Fellow citizens of The North Pacific, our prestigious Security Council officials, our honourable Vice Delegate, Blue Wolf II, and, last but not least, our honourable Delegate, McMasterdonia,
My name is DRUK, formally known as Democratic Republic of United Koryo. I have joined The North Pacific on October 25, 2012, approximately two months ago. In terms of rankings and positions in TNP, I am currently the Associate Justice in the Judiciary Department of TNP, the Dean of The North Pacific University, and a former candidate for a special Vice Delegate election held just a few weeks ago.
On November of 2012, McMasterdonia, who is currently our regional delegate, has vowed to enhance security as well as culture of our region, and I believe he has accomplished so by effectively regulating endorsement counts, and permitting the birth of new role-playing conferences as well as partaking in the establishment of the North Pacific University.
I believe McMasterdonia has laid foundation for a highly active, cultural, and secure region, and I intend building upon that foundation to provide rich culture and top-notch security that embody democratic ideals, which serve as the root of TNP's long-standing tradition.
Therefore, I have outlined the following three aspects to explain how we will go about accomplishing this:
1) Tradition
Conferences in RP Section
- Promote democratic ideals(Support establishment of council, legislation, voting procedures, etc.)
- Promote cooperation within members via means of free trade, free and friendly access to each of the nations within each of the Conference, whether it be Galt, or another, via public transit and trasportation
(e.g. TransPacific Railway, TransPacific Cargo Route, TransPacific Airlines, etc.)
- Promote economic as well as industrial cooperation to ensure trust, support, and security of the nations within each Conference
(e.g. Building of Joint Industrial Zones, Unified currency, etc.)
- Promote military cooperation to ensure trust, support, and security of the nations within each Conference
(e.g. Sharing of military information --> Weapons, Troops, Logistics, etc.
--> Founding of a unified Atomic Community in each Conference to share nuclear storage and weapons)
Keeping RP Conferences, thus the RP section, active will help in promoting and refreshing each of the members of The North Pacific of our traditional democratic and constitutional ideals.
2) Culture
The North Pacific University(TNPU)
When I set up a campaign for the Special Vice Delegate election in November of 2012, I have suggested the establishment of an educational institution within our region. As a result, Mcmasterdonia and I exchanged ideas on how to found and improve an institution that would today be called The North Pacific University.
As also mentioned in the TNPU Mission Statement, I would like TNPU to encourage discussion and debate amongst citizens of TNP that not only promote our democratic and liberal ideals, but also increase the level of activity within our TNP forum.
In addition, when I become the Delegate, I would plan to build additional education facilities within TNP that delve into more historical information of our region.
I would strive to provide more options of entertainment in TNP forum, such as making an intraregional sports team for The North Pacific. The type of sports can be discussed and voted amongst TNP citizens.
Perhaps, our region can host an interregional sports league and tournament with our allied regions.
3) Security
Recently, there has been an unapproved switch in delegacy in the region of Osiris. Regardless of the true intentions of the switch, the incident may have an impact on the security of our own region into question.
While a recent proposal of the "300 rule", a rule that forbids any member of TNP from exceeding 300 endorsements, increases security in case of a possible coup, it nevertheless provides slow and ineffective transition of power between the former Delegate and the newly-elected one. As a result, the former Delegate, though his term may have been expired, will retain power over the region on the NS website.
To avoid ineffective power transfer and possibility of hoarding of power, I would like to introduce a proposal that will be presented when I become the Delegate of TNP.
If rich culture, high security, and a better TNP is not what you, as the member of our region, want, then do not vote for me. However, I sincerely hope all of you can see the genuine concern and interest towards the region engraved within my promises that I have mentioned above.
Thank you.
United Koryo