Ministry of Cheese Bill


Garde à l'eau!
Ministry of Cheese Bill:

Section 6.3: Mandatory Ministries of The North Pacific Legal Code shall be amended to read thusly:

Section 6.3: Mandatory Ministries

22. There will be an Executive Officer charged with the North Pacific's foreign affairs. They will ensure the continued operation of any embassies of the North Pacific and will report on events in the region.
23. There will be an Executive Officer charged with military affairs. They will carry out such legal missions as are authorized by the Delegate, expressly or categorically.
24. There will be an Executive Officer charged with cheese affairs. They will carry out such legal missions as are authorized by the Delegate, expressly or categorically, in relation to cheese. The official function of the Minister of Cheese shall be as a Court Jester, voluntarily or otherwise. Once a citizen is appointed Minister of Cheese, said Minister cannot refuse the position and will be required to wear a Minister of Cheese badge at all times. The Minister of Cheese shall serve at the Delegate's pleasure or, if the Delegate does not appoint a Minister of Cheese within 24 in the event of a vacancy of this position, the RA shall nominate and elect a Minister of Cheese withing seven days.
24. 25. An Executive Officer may sustain multiple roles defined by this Act.
25. 25. The Regional Assembly may elect an Executive Officer should one of the roles defined by this act remain vacant for seven days.
As an RA MEMBER, I second this without hesitation, no debate needed on my part.

As Deputy Speaker, I will perform my duties along side the other Speakers to make sure procedure on formal debates and discussion is followed.
I'm sorry but at some point we need to show respect for our history and traditions. The Executive government is an honored body and tradition of TNP, amd if you want a ministry of cheese then create a separate body. But I will not support such a disrepectful insult to TNP history
Oh yeah. Change that Roman. Don't make me have to preemtively propose an amendment to renumber the clauses. :P

Flem, stop being soo traditionalist, things change, stop being like those old timey conservatives who can't change with the times. :P

Besides we ALREADY DO have a seperate governing body, The IRCabal ran by her Majesty SillyString.
Don't make me have to preemtively propose an amendment to renumber the clauses.
Since the Let's Stop Worrying About Numbers bill is now law, that would not only be unnecessary, but also outside the RA's power. The Speaker would simply change it on his own.
Lord Nwahs:
if the Delegate does not appoint a Minister of Cheese within 24 in the event of a vacancy of this position

I'm sorry, I had a William Faulkner moment involving very long yet grammatically and syntactically correct sentences. :lol:

IOW, if the Delegate fails to appoint a Minister of Cheese, the RA is required to do so.

If there is one thing TNP needs, is a rotating position involving an official TNP Court Jester!

Everyone wants change in TNP, yet they refuse to engage in any action that actually produces change or injects anything resembling a sense of humor into the mix.

I remember the good old days when people went out of the way to be silly just for the entertainment value. That is why, in the future, I will also propose the creation of a Ministry of Silly Walks, a Ministry of Secret Handshakes and a Ministry to Administer Ministries in Their Administration of Ministrations of the Various Ministrations. I mean, everyone who becomes Delegate wants to create layers of meaningless bureaucracy and duplications of services in an attempt to put a new frock on the same old thing in duplicate and then call it change. If we are going to do silly things clothed in serious masks then we should just have done with it and have silly things without a mask that might be entertaining!
I'm sorry but at some point we need to show respect for our history and traditions. The Executive government is an honored body and tradition of TNP, amd if you want a ministry of cheese then create a separate body. But I will not support such a disrepectful insult to TNP history
HAH! Oh, that's a knee-slapper if there ever was one! :lol: :rofl:


I believe the reference(s?) to "citizen" in this bill need to be changed to "RA member", as non-RA-member citizens cannot be ministers.
I believe the reference(s?) to "citizen" in this bill need to be changed to "RA member", as non-RA-member citizens cannot be ministers.

True. Will edit for that and grammatical clarity in order to maximize silliness.

Section 6.3: Mandatory Ministries

22. There will be an Executive Officer charged with the North Pacific's foreign affairs. They will ensure the continued operation of any embassies of the North Pacific and will report on events in the region.

23. There will be an Executive Officer charged with military affairs. They will carry out such legal missions as are authorized by the Delegate, expressly or categorically.

24. There will be an Executive Officer charged with cheese affairs. The Minister of Cheese will carry out such legal missions as are authorized by the Delegate, expressly or categorically, in relation to cheese. The official function of the Minister of Cheese shall be as a Court Jester, voluntarily or otherwise. Once a Regional Assembly member is appointed Minister of Cheese, said Minister cannot refuse the position and will be required to wear a Minister of Cheese badge at all times. The Minister of Cheese shall serve at the Delegate's pleasure. If the Delegate fails to appoint a Minister of Cheese within 24 in the event of a vacancy of this position, the RA shall nominate and elect a Minister of Cheese withing seven days.

24. 25. An Executive Officer may sustain multiple roles defined by this Act.

25. 25. The Regional Assembly may elect an Executive Officer should one of the roles defined by this act remain vacant for seven days.

