SurpriseYuubiian Emperor:yayHighton:Highton:Well guess what. I am going to continue the quote. ---- youHighton:Not this time my friendsNessuno:Actually for 21 hoursHighton:But only for a minuteAerilia:Well only for a minute, now I win YAYHighton Islands:But now ich does winnnnnAerilia:But I win nowNessuno:I've win betterAerilia:Tis but a winAlta:Except me.Nessuno:None shall winAerilia:The swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin or the plover may seek warmer climes in winter, yet these are not strangers to our land?
...also I win
Nessuno:Noooo!Aerilia:Muhahahahahahahaha, I am not going to continue the quote
also I win!
You evil person!!
what have you done?!
Like the ninja that I am, I took your last post away and became the winner