Corrupt a Wish

Granted. But it is an african variation of the banana called a plantain. It is more of a potato than a banana.

I wish for a vacation.
Granted, but you can't think of anything else.

I wish I could be on here more often.
Granted, but the yacht is located at the top of the Himalayas.

I wish I had a cup of coffee.
Granted, but you miss out on that 1 million dollar giveaway where you could have won the grand prize of a million dollars.

I wish that my research proposal would complete itself for me.
Granted, but the entire proposal is written in Latin. Poorly.

I wish I was a billionaire, so freakin' bad...
You are a billionaire as you ripped off the Reserve Bank of the USA and are awaiting the death penalty.

I wish that my air conditioning worked properly >_>!
It did. If you were in Russia and it was meant to be central heating.

I wish for a KitKat! :D
Granted, but he was created by Skynet and sent back in time to assassinate you.

I wish it would rain.
Granted, but the forum collapses because you visit it too often (is that even possible???!!!)

I wish I can pass my Chinese exams.
Granted. Shortly after Chinese people decide to switch to English and Chinese becomes a dead language.

(technically, it's possible to saturate it with requests and consume bandwith, but Terror Bird needs more than activity to make it)

I wish for six seasons and a movie of Community
Granted, but it tires Dan Harmon so much that he goes psycho. The movie is a painful three hours long. Painful because it is one continuous shot of the cast taking LSD then ritualistically mudering and consuming Annie. The only nudity is Pierce's scrotum. :evil:

I wish for James Cameron to direct the next installment of the "Aliens" franchise.
Granted but half way through the movie Cameron get's a tantrum about how the actors weren't doing what they should be doing and quits. M. Night Shyamalan takes over and the ending consist of a "twist" that everybody saw comming.

I wish that Michael Bay would stop making Transformer movies.
Yes, but M. Night Shyamalan takes over and ruins the franchise.

I wish that only good things can happen to everyone.
Democratic Donkeys:
Granted, but it tires Dan Harmon so much that he goes psycho. The movie is a painful three hours long. Painful because it is one continuous shot of the cast taking LSD then ritualistically mudering and consuming Annie. The only nudity is Pierce's scrotum. :evil:
wow, now, that's corrupting a wish... you're cruel, cruel cruel cruel

It definitely would be the darkest timeline... But I would still watch it xD

(skip me)
Granted... you are brilliant at writing trashy romance novels that old people read.

I wish that I had more motivation to study.
Granted, but it comes at the price of consuming dangerous quantities of Adderall.

I wish Daylight Savings Time would be abolished.
Granted but the longer summer seasons starts droughts and heat aves around the world.
I wish that nothing would go wrong.
Granted. Unfortunately for you, now that everything goes right your life is boring and utterly predictable.

I wish this day was over already.
Granted, but you forget everything as soon as you open the test booklet.

I wish computer technology was less buggy.
Granted, now there is no computer technology in existence for it to be buggy.

I wish that when I type colour into the reply screen it doesn't say I'm wrong and suggest I spell it without the 'u'.
Granted. It doesn't say you're wrong and doesn't suggest any other spelling anymore (yet you will keep being wrong and colours won't show anyway)

I wish for a new scanner
Granted, however the instructions are in Welsh and everything it scans turns into coat hangers too large to hang any of your clothing.

I wish for more duct tape.