New Legislation Notifications

Mr. Delegate,

Please state here your intention whether or not to veto the Judicial Tweak Bill, which has recently been passed by the Regional Assembly. Without comment from your office, it will become law on January 23rd, 2013 at 22:40 GMT. However, if you publicly state that you do not intend to veto it, I will update the Legal Code at my first opportunity. The text of the bill is as follows:

Judicial Tweak Bill:
A Proposal to Amend a Law
1. The below amendment to the North Pacific Legal Code will be applied.

Chapter 3: Judicial Law:
Section 3.2: Appointment of Hearing Officers
8. If there is a vacancy on the Court, or any Justice is unavailable or has a conflict of interest the remaining Justices will promptly appoint a hearing officer to participate as temporary Justices.
9. If no Justices are available or all Justices have a conflict of interest, the Delegate will promptly appoint the needed hearing officers with the agreement of the Speaker.
10. In implementing the previous clause, any person who has a conflict of interest will be treated as absent.
Any hearing officer appointed under this Section must not have a conflict of interest and may not hold any other office while serving as a judicial hearing officer.

2. As required by the North Pacific Legal Code, all subsequent clauses of Chapter 3 will be renumbered appropriately.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Crushing Our Enemies
Mr. Delegate,

Please state here your intention whether or not to veto the Election Transition Clarification Bill, which has recently been passed by the Regional Assembly. Without comment from your office, it will become law on January 23rd, 2013 at 22:50 GMT. However, if you publicly state that you do not intend to veto it, I will update the Legal Code at my first opportunity. The text of the bill is as follows:

Election Transition Clarification Bill:
A Proposal to Amend a Law
1. The wording of Legal Code Chapter 4.1.2 will be changed to the following (as this is a major rewrite, changes are not specifically delineated):
2. All government officials will be required to take the Oath of Office within one week of the certification of election results by the Election Commissioner, or if appointed, within one week of their appointment being announced. The taking of the Oath constitutes assumption of the office. Failure to post the oath within the allotted time will result in the office being considered vacant, to be filled in accordance with all laws governing elections or appointments, as is appropriate for the office in question.
2. For the sake of consistency and clarity, the definition of Vacancy in Legal Code Chapter 4.2.8 must be slightly tweaked to explicitly include failure to post the oath. Its new version will read as follows (added text in Blue): Quote:
8. A "vacancy" in an office occurs when the holder of it resigns, is removed, or abandons it . An office is abandoned when its holder does not log onto the regional forums for two weeks without prior notice, or when an election winner or appointee fails to post the Oath of Office. Vacancies of elected offices are filled through a special election unless a it cannot be completed prior to the beginning of the appropriate scheduled election cycle. Pending an election, however, a vacancy may be temporarily filled as provided by the Constitution, this Legal Code, or a rule adopted by the appropriate body. Vacancies of appointed positions may be filled in accordance with proper appointment procedures.
3. Finally, to address a simple grammar error in 4.2.4, defining Abstentions, the following word will be removed (change denoted in red):Quote:
4. "Abstentions" are not votes for or against any candidate, and may not be used to determine the results of any election. They may be used to for quorum, activity, or other purposes.
4. No renumbering of the Legal Code would be required by this bill.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Crushing Our Enemies
Mr. Delegate,

The Judicial Review Power Tweak Bill has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on February 2, 2013 at 22:04 GMT. The text of the bill is as follows:

Juducial Review Power Tweak Bill:
1. Article 4 Clause 1 of the Constitution will be amended as follows:
Article 4:
1. The Court will try all criminal and civil cases, resolve conflicts or ambiguities in the law, and review the constitutionality of laws or legality of government policies by request of an affected party.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Crushing Our Enemies
Mr. Delegate,

The OR Bill has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on February 17, 2013 at 21:05 GMT. The text of the bill is as follows:

The OR Bill:
Chapter 6, Clause 10 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows:

10. The Speaker's office will promptly remove any members whose removal is ordered by the Court, whose North Pacific nation leaves or ceases to exist, or who fail to log in to the North Pacific forum for over 30 days.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Crushing Our Enemies

