Democratic Donkeys
Whom (shoutout to SillyString
) would you like to see for this upcoming Judicial term? I don't really care about Attorney General, but you are more than welcome to include them in your list if you want. Give a reason why if you want, consider this somewhere else to voice your support.
I will attempt to be as obnoxious as ever, to get the ball rolling...
First off, don't vote for Treize Dreizehn. Boy, am I regretting illegally letting him into the RA, he won't even answer my questions! The nerve! I even got a typical Romanoffia PM, while not even getting a peep from TD. You know the type of PM, where he disagrees or dislikes something you post so he sends you a message that is so over the top sarcastic that it might actually be enthusiastically genuine? Does anyone else get those? LOL!!!
Anywhom... on to the main course! Justices...
Asta, or Sillystring is my number one pick for this job. Just the rumor of her imperial majesty made Govindia go crazier than usual one time, and that kind of power should not be ignored when looking for a true Justice. Plus I don't think Sillystring has ever resigned from a position here, which is also something to consider when picking out a TNP Justice. (Not a reference to any one particular Justice, just the sum)
Gracius Maximus is another pick for me. I really admire his ability to use tons of words to rebut other people who use tons of words. That is something I wish I had the patience for, but I only play this game for enjoyment. Not because I am interested in having a modicum of perceived power in my life, or whatever other reason people seem to have for hanging around here being unenjoyable. I doubt Gracius Maximus will win though. There are too many approved candidates ahead of him in line, but I hope his impending defeat does not discourage him like last time. If at first you don't succeed, run, run again!
My last choice is a bit of a dark horse, Ator People. I like the idea of throwing an unknown into the mix to see what happens. Plus he has the added benefit of being Not-Romanoffia, so at the very least still has the possibility of posting something in a court thread that is not akin to "Getting around to this very soon" where you have to imagine the proper inflection that would clue you in to how important your case or review really is... (I will be expecting another sarcastic PM that will punch clear on through to genuine) I think Ator People has shown real promise of late in the RA. He also knows about when the constitution was written, which is important now or something...
Anyway, that's my opinion. If you don't like it then I'm sorry. Please let me know if that's how you feel, so I can put you on the proper list that I keep in my head.

First off, don't vote for Treize Dreizehn. Boy, am I regretting illegally letting him into the RA, he won't even answer my questions! The nerve! I even got a typical Romanoffia PM, while not even getting a peep from TD. You know the type of PM, where he disagrees or dislikes something you post so he sends you a message that is so over the top sarcastic that it might actually be enthusiastically genuine? Does anyone else get those? LOL!!!

Anywhom... on to the main course! Justices...
Asta, or Sillystring is my number one pick for this job. Just the rumor of her imperial majesty made Govindia go crazier than usual one time, and that kind of power should not be ignored when looking for a true Justice. Plus I don't think Sillystring has ever resigned from a position here, which is also something to consider when picking out a TNP Justice. (Not a reference to any one particular Justice, just the sum)
Gracius Maximus is another pick for me. I really admire his ability to use tons of words to rebut other people who use tons of words. That is something I wish I had the patience for, but I only play this game for enjoyment. Not because I am interested in having a modicum of perceived power in my life, or whatever other reason people seem to have for hanging around here being unenjoyable. I doubt Gracius Maximus will win though. There are too many approved candidates ahead of him in line, but I hope his impending defeat does not discourage him like last time. If at first you don't succeed, run, run again!
My last choice is a bit of a dark horse, Ator People. I like the idea of throwing an unknown into the mix to see what happens. Plus he has the added benefit of being Not-Romanoffia, so at the very least still has the possibility of posting something in a court thread that is not akin to "Getting around to this very soon" where you have to imagine the proper inflection that would clue you in to how important your case or review really is... (I will be expecting another sarcastic PM that will punch clear on through to genuine) I think Ator People has shown real promise of late in the RA. He also knows about when the constitution was written, which is important now or something...
Anyway, that's my opinion. If you don't like it then I'm sorry. Please let me know if that's how you feel, so I can put you on the proper list that I keep in my head.