Another win arrives for me...
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Feb 6, 2020 #9,121 Another win arrives for me...
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Feb 7, 2020 #9,124 Nope hello I am the winner!
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Feb 7, 2020 #9,125 Goodbye to your win. It's me again!
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Feb 9, 2020 #9,127 A ban is a good idea, for as long as I remain the winner
Logovets Suspect of murder TNP Nation Logovets Feb 10, 2020 #9,128 I just have to do a comeback to become the winner I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience to the previous winner.
I just have to do a comeback to become the winner I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience to the previous winner.
Yamantau Em Prophet of da WAAAAGH - - - TNP Nation Yamantau/The Black Cathedral Discord merchantofmercy Feb 10, 2020 #9,129 What's this now?
TlomzKrano Just a blob chasing cars - - - TNP Nation Kranostav Discord Tlomz Feb 10, 2020 #9,130 no u
OuterGalacticBankingClan THE OVERLORD WEEB OF TNP and also a TNPer TNP Nation changes alot Discord discord will kill my laptop Feb 10, 2020 #9,131 woof wonder who post last this time
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Feb 10, 2020 #9,132 multiple people posted here I don't like it as it interferes with me winning so please stop.
Logovets Suspect of murder TNP Nation Logovets Feb 11, 2020 #9,133 Ok we will stop but I'm winning by replying
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Feb 11, 2020 #9,134 Thank you! And don't worry I'll post again so I will win
Logovets Suspect of murder TNP Nation Logovets Feb 12, 2020 #9,137 Thank you for saying sorry but I am winning once more
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Feb 12, 2020 #9,138 I don't think so...
Logovets Suspect of murder TNP Nation Logovets Feb 13, 2020 #9,142 Luckily I'm not a loser but now YOU are
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Feb 14, 2020 #9,143 I'm going to celebrate the fact that this is my 44,444th post by claiming the win.
Logovets Suspect of murder TNP Nation Logovets Feb 14, 2020 #9,144 You reached a milestone well done but I still have to be the winner
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Feb 15, 2020 #9,148 I think the win you stole was a fake, I know. I have the win right here in my hands...
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Feb 16, 2020 #9,150 Unfortunately for everyone else I am very good at turning up unexpectedly and recovering wins...
Logovets Suspect of murder TNP Nation Logovets Feb 16, 2020 #9,152 I think he was talking about how I'm winning
Wernguard The random person TNP Nation Wernguard Feb 16, 2020 #9,155 so do I! should we start a club?
Logovets Suspect of murder TNP Nation Logovets Feb 18, 2020 #9,156 I'm not sure if we do we must get others.
Logovets Suspect of murder TNP Nation Logovets Feb 19, 2020 #9,158 Yeah I don't know what to write back to the comment above but I guess I'll say "who is banned"
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Feb 19, 2020 #9,159 May I win now?
Antonius Kaizuniviel Archmæster of Obscure Topics - TNP Nation Mintoria Discord @antoniuskaizuniviel2527 Feb 21, 2020 #9,160 Well, I guess that the end of the thread, since I’m last, and have therefore won.