There. This should maximize silliness of the new position.
OK, just so you all know I am serious about creating a Ministry of Cheese, here is the final version of the bill:

Section 6.3: Mandatory Ministries

22. There will be an Executive Officer charged with the North Pacific's foreign affairs. They will ensure the continued operation of any embassies of the North Pacific and will report on events in the region.

23. There will be an Executive Officer charged with military affairs. They will carry out such legal missions as are authorized by the Delegate, expressly or categorically.

24. There will be an Executive Officer charged with cheese affairs. They will carry out such legal missions as are authorized by the Delegate, expressly or categorically.

24. 25. An Executive Officer may sustain multiple roles defined by this Act.

25. 25. The Regional Assembly may elect an Executive Officer should one of the roles defined by this act remain vacant for seven days.
All I have to do is move for this to go to formal debate and have someone second it.

I so move this bill for formal debate!
This bill is now in formal debate for five days, after which a vote shall be scheduled
Funny bill but unfortunately i find it inappropriate for it be a law; and for their to be an actual position charged for CHEESE. Sorry
It's supposed to be funny. We need more silliness in the region. There was once a time when we had fun around here. We need to restore that fun attitude again. And, of course, this law is intended to be silly as opposed to other silly laws we have that were not intended to be silly.

OK, here's the corrected text showing edits as they should appear.

Section 6.3: Mandatory Ministries

22. There will be an Executive Officer charged with the North Pacific's foreign affairs. They will ensure the continued operation of any embassies of the North Pacific and will report on events in the region.

23. There will be an Executive Officer charged with military affairs. They will carry out such legal missions as are authorized by the Delegate, expressly or categorically.

24. There will be an Executive Officer charged with cheese affairs. They will carry out such legal missions as are authorized by the Delegate, expressly or categorically.

24. 25. An Executive Officer may sustain multiple roles defined by this Act.

25. 26. The Regional Assembly may elect an Executive Officer should one of the roles defined by this act remain vacant for seven days.
It's supposed to be funny. We need more silliness in the region. There was once a time when we had fun around here. We need to restore that fun attitude again. And, of course, this law is intended to be silly as opposed to other silly laws we have that were not intended to be silly.

OK, here's the corrected text showing edits as they should appear.

Section 6.3: Mandatory Ministries

22. There will be an Executive Officer charged with the North Pacific's foreign affairs. They will ensure the continued operation of any embassies of the North Pacific and will report on events in the region.

23. There will be an Executive Officer charged with military affairs. They will carry out such legal missions as are authorized by the Delegate, expressly or categorically.

24. There will be an Executive Officer charged with cheese affairs. They will carry out such legal missions as are authorized by the Delegate, expressly or categorically.

24. 25. An Executive Officer may sustain multiple roles defined by this Act.

25. 26. The Regional Assembly may elect an Executive Officer should one of the roles defined by this act remain vacant for seven days.
I can see your point

However, even though it is defined within text the duties of the 'MoC'. I do not understand what that does with anything within NS. If you would please inform me; what kind/type of cheese affairs you had in mind
This is, of course, an obvious attempt to gain political recognition for followers of the cheese god. As a wholehearted champion of the secular basis and heart of our region, I will oppose this with my every breath.

many of us who live in nations that do not have a state cheese of any form, and see no reason for one.

And the subtle inferences of the very establishment of a state cheese will create the conscious or subconscious inference of second class citizenship.

(And for edification sake, the real life Constitution of the United States even before its Bill of Rights was adopted as amendment, prohibited the use of any form of cheese, even cheez whiz, to hold any office in the United States or any State. So many of us come from such a background where we don't support the inferential effect of anything that amounts to such a device.)
As LibertarianLand exports are led by the "powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Information Technology, Cheese Exports, and Arms Manufacturing industries."

We support this bill. While we do not have a cheese god and in truth wish the flem god would return to TNP once more but we digress on that subject, we support this bill in dedication to our cheese export business.
This is a wonderful bill; a way to make TNP truly distinctive and bring some fun back into the region. Sometimes we are just too serious and especially take the government side too seriously. this bill is a welcome reminder that this is a game we play, and there should be scope within it for less serious roleplay.

I wholeheartedly support this bill.
This is a wonderful bill; a way to make TNP truly distinctive and bring some fun back into the region. Sometimes we are just too serious and especially take the government side too seriously. this bill is a welcome reminder that this is a game we play, and there should be scope within it for less serious roleplay.

I wholeheartedly support this bill.
This bill will emphatically NOT earn us respect for our "distinctiveness". It will earn us derision for being ... stupid.

I for one do not want TNP to be a laughingstock on the world stage. We have enough people laughing at us because of our courts already.
This bill will emphatically NOT earn us respect for our "distinctiveness". It will earn us derision for being ... stupid.

I for one do not want TNP to be a laughingstock on the world stage. We have enough people laughing at us because of our courts already.
Oh, lighten up for once.
I cannot of course speak for Flemingovia, but it appears to me that the arguments being made are the same positions that are always adopted by certain people. Maybe to demonstrate how tired and exhausted those positions are. If only...
I would prefer a measure of reasonableness and the ability to change one's mind, but that is ridiculous of me.

I think we should just allow Flemingovia to debate every proposal from the various points-of-view of RA members and save us all the trouble of having to post and/or read the same intractability ad nauseam. :)