter
Gotta get citizenship first, if I'm not wrong.
You would be. It was not the WA Ministry’s policy last term to deny non-citizens provided they simply got the resident masking.

That being said, there’s also no one to process the application right now.
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Nation in The North Pacific: The Federal Republic of Asilvaria
Ministry you are interested in joining: The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None, but I do have previous experience in political writings and on opinionated subjects.
Nation in The North Pacific: Superieur Canada
Ministry you are interested in joining: WA Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Yes in the Olympic Union.

Nation in The North Pacific: The Federal Republic of Asilvaria
Ministry you are interested in joining: The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None, but I do have previous experience in political writings and on opinionated subjects.
Accepted, I'll PM you both shortly.
Nation in The North Pacific: Treekidistan
Ministry you are interested in joining: The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None, wrote a proposal in SC but failed to get it passed.
Nation in The North Pacific: Treekidistan
Ministry you are interested in joining: The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None, wrote a proposal in SC but failed to get it passed.
Approved! Welcome to WA Affairs, I'll PM you and get you masked once I'm home from work.
Nation in The North Pacific: Kileadan Republic
Ministry you are interested in joining: The Ministry of Card
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None.

Nation in The North Pacific: Neptunian Military Administration
Ministry you are interested in joining: The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None.
Nation in The North Pacific: Neptunian Military Administration
Ministry you are interested in joining: The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None.
Accepted, welcome to WA Affairs! I'll PM you shortly.
Nation in The North Pacific: The Marions
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I don't have much, but I believe another one of my countries used to be a member of TITO (they're in xki).
Nation in The North Pacific: The Marions
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I don't have much, but I believe another one of my countries used to be a member of TITO (they're in xki).
Accepted upon your receipt of citizenship.
Nation in The North Pacific: Rivierre
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs, Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: 10 years on NationStates, so a lot.
Nation in The North Pacific: Rivierre
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs, Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: 10 years on NationStates, so a lot.
Accepted upon receipt of citizenship.
Nation in The North Pacific: Deropia
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs - Forum Mentor and Recruiter
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Former mentor and recruiter

Accepted! Welcome to the team!
Nation in The North Pacific: Rivierre
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs, Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: 10 years on NationStates, so a lot.
Accepted in Culture!
Please join the Executive Staff's discord and ping me to get properly masked.
Nation in The North Pacific: United States of Dictators
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
Nation in The North Pacific: United States of Dictators
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
Accepted! Please ping me in the Executive Discord Server so you can get masked
Nation in The North Pacific: Guslantis
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Former ambassador and former senior diplomat
Nation in The North Pacific: Guslantis
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Former ambassador and former senior diplomat
Accepted! :D
Nation in The North Pacific: Norvarxilaland
Ministry you are interested in joining: WA Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Nope
Nation in The North Pacific: Norvarxilaland
Ministry you are interested in joining: WA Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Nope
Accepted! Welcome to WA Affairs, I'll get your roles sorted out immediately.
Executive Staff FAQ and Applications
What is the Executive Staff?
Executive Staff is the body of residents and citizens that are employed by one or more of the Ministries of the Executive Government. It is essentially The North Pacific's equivalent of a civil service. The Executive Staff provides a direct path for residents to get involved in the Executive Government. It is ideal both for new residents who want to gain experience in how the government operates, and for experienced citizens who are looking to contribute to the region though the Executive.

What Ministries are there and what do people do in them?
There are currently seven Ministries, of which six employ residents through the Executive Staff: Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs, WA Affairs, Communications, Radio, and Culture. The names alone should provide a rough idea of what each Ministry does. In the second part of this post, there are details about the various job opportunities within each Ministry.

How do I join?
Glad to see that you decided to join! Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Meet the requirements. There are only two and very simple requirements. First, you need to have a nation in The North Pacific. Second, you need to have an account registered in this forum. And that's all. (Some Ministries may require Citizenship or an Admin Check to join)

Step 2: Make sure to read the second part of this post. There, you will find detailed descriptions of the various jobs available within each Ministry. By consulting those, you can decide which Ministry interests you the most. You can join more than one Ministry, but make sure you have enough time to commit.

Step 3: Fill out an application and post it in this thread. The application is as follows:
Nation in The North Pacific:
Ministry you are interested in joining:
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:
You can apply for more than one Ministries by submitting multiple applications. Once you have applied, the Delegate will review your application and inform you of the result, usually within 48 hours.

