Future US President: Sarah Palin calls for Invasion of Czech Republic

Another false pretext to seize a world monopoly on beer ressources.

I'm waiting for her to say that North Korea is American's ally again. No doubt she'll do it after their next missile test.

Silly, silly person. We know that America has some very astute politicians, are they all on holiday or something?
Traditionally, astute politicians are rather boring.

Sarah Palin is more like a celebrity, a la Paris Hilton, who for some reason ended up on a national ticket.
Bogus story.

No such interview occurred with Fox News, nor did Palin even make such a statement.

The Daily Currant is a parody site like The Onion. It's a joke.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqHi5n0CAy8

However, there are politicians who do actually make really idiotic statements like this:

"“And to your point, Mr. Baker, regarding the lack of prosecutions on lying on Form 4473s, we simply don’t have the time or manpower to prosecute everybody who lies on a form, that checks a wrong box, that answers a question inaccurately.” --------- Joe Biden


Hence, this gets paraphrased to Joe Biden saying, "We need more gun laws because we don't have the time to enforce the existing laws."

Poor Joe Biden, so misunderstood. And I mean that, as a conservative. He makes a good point - when you listen to his entire statement in context. What he really means is that we have laws that are passed, aren't enforced, and then we try to make more laws to remedy the situation and still don't enforce it. And then the media, both right and left, have a hay-day twisting things out of context or creating bogus quotes that the masses of uninformed and low-information people just gobble up as the 'truth'.

All mass media is guilty of this. Remember, the mass-media is in the business of making money and the more outrageous a news story is, accurate or not, the better for ratings. And selling commercial air time to tout cheap Chinese products.

A joke story or parody is funny, especially when there is a class of people who don't check things out for validity actually believe it and pass it on as the truth.

What is especially funny is when a news media outlet takes it as true and runs with it only to have it fly back in their faces when it is exposed as a hoax. That really damages the credibility of so-called legitimate news agencies that do not check the facts.

Too funny. :lol:

I tell you, I could pull off a couple of internet pranks (and I have before) that could hit international news!