At Vote:Universal Suffrage Act [Complete] [Complete]


Universal Suffrage Act
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Elke and Elba​

Description: ACKNOWLEDGING that the legitimacy of the government of each and every member state is determined by the will of all of its constituents citizens,

FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGING that an acknowledgement of such will is largely only possible through elections - of which results are determined by the votes of all of its citizens,

The World Assembly,

MANDATES that all citizens are allowed to vote in elections held in their respective states provided that the said citizen has:
a) not been certified to be mentally incompetent to give any form of informed consent,
b) attained the minimum age of voting,
c) not been disenfranchised due to conviction of a criminal offence, and;

a) nothing in this resolution forces member nations to hold elections where no elections are held,
b) nothing in this resolution disallows member nations to extend suffrage to citizens and inhabitants not covered under this resolution, and,
c) nothing in this resolution forcibly sets a minimum age of voting on member states, which are free to set one as the respective member states deem fit.
Thought about making a snarky satrical comment about suffrage and something something stay in the kitchen, but to avoid any potential joke labeling me something I'm not. I'll just say aye? we have provisions in our country already that grants safeguards to citizens right to vote, unless theyve comitted voter or elections fraud ;)


In truth, there's not a tremendous amount to this proposal. It reaffirms what most civilised nations normally would have in place anyway in a democratic environment. Kingdoms etc... that don't utilize elections in theory should remain unaffected.

MANDATES that all citizens are allowed to vote in elections held in their respective states provided that the said citizen has:
a) not been certified to be mentally incompetent to give any form of informed consent,
b) attained the minimum age of voting,
c) not been disenfranchised due to conviction of a criminal offence, and;

There's nothing essentially wrong with any of the mandates, although we'd question the use of "disenfranchised" in the last mandate but realistically, there's nothing obviously wrong here.

a) nothing in this resolution forces member nations to hold elections where no elections are held,
b) nothing in this resolution disallows member nations to extend suffrage to citizens and inhabitants not covered under this resolution, and,
c) nothing in this resolution forcibly sets a minimum age of voting on member states, which are free to set one as the respective member states deem fit.

The clarifications above also seem pretty reasonable too. Nothing again jumps out and seems categorically wrong here either.


All in all, it seems like the type of resolution that would normally be qualified as "fluffy". It's feel good, and seems beneficial to those nations it would affect, but doesn't really do a tremendous amount. Significant seems a bit strong category wise considering the minimal impact it realistically will have but all in all, not the worst proposal either.

The minister suggests a tentative FOR in this regard.


The Constitutional Monarchy and Kingdom of Alunya is in the unique position of having a Constitutional Monarchy (with an elected parliament) and and a(n absolute) Kingdom on alternating days. We would be out of compliance half of the time.

Acoustic Siberia:
The analysis on this one made me weep with laughter.
Whys that gruen?
Because it's so insipid. There's "nothing essentially wrong", with forcing nations to allow everyone to vote in every election in their nation? Great. I live in London, but I think I'll vote in the Scottish independence referendum, the Manchester mayoral election, and the Birmingham council elections. To say nothing of shareholder elections, political party leadership elections, union leadership elections, and civil society organization elections - not that I'm a member of any of those, mind, but I can't be legally stopped from voting in them unless all elections are banned altogether.
I think there are many things wrong with this proposal, as I feel there are many things wrong with Universal right to vote. I will NEVER comprehend how the vote of a subnormal underdeveloped 40 years old human suffering from a mental condition would be equal to that of a 15 years old human genius with a fat and sane mind...
Acoustic Siberia:
Acoustic Siberia:
The analysis on this one made me weep with laughter.
Whys that gruen?
Because it's so insipid. There's "nothing essentially wrong", with forcing nations to allow everyone to vote in every election in their nation? Great. I live in London, but I think I'll vote in the Scottish independence referendum, the Manchester mayoral election, and the Birmingham council elections. To say nothing of shareholder elections, political party leadership elections, union leadership elections, and civil society organization elections - not that I'm a member of any of those, mind, but I can't be legally stopped from voting in them unless all elections are banned altogether.
Oh right, that ludicrous argument I saw you putting forth on the forums. Yeah, I've read it. I'm not buying it.

Also, it wouldn't be asking a lot for you to be somewhat courteous whilst you're here Gruenberg. I'll tolerate your sarcastic sniping while you're IC in the GA, it won't be tolerated here. This isn't AO. Check your attitude at the door.
I think there are many things wrong with this proposal, as I feel there are many things wrong with Universal right to vote. I will NEVER comprehend how the vote of a subnormal underdeveloped 40 years old human suffering from a mental condition would be equal to that of a 15 years old human genius with a fat and sane mind...

We should be friends.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.