How do I show off that I am in the Executive Staff?
Excellent question! All members of the Executive Staff get to display the following cool banners in their signatures, depending on which Ministry or Ministries they are a member of. If you are a member of multiple Ministries, you are strongly encouraged to use the small versions of the banners.

Home Affairs
Foreign Affairs
World Assembly Affairs

Are there other ways to get involved in the Government?
We strongly encourage you to apply for citizenship. This allows you to vote in elections and stand for office. It also allows you to legislate, by taking part in the Regional Assembly. In addition to legislating, this also allows you to vote in elections and stand for office. You can look here for more details.

If you are interested in learning about the exciting aspect of the game that is military gameplay, you can join the North Pacific Army. By becoming a member, you can help protect the region and our interests abroad. You can learn more about it here.

If you are interested in the World Assembly, you can join Ministry of World Assembly Affairs. There, we discuss and vote on all resolutions going to vote, and we also discuss and provide feedback on drafts. You can learn more about it here.

I still have questions!
If you have questions about the Executive Staff in general, feel free to contact Delegate @Pallaith. If you have questions about a specific Ministry, then do not hesitate to contact the respective Minister---they are listed below next to each Ministry. If you have questions about citizenship or the North Pacific Army, please look here and here, respectively.

Job Opportunities Within Each Ministry


Ministry of Home Affairs - Minister @Nimarya

Recruiter of nations in The North Pacific: The North Pacific has over 7,000 nations, but only a few dozen of them are active on the forum. One of the functions of the Ministry of Home Affairs is to encourage as many of these nations as possible to join the forum, so that they can enjoy the full experience of The North Pacific. As a Recruiter, you will be expected to maintain a regular presence on the Regional Messaging Board, where you will be posting to promote forum membership and involvement. Furthermore, you will be contacting nations by telegram, to invite them to join the forum and assist them with any issues they may encounter in the process. Good communication skills are required for both of these functions. You will also need to make a considerable time commitment towards watching and participating in the game-side aspects of The North Pacific. Of course, this also means that you get to engage with the entire nation population of The North Pacific, which as you will discover is a very enjoyable experience.

Forum Mentor: Our forum receives more than a dozen new members a week and these members often need help learning about the opportunities and the things to do in The North Pacific. Our mentoring program assigns each of our mentors to a few mentees as soon as the join. You will get to meet new nations and will find it to be a very rewarding experience. Applicants should be long-standing and experienced members of the region or be willing to take on more responsibility than they are normally used to.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Minister @Hulldom

Ambassador in the Diplomatic Corps: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs maintains a presence for The North Pacific abroad by establishing embassies in other regions. Each embassy is run by its own ambassador, and by joining the Diplomatic Corps you can also become one. As an ambassador, you will be a diplomat representing The North Pacific abroad. You will be expected to deliver any materials provided to you by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Delegate, and keep an eye out for anything in your assigned region that may be of interest to The North Pacific. Of course, you will need to conduct yourself in a manner appropriate to a diplomat at all times. Being an Ambassador is a great way to get exposure to different regional cultures, meet new people, and make a name for yourself interregionally.

Team Leader, Mentor: An internal role which is appointed by the Minister in communication with the Delegate and Senior Diplomats, these are experienced diplomats and Ambassadors who are ready to move up the ladder and begin passing on their knowledge to newer Diplomats. A demonstrable knowledge of foreign affairs and diplomacy will be essential in order to achieve this position and subject to an interview with senior ministry staff and passing vetting procedures.

Senior Diplomat: This is a senior leadership role within the executive staff that will advise on diplomatic issues, treaty viability, treaty-law and other high-level foreign affair and diplomatic matters. They will set the curriculum for mentoring, will oversee assessments and will advise the government on foreign affairs matters including embassies. This is an internally appointed role subject to application and vetting.


Ministry of Culture - Minister @bootsie

Gameplay Department: If you are interested in helping with games and activities, such as movie watching, online games, awards, seminars, and everything in between this is the area for you! This is also the area for you if you're interested in helping with larger events, whether domestic or foreign. Events are a huge part of the Ministry of Culture, and require careful planning and implementation as well as new ideas and creativity.