The above was posted in error, as voting on the OR Bill has not concluded. Please disregard.
Mr. Delegate,

The OR Bill has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on February 17, 2013 at 17:46 GMT. The text of the bill is as follows:

The OR Bill:
Chapter 6, Clause 10 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows:

10. The Speaker's office will promptly remove any members whose removal is ordered by the Court, whose North Pacific nation leaves or ceases to exist, or who fail to log in to the North Pacific forum for over 30 days.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Crushing Our Enemies
Mr. Delegate,

The Chief Justice Election Bill has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on March 6, 2013 at 21:06 GMT. The text of the bill is as follows:

Chief Justice Election Bill:
1. Article 4, Section 2 of the Constitution of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows,
2. The Court will consist of at least three Justices, who will select a Chief Justice among themselves.
2. Chapter 4, Section 4.5 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows,
Section 4.5: Judicial Elections
15. The election cycle for the terms of Justices, and the Attorney General will begin on the first days of the months of March, July, and November.
16. Whenever the position is vacant, the Justices shall elect a Chief Justice from among themselves by a majority vote.
17. In the event that seven days after the conclusion of a Judicial election, including the conclusion of any required run-off votes, a Chief Justice has not been elected, the Justice that received the highest number of votes in said election, and in the event of a tie for highest number of votes the Justice among those tied who has at that point been a Regional Assembly member continuously the longest, shall become Chief Justice.
3. Chapter 4, Section 4.6 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows,
Section 4.6: Special Elections
18. A special election will be held in the event of a vacancy in any elected office or position.
19. The Delegate, or if the Delegate is not available, the Speaker, or if the Delegate and Speaker are not available, any Court Justice, will serve as Election Commissioner for the special election.
20. The period for nominations or declarations of candidacy in the special election will last for five days, beginning within two days after the vacancy is noticed.
21. Voting will begin one day after the period for nominations or declarations has closed and last for five days, unless there is only one candidate for each vacancy in which case they will take office immediately.
4. Sections 1, 2, and 3 of this Act shall take effect upon the beginning of the judicial election cycle starting on March 1st, 2013.

Please note that Section 1 is a constitutional amendment, and that the constitution does not grant the delegate the power to veto constitutional amendments. Note further the implementation clause, and how very very close we are to that date. Given these sticky legal circumstances, it is the fond request of the Speaker that you sign this bill immediately so we don't have to deal with all that nonsense.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Crushing Our Enemies
Mr. Vice Delegate,

The Second Chief Justice Election Bill has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on March 27, 2013 at 22:10 GMT. The text of the bill is as follows:

Second Chief Justice Election Bill:
1. Chapter 4, Section 4.5, Clause 17 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows,

17. In the event that seven days after the conclusion of a Judicial election, including the conclusion of any required run-off votes, a Chief Justice has not been elected, the Justice that received the highest number of votes in said election, and in the event of a tie for highest number of votes the Justice among those tied with the largest amount of elapsed time since that Justice's most recent admission to the Regional Assembly without an interruption, shall become Chief Justice.
Please note that even if you approve or sign this legislation, it will not become law immediately, because the delegate election may conclude in a week. If you approve this legislation and at the conclusion of the voting period, you win the election, or a runoff is necessary, I will update the legal code accordingly. However, if a new delegate takes office within the week, I am required to allow them the chance to veto.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Crushing Our Enemies
Mr. Delegate,

The Regional Assembly Membership Removal Bill has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on . The text of the bill is as follows:

Regional Assembly Membership Removal Bill:
1. Chapter 6, Section 6.1, Clause 10 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows,
10. The Speaker's office will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members whose removal is ordered by the Court, or whose North Pacific nation leaves or ceases to exist.
2. Clauses 11 to 35 of Chapter 6 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific are hereby amended to be numbered 13 to 37, respectively.

