Um...4 I think?

-There was that time when Siwale was just elected delegate. He accidentally set off fireworks in the RA...

-Then there was that time when the NPA accidentally placed their mortars the wrong way around, therefore firing towards TNP, and the resulting explosions set TNP on fire...

But in Zazumo's defence. It was their first day as MoD

-Then there was that other time during a re-enactment of the great TNP fire.

-And lastly the great TNP fire, which is the most famous one. Some embers from a bakers oven set the bakery on fire, and then TNP went up in flames shortly after
Oh, the great TNP fire!
I remember that! Those nasty sparks formed a deadly pyre that engulfed that bakery!
Definitely didn’t need a bit of coaxing from your lovely local arsonist…


And @Tringapore totally didn’t help out with his amazing mind tricks that goaded those pesky firefighters into setting the hydrant on fire…
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Well if it is, then @Tringapore is being rude by not offering to share! :(

Oh, the great TNP fire!
I remember that! Those nasty sparks formed a deadly pyre that engulfed that bakery!
Definitely didn’t need a bit of coaxing from your lovely local arsonist…


And @Tringapore totally didn’t help out with his amazing mind tricks that goaded those pesky firefighters into setting the hydrant on fire…
Steps to win the night win:

Step 1 Post a message
Step 2:Enter the password-########

Step 3: Kill somebody.

You got the night win.
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