- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia

HM Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Current Embassies and Locations
Spencer Street

Spencer Street is the main street in the Central Business District of Intelligentsia. Located alongside major banking corporations, the McMasterdonian Stock Exchange, and other major corporate businesses, Spencer Street is an ideal location for financial powerhouse nations. McMasterdonian Businesses are strongly regulated by the McMasterdonian Senate on domestic trading matters, but are free to take a more lax approach to trading with foreign nations.
Embassies Located on Spencer Street:
Dolphmerica: 8 Spencer Street, Intelligentsia.
Kingdom of Tronkandal: 9 Spencer Street, Intelligentsia.
The Commonwealth of Scandigrad: 10 Spencer Street, Intelligentsia.
The Respublika of Zemnaya Svoboda: 11 Spencer Street, Intelligentsia.
The Confederacy of The United Federation of Alamo: 12 Spencer Street, Intelligentsia
The Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno: 13 Spencer Street, Intelligentsia
Nasania: 14 Spencer Street, Intelligentsia
The Kingdom of Plembobria: 15 Spencer Street, Intelligentsia
The United States of Cronaal: 16 Spencer Street, Intelligentsia.
Most Serene Republic of Kalatun: 17 Spencer Street, Intelligentsia.
Republic of Lorbank: 18 Spencer Street, Intelligentsia.
The Imperial Japanese Empire : 19 Spencer Street, Intelligentsia.
Greer Avenue

Greer Avenue is the Museum and Art district of McMasterdonia. Here you will find many of the leading humanities Universities, the McMasterdonian Museum of Natural History, as well as the Royal Art Gallery and private museums and art exhibits. Greer Avenue is famous for it's street side poets, art demonstrations, and buskers. Many nations value an Embassy along Greer Avenue because of the rich cultural heritage of the place, and the sophisticated patronage who visit the district.
The Sultanate of SillyString: 1 Greer Avenue, Intelligentsia.
The United Kingdoms Of The Lancerian Empire: 2 Greer Avenue, Intelligentsia.
The Democratic States of LibertatianLand: 3 Greer Avenue, Intelligentsia.
Kingdom Republic of Ceretis: 4 Greer Avenue, Intelligentsia.
The Allied Cities of Andulus: 5 Greer Avenue, Intelligentsia.
The Mythical Kingdom of Avalon: 6 Greer Avenue, Intelligentsia.
The Technological Republic of Norvalkin: 7 Greer Avenue, Intelligentsia.
Kingdom of David_l_l_l_l: 8 Greer Avenue, Intelligentsia.
The Empire of Gim: 9 Greer Avenue, Intelligentsia.
The United Republic of Malvad: 17 Greer Avenue, Intelligentsia.
The Constitutional Monarchy and Kingdom of Alunya: 19 Greer Avenue, Intelligentsia.
Empire of Narnia: 20 Greer Avenue, Intelligentsia.
The Republic of Olvern: 21 Greer Avenue, Intelligentsia.
The Most Serene Republic of Syrixia: 22 Greer Avenue, Intelligentsia.
The United States of New Sekai: 23 Greer Avenue, Intelligentsia.
Gillard Boulevard

Gillard Boulevard is the Government District. The Senate, Royal Palace, and Royal Courts are all located near Gillard Boulevard. This district also includes many of the homes of the rich, famous, and members of the aristocracy. This district is very expensive and has very strict security regulations that all Embassies must comply with.
Embassies located on Gillard Boulevard:
The Cascadian Commonwealth: 1 Gillard Boulevard, Intelligentsia.
Kaiserreich Kannex: 7 Gillard Boulevard, Intelligentsia.
The Republic of Salvarity: 8 Gillard Boulevard, Intelligentsia.
The Absolute Monarchy of Merconitonitopia: 9 Gillard Boulevard, Intelligentsia.
The Confederacy of Hapre: 10 Gillard Boulevard, Intelligentsia.
The Autocratic Monarchy of Aurora Orb: 11 Gillard Boulevard, Intelligentsia.
The Commonwealth of Kialga-Lourti: 12 Gillard Boulevard, Intelligentsia.
The United Socialist States of Lajikstan: 13 Gillard Boulevard, Intelligentsia.
The Republic of Kalti: 14 Gillard Boulevard, Intelligentsia.
Norway XXVIII: 15 Gillard Boulevard, Intelligentsia.
True Sebland: 16 Gillard Boulevard, Intelligentsia.
Former Embassies
The Commonwealth of Scandigrad
The Kingdom of Grogeriovania
The Commonwealth of Checkers

HM Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
OHMSTo Whom it may concern,
Foreign nations wishing to apply for an embassy with the Kingdom of McMasterdonia need to be aware of the strong penalties that apply for violating McMasterdonian law. It will be the responsibility of your embassy to ensure that your citizens when visiting McMasterdonia are aware of these penalties.
The violation of traditional practices and customs, while not necessarily incurring a statutory punishment can incur the wrath of local authorities depending on the province in which the offence has occurred in.
Ambassadors are awarded full diplomatic immunity. Junior embassy staff and service staff while acting in an official capacity will be offered full diplomatic immunity, however It is the responsibility of your Embassy staff to become aware of these laws and customs when acting outside of their official responsibilities. Consistently violating McMasterdonian law may result in deportation.
Weaponry is forbidden for Ambassadors in Intelligentsia without the express permission of the Department of Foreign Affairs. Automatic weaponry and explosives are forbidden in all circumstances, if more security is required it will be provided by the Kingdom of McMasterdonia.
Due to the ongoing security situations relating to the insurgency of extremist religious organisations, the Government now requires that all Ambassadors are transported only in government approved security vehicles. These vehicles should be considered to be of a SECURE class and be appropriately equipped with bullet proof glass, run flat tires, and other specifications as necessary. Ambassadors and other officials with diplomatic immunity are not permitted to travel in standard vehicles or by public transport. In addition they are required to be driven at all times by an appropriately trained security officer, who has been trained in advanced driving and/or the equivalent of Head of State bodyguard protection policies.
Photographing members of the Royal Family, members of the government or government buildings is forbidden without the permission of the Ministry of Interior.
In order to apply for an embassy please return the following form to the Department and it will be acted on as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Sophia Strauzenberg
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Application for Embassy:Nation Name:
System of Government:
Head of Government:
Head of State:
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or Equivalent):
Ambassador Name:
Capital City:
National Religion:
National Language (Official):
Economic Credit Rating:
Current Trade Allliances:
Current Allies:
Declared War (y/n, with whom):
Views on the Kingdom of McMasterdonia:
Security Staff:
Security Vehicles:
Special Requests:
OOC: I have used Scandigrad's embassy application topic as a guide, so credit to him. If you wish to roleplay with the embassy or with the Government of McMasterdonia directly then let me know.
I have included ZS as I have previously applied for an embassy with him directly.[/font]