3. The following is inserted to Chapter 6, Section 6.1, of the Codified Law of The North Pacific,
11. The Speaker's office will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members who fail to log in to the North Pacific forum for over 30 consecutive days; or who have not voted for 20 consecutive days and have missed four consecutive Regional Assembly votes, as determined by the time they were commenced, and excluding election votes for all purposes under this clause.
12. Regional Assembly members that have submitted a notice of absence, in accordance with any regulations set by the Speaker's Office, shall be exempt from the provisions of the above clause for the duration of their absence.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Crushing Our Enemies
Mr. Delegate,

The Oath Reform Bill has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on May 7, 2013. The text of the bill is as follows:

Oath Reform Bill:
1. Legal Code Chapter 6 Clause 4 is amended to read as follows:
4. Applicants must provide the name of their TNP Nation and WA Nation (if they control one) and swear an oath, as follows:
I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of [INSERT YOUR TNP NATION], pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for membership in the Regional Assembly of the North Pacific.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Mr. Delegate,

The Security Council Reform Bill has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on . The text of the bill is as follows:

Security Council Reform Bill:
A Proposal to Amend a Law
Chapter 5 of the Legal Code shall be amended to read as follows:
Chapter 5: Security Council Law:
Chapter 5: Security Council Law

1. Any laws regulating the activities of the Security Council must be listed in this chapter.
2. In this chapter, "Council" means the Security Council.
3. In this Chapter, the serving Delegate means the legal Delegate or, in the absence of a legal Delegate, the acting Delegate.

Section 5.1: Requirements
4. The influence requirement will consist of a TNP influence score (Soft Power Disbursement Rating) greater than or equal to 300, though when a nation's influence score within TNP is unknown as the displayed score may include significant influence within other regions, a TNP influence rank greater than or equal to Vassal may be substituted.
5. The minimum endorsement count is defined as 100 endorsements, or fifty per cent of the serving Delegate's endorsement count, whichever is least.
6. The maximum endorsement count is defined as 40 fewer endorsements than the serving Delegate's endorsement count, or eighty-five percent of said count, whichever is greatest.
7. Where the computation results in fractions, the count shall be rounded down.
8. The serving Delegate is exempt from endorsement requirements.

Section 5.2: Admission
9. Any Regional Assembly member satisfying the influence requirement and endorsement count requirement may apply to join the Security Council.
10. An application which does not meet the appropriate requirements or ceases to meet them must be rejected.

Section 5.3: Enforcement
11. Whenever any Council member fails to meet any requirements to maintain their position, the Vice Delegate must warn them, and if the Council member does not come into compliance within eight days of the warning, the Vice Delegate must suspend them.
12. The Vice Delegate must remove members of the Council whose member nation no longer exists, voluntarily departs The North Pacific, or resigns from the World Assembly outside the needs of a NPA sanctioned mission.
13. The Vice Delegate must report any suspension or removal of a member of the Council to the Regional Assembly.
14. If a suspended member of the Council comes back into compliance with the endorsement and influence requirements, the Vice Delegate will reinstate them.
15. A majority of the Council may vote to determine that the continued membership in the Council of a member poses a security risk to The North Pacific and request approval from the Regional Assembly to remove the member from the Council.
16. The Speaker of the Regional Assembly will submit the request to an immediate vote of the Regional Assembly; approval will require a two-thirds majority.
17. The Council may task a member with taking actions required under this chapter in the absence of the Vice Delegate.
18. During any period when serving as acting Delegate, the Vice Delegate will be considered absent from the office of Vice Delegate.
19. If the Vice Delegate nation ceases to exist, voluntarily departs The North Pacific, resigns from the World Assembly, or fails to maintain an endorsement level within the range required of Council members for more than eight days, the Vice Delegate will be removed from office.

Section 5.4: Sanity
20. The Security Council Law is to be applied in a reasonable manner.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Deputy Speaker SillyString
Mr. Delegate,

The Amendments to Chapter 1 of the Legal Code have passed the Regional Assembly, and are presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on . The text of the bill is as follows:

Amendments to Chapter 1 of the Legal Code:
Amendments to Chapter 1 of the Legal Code

1. Chapter 1, Clause 1 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows,
1. No criminal case may be brought before the Court of the North Pacific against any citizen for any crime not listed in the Criminal Code.
2. Chapter 1, Section 1.8 and Chapter 1, Section 1.8, Clause 20 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific are renumbered as Chapter 1, Section 1.9 and Chapter 1, Section 1.9, Clause 21 respectively.

