I would like to put forward a motion to petition Romanoffia, for not fulfilling his duties as Minister of Communications. I am hoping that these means may serve as an alternative to recalling, which I do not believe is warranted at this time.
Here is the petition for consideration by the Regional Assembly:
Coauthored by Funkadelia
Here is the petition for consideration by the Regional Assembly:
petition:An open letter to the Minister of Communications Romanoffia:
It has come to the attention of this assembly that during your term as Minister of Communications, you have failed to uphold the standards demanded by the position you hold. Most notably, your ministry has failed to maintain the North Pacific Wire, a beloved source of news to our region. We strongly believe that it is in the best interest to maintain this news wire, in order to keep our citizens informed, as well as informing the population at large about the current events in the North Pacific.
We, the members of the Regional Assembly, strongly request that you bring TNP Wire up to date, as well as maintain it, and continue to execute your duties. Consider this a warning before we seek a recall.
With respect,
The Regional Assembly
Coauthored by Funkadelia