Not anymore you're not.
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Dec 11, 2018 #8,201 Not anymore you're not.
Sanjurika Koala Fanatic TNP Nation Sanjira Discord Sanjurika Dec 12, 2018 #8,203 the second place finisher
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Dec 12, 2018 #8,204 Until I push myself back up to first!
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Dec 12, 2018 #8,205 And then I push in front of you to steal the win.
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Dec 13, 2018 #8,206 Wins are soon reclaimed on here!
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Dec 13, 2018 #8,207 Indeed they are
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Dec 13, 2018 #8,210 Loh: Oops! Click to expand... You better not have spilled your drink? The carpets brand new.
Loh One cat to rule them all - - TNP Nation Aenglaland Discord thecatofwar Dec 17, 2018 #8,211 Uh.... Well, I'm sure no one will notice the stain right? It's so small and-oh wait there's a hole on it now...
Uh.... Well, I'm sure no one will notice the stain right? It's so small and-oh wait there's a hole on it now...
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Dec 18, 2018 #8,212 Loh: Uh.... Well, I'm sure no one will notice the stain right? It's so small and-oh wait there's a hole on it now... Click to expand... You spilled your poisoned drink on the carpets? wow just plain rude... And don't give me that I didn't know my drink was poisoned excuse, you're paying for the damage.
Loh: Uh.... Well, I'm sure no one will notice the stain right? It's so small and-oh wait there's a hole on it now... Click to expand... You spilled your poisoned drink on the carpets? wow just plain rude... And don't give me that I didn't know my drink was poisoned excuse, you're paying for the damage.
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Dec 20, 2018 #8,214 While all this is going on I may as well sneak in and claim the win...
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Dec 20, 2018 #8,215 No don't you even think about it, we all know who the winner is, and that winner is @Marcus Antonius
Nessuno Friends call me Nessie (Also spies) - Pronouns Snek TNP Nation Territorio di Nessuno Discord Nessie Dec 21, 2018 #8,216 I think you meant me.
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Dec 21, 2018 #8,217 Oh wait yes, I meant the winner was Nessie sorry evryone!
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Dec 22, 2018 #8,218 On Saturday afternoons I make it a point of principle to claim the win!
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Dec 22, 2018 #8,219 I just make sure to claim the win everytime someone posts.
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Dec 23, 2018 #8,220 Yes, that's the way I do it as well!
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Dec 23, 2018 #8,221 But I copyrighted it though... so please pay up... or not, you can just be a pirate
Loh One cat to rule them all - - TNP Nation Aenglaland Discord thecatofwar Dec 24, 2018 #8,222 Piracy!
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Dec 25, 2018 #8,223 Would you like me to chop off your leg?
A Chinese Propaganda Bot Registered TNP Nation Hong Kong Empire Discord HKE Dec 25, 2018 #8,225 I WON! Wait, is this the lottery?
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Dec 25, 2018 #8,226 Um...yes it is, pay $50 for a ticket
Nessuno Friends call me Nessie (Also spies) - Pronouns Snek TNP Nation Territorio di Nessuno Discord Nessie Dec 28, 2018 #8,227 Did somebody say PIRACY?!
El Fiji Grande Over 45000 km and counting - - - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation El_Fiji_Grande Discord El Fiji Grande (#3446) Dec 28, 2018 #8,228 NO, I SAID LUNACY!
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Dec 30, 2018 #8,230 Who is a winner?
Nessuno Friends call me Nessie (Also spies) - Pronouns Snek TNP Nation Territorio di Nessuno Discord Nessie Jan 1, 2019 #8,231 Me?
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jan 1, 2019 #8,232 But I thought I was
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jan 3, 2019 #8,234 Attention all near and far I win
Nessuno Friends call me Nessie (Also spies) - Pronouns Snek TNP Nation Territorio di Nessuno Discord Nessie Jan 3, 2019 #8,235 No, i win.
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jan 3, 2019 #8,240 I wonder where my win has gone off to?