3. A new section of the Codified Law of The North Pacific that shall be numbered as Chapter 1, Section 1.8 is hereby created and shall read as follows,
Section 1.8. Gross Misconduct
20. "Gross Misconduct" is defined as the violation of an individual's sworn oath of office, either willfully or through negligence.
4. Chapter 2, Clause 4 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific is hereby struck from the Codified Law of The North Pacific and Chapter 2, Clauses 5, 6, 7 and 8 are renumbered as Chapter 2, Clauses 4, 5, 6 and 7 respectively.

5. A new clause of the Codified Law of The North Pacific that shall be numbered as Chapter 2, Clause 8 is hereby created and shall read as follows,
8. Gross Misconduct will be punished by removal from office and the suspension of voting rights for whatever finite duration the Court sees fit.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Deputy Speaker SillyString​
Mr. Delegate,

The Amendment to Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the Legal Code has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on . The text of the bill is as follows:

Amendment to Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the Legal Code:
Amendment to Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the Legal Code

Section 4.2.6, which currently reads:
6. "Election Commissioner" is an individual designated to supervise a given election. No one who may be a candidate in an election may serve as an Election Commissioner during it.
shall be amended to read:
6. "Election Commissioner" is an individual designated to supervise a given election. No Election Commissioner may run in the election they are overseeing.

Section 4.3.9, which currently reads:
9. In General and Judicial elections, Election Commissioners will be appointed by the Delegate to oversee the nomination and election processes at least one week before the month in which the election begins. If an appointment of Election Commissioners has not been made by that time, the Chief Justice shall promptly make the appointment within 48 hours.
shall be amended to read:
9. In General and Judicial elections, Election Commissioners will be appointed by the Delegate to oversee the nomination and election processes at least one week before the beginning of the month in which the election is to be held. If an appointment of Election Commissioners has not been made by that time, the Chief Justice shall promptly make the appointment.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Deputy Speaker SillyString​
Mr. Delegate,

The Omnibus Recall Fix Bill has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on 2013-08-18. Please note that if you veto the bill, the portion of it that amends the RA Rules will still go into effect. The text of the bill is as follows:

Omnibus Recall Fix:
Omnibus Recall Fix

Section 6.1, Clause 11 of the Legal Code shall be amended to read,
11. The Speaker's office will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members who fail to log in to the North Pacific forum for over 30 consecutive days; or who have not voted for 20 consecutive days and have missed four consecutive Regional Assembly votes to enact, amend or repeal laws, as determined by the time they closed.
Section 2.1 of the Rules of the Regional Assembly shall be amended to read:
1. No more than two votes to enact, amend or repeal laws may take place simultaneously at any time.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Mr. Delegate,

The Mandatory Ministries Bill has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on 2013-08-18. The text of the bill is as follows:

Mandatory Ministries Bill:
1. Chapter 6, Section 6.4, Clause 23 shall be amended to read the following,
23. There will be an Executive Officer charged with the North Pacific's foreign affairs. They will ensure the continued operation of any embassies of the North Pacific and will report on events in the region.
2. Chapter 6, Section 6.4, Clause 24 shall be deleted.

3. Chapter 6, Section 6.4, Clause 26 shall be deleted.

4. Chapter 6, Section 6.4, Clauses 25, 27, and 28 shall be renumbered 24, 25, and 26 respectively.

5. Chapter 6, Section 6.5, Clauses 29, 30, and 31 shall be renumbered 27, 28, and 29 respectively.

6. Chapter 6, Section 6.6, Clauses 32, 33, 34, and 35 shall be renumbered 30, 31, 32, and 33 respectively.

7. Chapter 6, Section 6.7, Clause 36 shall be renumbered 34.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Mr. Delegate,

The World Assembly Verification Repeal Bill has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on Sep 5 2013, 01:30 PM. The text of the bill is as follows:

World Assembly Verification Repeal Bill:
World Assembly Verification Repeal Bill

1. Chapter 6, Section 6.2 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific is repealed.

2. Sections 6.3 to 6.7 of Chapter 6 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific are amended to be numbered 6.2 to 6.6, respectively.

