In honor and respect to McMasterdonia as former delegate for his services to the region, I hereby submit the following changes be made to section 7.2 of the legal code.
I feel this would serve a day of acknowledgement to delegates sitting, former and future and a overall fun day in TNP
Section 7.2: Holidays
6. The first of January shall be known as Remembrance Day, and shall provide an occasion for Nations to remember those players who have left the region and the game of Nationstates.
7. The twenty-sixth of April shall be Flag Day, and shall commemorate and celebrate the adoption of the Flag of The North Pacific.
8 The twenty-sixth of May shall be Manumission Day, and shall commemorate the end of the delegacy of Pixiedance, and celebrate the return of a democratic government to the region.
9. The eleventh of June shall be Delegates' Day, and will acknowledge the hard work of Delegates past and present and celebrate their great contributions to the region.
9.10. The seventh of July shall be Constitution Day, and shall commemorate the ratification of the Constitution of the North Pacific.
10.11. The twenty-eighth of July shall be Liberation Day, and shall commemorate and celebrate the overthrow of Great Bight and return of a native government to the region.
11.12. The thirteenth of November shall be Creation Day, and shall commemorate and celebrate the establishment of Nationstates; and provide an opportunity to extend fellowship throughout the NationStates communities.
12.13. The twenty-third of November shall be Founders' Day, and shall commemorate and celebrate the establishment of the first official forum of The North Pacific, and through it the community which has kept The North Pacific as the preeminent region in Nationstates.
I feel this would serve a day of acknowledgement to delegates sitting, former and future and a overall fun day in TNP