Ministry of Cheese Bill

Crushing Our Enemies:
Surprise, most people are actually pretty consistent about their opinions. Would you prefer inconsistency?
If we did, we need only look at the courts.


I'm a fuddy duddy and can't support this farce of a bill.
It's supposed to be funny. We need more silliness in the region. There was once a time when we had fun around here. We need to restore that fun attitude again. And, of course, this law is intended to be silly as opposed to other silly laws we have that were not intended to be silly.

OK, here's the corrected text showing edits as they should appear.

Section 6.3: Mandatory Ministries

22. There will be an Executive Officer charged with the North Pacific's foreign affairs. They will ensure the continued operation of any embassies of the North Pacific and will report on events in the region.

23. There will be an Executive Officer charged with military affairs. They will carry out such legal missions as are authorized by the Delegate, expressly or categorically.

24. There will be an Executive Officer charged with cheese affairs. They will carry out such legal missions as are authorized by the Delegate, expressly or categorically.

24. 25. An Executive Officer may sustain multiple roles defined by this Act.

25. 26. The Regional Assembly may elect an Executive Officer should one of the roles defined by this act remain vacant for seven days.
I can see your point

However, even though it is defined within text the duties of the 'MoC'. I do not understand what that does with anything within NS. If you would please inform me; what kind/type of cheese affairs you had in mind

Well, every nation in TNP has a Cheese Sector in their economy, but the bill has very little to do with Cheese in a literal sense. It has everything to do with cheese in the metaphorical sense as my response to Fleminigovia will illustrate:

This is, of course, an obvious attempt to gain political recognition for followers of the cheese god. As a wholehearted champion of the secular basis and heart of our region, I will oppose this with my every breath.

many of us who live in nations that do not have a state cheese of any form, and see no reason for one.

And the subtle inferences of the very establishment of a state cheese will create the conscious or subconscious inference of second class citizenship.

(And for edification sake, the real life Constitution of the United States even before its Bill of Rights was adopted as amendment, prohibited the use of any form of cheese, even cheez whiz, to hold any office in the United States or any State. So many of us come from such a background where we don't support the inferential effect of anything that amounts to such a device.)

It has nothing to do with the Cheese God, and you shouldn't make such a silly claim about secular vs. theocratic arrangements after having declared yourself God and attempted to enforce worship of yourself as the official State Religion of TNP. :fish:

The type of Cheese I am talking about having a minister to manage is more akin to Bread and Circuses in terms of Governmental Stercis Tauri (BS for those of you in Rio Linda).

The Minister of Cheese's main function is to point out all the 'cheesy' stuff and silliness that goes on in TNP in the same manner as a Court Jester would perform.

And given the 'Court Jester' function of the Minister of Cheese as the original intent, should this bill pass and be signed into law, I will most certainly recommend to the Delegate that you be made the first Minister of Cheese and created and fashioned with the title of Lord Stilton as most recently you seem to fulfilling said function already.

And that way we would all have to start referring to you as "Lord Stilton, Minister of Cheese" and that way I won't feel so bad after you referred to the Court as The Three Stooges.

We on the Court do not engage in eye-gouging, nose twisting or the tearing out of ep·i·glot·ti·des. It is absolutely false. We've only torn out one epiglottis in recent memory.


Romanoffia, Silly String and Ator feeling bad at being referred to as The Three Stooges: "Hey! I resemble that remark, you imbecile!"

It has nothing to do with the Cheese God, and you shouldn't make such a silly claim about secular vs. theocratic arrangements after having declared yourself God and attempted to enforce worship of yourself as the official State Religion of TNP. :fish:
That is a lie, on several counts.

1. I did not declare myself God. IIRC that declaration was first made in the East Pacific.

2. I did not attempt to enforce worship of any kind. If you had actually READ my proposal rather than just taking a knee-jerk reaction you might have realised that.

If what you say is the object of this law is true, then you can rest easy. You do not need a court jester figure in TNP to make you look absurd. You are managing that on your own in your conduct as Chief Justice.
It has nothing to do with the Cheese God, and you shouldn't make such a silly claim about secular vs. theocratic arrangements after having declared yourself God and attempted to enforce worship of yourself as the official State Religion of TNP. :fish:
That is a lie, on several counts.

1. I did not declare myself God. IIRC that declaration was first made in the East Pacific.

2. I did not attempt to enforce worship of any kind. If you had actually READ my proposal rather than just taking a knee-jerk reaction you might have realised that.

If what you say is the object of this law is true, then you can rest easy. You do not need a court jester figure in TNP to make you look absurd. You are managing that on your own in your conduct as Chief Justice.
Methinks that the pot calleth the kettle black.


Flemingovia Making a Pronouncement by William Merritt Chase​