Roleplay Department: This subsection of the Culture Ministry is responsible for promoting the offsite roleplay community in-game, showcasing the work of our RPers, providing supporting infrastructure to the RP moderators, organizing roleplay events, cooperating with the RP moderators and the Ministry of Communications to write and release the Roleplay Reel, and cooperating with the Ministry of Radio to release RP-related NBS shows!

Graphics Crew: Graphics folks should be available to design logos, banners, and other images on an as-needed basis. Work will likely be intermittent and highly varied, so flexibility is good to have!

Media Duties (formerly Communications and Radio ministries)

Staff Writer in The Northern Lights: The Northern Lights is the official newspaper of The North Pacific, and it is a global publication with a focus on relevant and timely articles. The exact subject area will be determined after discussion with the Minister of Communications, based on your own interests and on the current staffing needs. You will be expected to submit an article of roughly 1250 words once every two months. Your articles should include relevant and interesting analysis. You can expect that your articles will be edited by senior Editorial Staff. This is done to enhance the professionalism of the newspaper and to provide a learning experience for newer writers.

Northern Broadcast Service: NBS is the official YouTube channel of The North Pacific, and is designed as a podcast to spread information both within the region and around the world. NBS hosts news shows, feature series, bulletins, and newcomer tutorials. As a staff member of NBS, you will help write podcast scripts, help schedule podcasts and interviews, and broadcast your voice over the air. You will be expected to help produce at least one video per month.


Ministry of World Assembly Affairs - Minister @Deropia

WA Affairs Staff: If you are interested in anything World Assembly (WA)-related- whether that be writing and discussing WA proposals or assisting with managing WA-related business- this is the Ministry for you! WA Affairs staffers assist the Minister and Deputies with developing voting opinions along with running internal operations and ongoing projects. Applications are accepted by the Minister or one of their Deputies.

Project Teams: The Ministry currently employs 4 Project Teams, including Accelerator Program staff (who offer feedback and assist with Accelerator Program submissions), IFV writers (who assist with writing and reviewing the Ministry's Information for WA Voters publications), WA Mentors (who help others with their draft ideas and assist with the Mentorship Program), and Heroes staff (who work on the Heroes of the North initiative). WA Affairs staffers may join as many Project Teams as they wish.


Ministry of Cards - Minister @Rewan Demontay

Cards Guild Staff: If you are interested in Cards, this is the Ministry for you! The Cards Guild Staff helps the Guildmaster and their Deputies run the current cards projects and develops new ones. Applications are accepted by the Guildmaster.

Staff Writer in The Monthly Snapshot: The Monthly Snapshot is the official cards-related newspaper for The North Pacific, and it serves as the region's literary gateway to the continuously growing cards community. It is primarily managed by The North Pacific Cards Guild, and new releases are typically released by the end of each month. As a writer, you will document recent happenings within the cards community, the overall market activity as of late, and the results from several of The North Pacific Cards Guild's events (including pull events).

Nation in The North Pacific: SamTamay
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nation in The North Pacific: Tape
Ministry you are interested in joining: Card Guild
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
Nation in The North Pacific: Shilshka
Ministry you are interested in joining: Cards
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I‘m in the Card Guild, and I did some card farming as Esthe, but I don’t have much experience in the government.

I (still) don’t have Discord, and even if I did I’d rather use TG or PM as I’d only be using the account for that.
Do I need to reapply for this with my new nation, given that nothing’s changed except that?
Nation in The North Pacific: Thethen
Ministry you are interested in joining: Cards
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I was in the Card Guild, and I‘ve done some card farming, but I don’t have experience in the government.

I (still) don’t have Discord, and even if I did I’d rather use TG or PM as I’d only be using the account for that.
Nation in The North Pacific: Blacks Future
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Media
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
Nation in The North Pacific: Thethen
Ministry you are interested in joining: Cards
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I was in the Card Guild, and I‘ve done some card farming, but I don’t have experience in the government.

I (still) don’t have Discord, and even if I did I’d rather use TG or PM as I’d only be using the account for that.
Your lack of Discord prompted a question for me. The problem is that virtually all Ministry of Cards work takes place in the executive server. I've decided to make being there a requirement for the Cards Guild. So, unfortunately, I must deny your application. It must feel arbitrary and is indeed sorta is, but I feel it is a needed clarification.

I know it isn't stated in the cards tidbit yet; thus, I am working to have it updated to let future joiners know.

Note that being in the Cards Guild requires only citizenship; merely, it's being cards executive staff I have decided to impose Discord for.
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