Good evening.

Hello there :)

Second what FEC said. Saying that, if you don't try taking it seriously, there's a fair amount of the "official" stuff that can give you a good giggle. You should be good, methinks :)
Welcome to TNP in my pant-- Oh right... this isn't the RMB ;P

Seriously though welcome to TNP! Join the RA, the NPA and take part in our crazy ruckus. McMasterdonia has free cookies.
Welcome to The North Pacific!
I am sure you will have tons of fun here!
We have some really intense legislature at times, which you can enjoy if you like that sort of thing.
In addition to that we also have some thrilling Role Play threads that you can contribute to!
And if you are looking for experience and work to do here, well we do have our Executive Staff, Regional Assembly, and the North Pacific Army.
It is always great to have another personality and character on the team :)
Once again, welcome to TNP!

~ Tomb