3. Clauses 17 to 34 of Chapter 6 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific are amended to be numbered 13 to 30, respectively.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Respectfully submitted,
Mr. Delegate,

The Membership Administration Amendment Bill has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on . The text of the bill is as follows:

Membership Administration Amendment Bill:
Membership Administration Amendment Bill

1. Section 6.1 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows,

Section 6.1: Regional Assembly Membership Act
2. Any person with an account on the regional forum and a nation in The North Pacific may apply for Regional Assembly membership, using their regional forum account, by providing the name of their nation in The North Pacific, and swearing an oath as follows:
I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of [INSERT YOUR TNP NATION], pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for membership in the Regional Assembly of the North Pacific.
3. A copy of the laws applicants are pledging to obey must be available to them at all times.
4. An application for Regional Assembly membership ceases to be valid if at any time the applicant's declared nation in The North Pacific nation is not located in The North Pacific.
5. Forum administration will have 14 days to evaluate Regional Assembly applicants and verify that they are not using a proxy or evading a judicially-imposed penalty. The Vice Delegate will have 3 days to evaluate Regional Assembly applicants and verify that they do not pose a threat to regional security.
6. The Speaker will reject applicants who fail an evaluation by either forum administration or the Vice Delegate.
7. If an applicant is rejected for failing an evaluation by the Vice Delegate, the Regional Assembly will immediately hold a majority vote on whether to uphold the rejection.
8. The Speaker will accept all other applicants with valid applications.
9. The Speaker will process applications within 14 days. If an applicant has not been accepted or rejected within that time, they will be automatically accepted to the Regional Assembly.
10. Regional Assembly members may not vote in any vote which began before they were last admitted.
11. The Speaker will maintain a publicly viewable roster of Regional Assembly members.
12. The Speaker will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members whose removal is ordered by the Court, or whose nation in The North Pacific leaves or ceases to exist.
13. The Speaker's office will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members who fail to log in to the North Pacific forum for over 30 consecutive days; or who have not voted for 20 consecutive days and have missed four consecutive Regional Assembly votes to enact, amend or repeal laws, as determined by the time they closed.
14. Regional Assembly members that have submitted a notice of absence, in accordance with any regulations set by the Speaker, shall be exempt from the provisions of the above clause for the stated duration of their absence.

2. Clauses 13 to 34 of Chapter 6 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific are renumbered 15 to 36 respectively.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Mr Awesome Delegate,

While the Speaker of the RA has been off gallivanting around in the Real World (tm), the Attorney General Omnibus Bill has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on . The text of the bill is as follows:

Attorney General Omnibus Bill:
Attorney General Omnibus Bill

1. Articles 4 - 8 of the Constitution of The North Pacific shall be renumbered 5 - 9 respectively.

2. The following shall be inserted into the Constitution of The North Pacific:

Article 4. Attorney General

  1. The Regional Assembly will elect an Attorney General by plurality vote every four months.
  2. The Attorney General will serve as prosecutor in all criminal cases brought before the Court, save those outlined below, and will also act as a legal advisor to the Delegate, and/or the Executive, of The North Pacific upon request.
  3. The Attorney General shall not serve as prosecutor in any criminal case in which they are a defendant, the defence attorney, or a witness.
  4. The Attorney General may appoint deputies to assist them in the execution of any of their powers and duties. Appointment of deputies may be regulated by law.

3. Section 3.1 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific shall be stricken.

4. Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific shall be renumbered 3.1 and 3.2 respectively. Clauses 8 - 19 of Chapter 3 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific shall be renumbered 2 - 13 respectively.

