Bootsie:Mr. Delegate,
The Security Council Reform Bill has passed the Regional Assembly, and is presented for your signature or veto. Without comment from your office, it will become law on the 21th of May, 2017. The text of the bill is as follows:
Security Council Reform Bill:Chapter 5 of the Legal Code shall be amended as follows:
Chapter 5: Regional Security Law
1. Any laws regulating the Security Council or its activities must be listed in this chapter.
2. In this chapter, "Council" means the Security Council.
3. In this chapter, the serving Delegate means the person holding the constitutionally-mandated elected office of Delegate or, in the case of a vacancy in that office, the person who has assumed the duties of that office.
Section 5.1: Requirements and Admission
4. Any person with an account on the regional forum and a nation in The North Pacific may apply to join the Council, as long as their nation satisfies any influence and endorsement requirements for membership. Any applicant who does not meet the appropriate requirements, or who ceases to meet them, is automatically rejected.
5. Security Councilors must meet the same influence and endorsement requirements as applicants to the Council, and may be suspended or removed if they fail to do so.
6. The influence requirement is a Soft Power Disbursement Rating within The North Pacific greater than or equal to 182,500, or an influence rank within The North Pacific greater than or equal to Apprentice, whichever is lower. The endorsement requirement is at least 500, or 50 percent of the serving Delegate's endorsement count, whichever is lower.
7. By a two-thirds majority vote, the Security Council may exempt nations who have expended their influence in service to the region from any influence requirements to join the Council or to remain a member. Exemptions granted in such a manner remain valid until the exempted nation regains the required influence level.
Section 5.2: The Delegate and Vice Delegate
8. The serving Delegate is responsible for maintaining an endorsement count that exceeds that of any other nation in The North Pacific.
9. The Vice Delegate is responsible for maintaining a minimum endorsement count at least that of the WA Delegate's endorsement count, minus one-fifth of the total number of WA nations in the region.
10. If the Delegate or Vice Delegate is below this level, they must promptly act to gather sufficient endorsements to meet or exceed the requirement.
11. If the Delegate or Vice Delegate nation ceases to exist, voluntarily departs The North Pacific, or resigns from the World Assembly, their office will be considered vacant.
12. If the Vice Delegate is temporarily unavailable, the Council may task one of its members with performing the duties required under this chapter. The Council may hold a confirmation vote, but is not required to do so.
13. During any period when serving as acting Delegate, the Vice Delegate will be considered absent from the office of Vice Delegate.
Section 5.3: Suspension and Removal
14. Whenever any Council member fails to meet the influence or endorsement count requirements to maintain their position without being granted an exemption, the Vice Delegate must promptly warn them. If the Council member does not come into compliance within eight days of the warning, the Vice Delegate must suspend them.
15. The Vice Delegate must promptly remove members of the Council whose member nations no longer exist, voluntarily depart The North Pacific, or resign from the World Assembly outside the needs of a NPA sanctioned mission.
16. The Vice Delegate must report any suspension or removal of a member of the Council to the Regional Assembly.
17. If a suspended member of the Council comes back into compliance with the endorsement and influence requirements, the Vice Delegate must promptly reinstate them.
18. If a Councilor's continued membership in the Council poses a security risk to The North Pacific, the Council may, by majority vote, request that the Regional Assembly vote on removing that Council member.
19. The Speaker's Office must submit any such request from the Council to an immediate two-thirds majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
Section 5.4: Reckless Endorsement Gathering
20. The serving Delegate may eject or ban any nation in The North Pacific for reckless endorsement gathering that meets all of the following criteria:
21. The serving Delegate may eject or ban any nation in The North Pacific for reckless endorsement gathering that exceeds the Vice Delegate's required minimum endorsement count.
- It is not in the Council or holding the office of Delegate or Vice Delegate.
- It has been reported to the Delegate as a possible threat to regional security by the Council.
- It has continued actively gathering endorsements after two warnings against gathering endorsements sent at least two days apart from each other.
- It has more endorsements than 50 fewer than the Vice Delegate's required minimum endorsement count, or 75 per cent of the Delegate's endorsement level, whichever is least.
22. Nations banned for reckless endorsement gathering must remain banned at least until they update outside The North Pacific.
23. Unless a delegacy emergency is in effect, any Council member who exceeds the Vice Delegate's endorsement count while the Vice Delegate is above the required minimum for their position must stop seeking endorsements until they have fewer than the Vice Delegate.
Thank you for your time. Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Respectfully submitted,
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The bill is signed.

Pallaith, Delegate of The North Pacific