Hello everyone.
Nickname(s)?: Eru
Main Nation?: Neo-Erusea
RL Country?: Nicaragua or the United States, I move from time to time
Favourite Colour(s)?: Red and Green and Blue and White
Do you use IRC?: Yessir
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Kinda libertarian for the most part
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Both
I'd like to say that you have very nice forums
Nickname(s)?: Eru
Main Nation?: Neo-Erusea
RL Country?: Nicaragua or the United States, I move from time to time
Favourite Colour(s)?: Red and Green and Blue and White
Do you use IRC?: Yessir
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Kinda libertarian for the most part
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Both
I'd like to say that you have very nice forums