5. The following shall be inserted into Chapter 6 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific:

Section 6.8: The Attorney General
35. The election for the office of Attorney General shall be held during the Judicial Cycle.
36. It is the duty of the Attorney General, and their deputies, to see to completion any proceeding being prosecuted.
37. If the original Attorney General, and their deputies, are unable to complete a pending case before the end of their term, the successor Attorney General will take over as prosecutor and complete the pending proceedings.
38. The Attorney General shall have standing in all cases of judicial review brought before the Court.
39. The Attorney General may request expedited judicial review of any executive action by any official.
40. Any deputy appointed by the Attorney General may not serve concurrently as either a Justice or a Temporary Hearing Officer.
41. In the event that the Attorney General is a defendant, the defence attorney, or a witness in a criminal case, the Delegate shall appoint an existing deputy Attorney General who is not similarly party to that case to act as Special Prosecutor for that case.
42. Failing the existence of a deputy Attorney General who is able to act as Special Prosecutor, the Delegate shall appoint a member of the Regional Assembly, who is not otherwise party to that case, to be a deputy Attorney General who shall then act as Special Prosecutor.
43. This Special Prosecutor shall serve for the duration of the trial and may only be dismissed prior to this by the Delegate at their discretion or by the Regional Assembly via a recall vote.

6. No part of this bill shall take effect unless all parts take effect.
Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Speaker,
Deputy Speaker SillyString​
Mr. Delegate,

The Officials Amendment Bill has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on . The text of the bill is as follows:

Officials Amendment Bill:
1. Article 3, Clause 5 of the Constitution of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows,

5. The Delegate may appoint executive officers to assist them and may dismiss these officers freely. Executive officers may be regulated by law.

2. Article 6 of the Constitution of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows,

Article 6. The Security Council

1. Any person who meets any endorsement and influence requirements determined by law may apply to become a member of the Security Council.
2. The Security Council may approve applicants by a majority vote. The Regional Assembly may admit an approved applicant by a majority vote. If the Security Council does not approve an applicant or does not act on them within thirty days, the Regional Assembly may admit the applicant by a two-thirds majority vote.
3. The Security Council will monitor the region’s security and report on it to the public, and enforce decisions of the Regional Assembly to remove the Delegate.
4. The Regional Assembly may establish a line of succession beyond the Vice Delegate among the members of the Security Council by a majority vote. If a new member is admitted to the Security Council, they will be added at the end of the current line of succession. If a member is removed from the Security Council, they will be removed from the line of succession.

3. Article 7 of the Constitution of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows,

Article 7. General Provisions

1. Constitutionally-mandated elected officials are the Delegate, Vice Delegate, Speaker, Justices, and Attorney General.
2. Government officials are the constitutionally-mandated elected officials, any officials appointed by them as permitted by law, and members of the Security Council.
3. The executive category consists of the Delegate, Vice Delegate, Attorney General, and government officials appointed by government officials in the executive category.
4. The legislative category consists of the Speaker, and government officials appointed by government officials in the legislative category.
5. The judicial category consists of the Justices, and government officials appointed by government officials in the judicial category .
6. All government officials, with the exception of members of the Security Council, must maintain membership in the Regional Assembly while in office.
7. All government officials will swear an oath of office. The content of these oaths will be determined by law and be legally binding.
8. No person may simultaneously serve in more than one constitutionally-mandated elected official positions.
9. No person may simultaneously serve in government official positions in more than one of the executive, legislative, or judicial categories.
10. Government bodies may create rules for their own governance subordinate to this constitution and the laws.
11. Procedures to fill vacancies in constitutionally-mandated elected offices may be established by law.
12. No law or government policy may contradict this constitution.

4. Chapter 5, Section 5.2, Clause 9 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows,

9. Any person with an account on the regional forum and a nation in The North Pacific satisfying the influence requirement and endorsement count requirement may apply to join the Security Council.

5. Clause 23 of Chapter 6, Section 6.3 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific is hereby repealed.

6. Clause 24 of Chapter 6, Section 6.3 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows,
23. The Regional Assembly may elect an Executive Officer should one of the roles defined by this act remain vacant for seven days.

7. Clauses 25 - 41 of Chapter 6 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific are hereby renumbered 24 - 40 respectively.

8. No part of this bill shall take effect unless all parts take effect.

Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,