Checkerian Embassy Exchange


Diplomatic Exchange Directive:
office of the CENTRAL DIVISION
To the Coordination Bureaucracy of Checkers;

It has come to my attention that Checkers' programs in diplomacy lack a suitable exchange of location in friendly nations, as many other nations are in the habit of doing. It has also come to my attention that Checkers possesses no land, embassy, or consulate, in foreign nations. It is with this in mind that I order the Diplomatic Exchange Directive upon the Coordination Bureaucracy. I pronounce that the External Relations Division of the Bureaucracy will create a list of Allies with which Checkers will be in partnership. I declare that the Chief Ambassador will offer space in Ciessa for an Embassy of a nation that I, or any subsequent Chancellor, shall accept. I allow that we may attain land, by that nation's laws, to make an Embassy of our own. I order that in every major nation of The North Pacific, a Consulate to provide guidance to Checkerian citizens abroad will exist, within or in addition to our Embassy. It is my hope that this Directive will further this nation's relations throughout the world.

Jarvis J. Kraven
Chancellor of Checkers
Checkers Embassy Exchange
Daven LaSeine, Chief Ambassador
Kevin Stephens, Foreign Ministries Moderator

As ordered by the Diplomatic Exchange Directive, nations are now encouraged to apply for an Embassy with Checkers. Embassies shall be located in Ciessa, Checkers' beautiful capitol, in one of two places. Any nation on Checkers' Ally List will be placed on Venerate Boulevard, a special street in the Leaders District especially for embassies. One must obtain a pass from the External Relations Division (foreign dept.) or the Central Division (executive office) to enter, as it is highly secure but designed to be comfortable to the nation.
Nations we are getting to know more will be placed somewhere in the Plaza (it is known as the Plaza, actually called Viable Plaza), a large square in Ciessa that the Chancellor has recently designated for embassies and consulates.

[big][b]External Affairs Division - EMBASSY APPLICATION[/b]
[i]Application file under <NATION NAME- IN ALL CAPS>[/i][/big]

[b]Ambassador:[/b] <full name>


[b]Health Issues:[/b]

[b]Children?:[/b] <names if yes, simply no if no>

[b]Any and All Prior Experience:[/b] <in reverse chronological order, please provide time>[hr][i]Please note that Checkers can provide security, service staff, vehicles, and weapons.[/i]

[b]Number of Diplomatic Staff:[/b]

[b]Number of Security Staff:[/b]
[b]Number of Checkerian Staff requested:[/b]

[b]Number of Service Staff:[/b]
[b]Number of Checkerian Staff requested:[/b]

[b]Vehicles brought into Checkers:[/b] <be specific as to type and purpose>
[b]Vehicles requested:[/b] <be specific as to type and purpose>

[b]Weapons brought into Checkers:[/b] <be specific as to type and purpose>
[b]Weapons requested:[/b] <be specific as to type and purpose>
[i]Please note that under the External Safeties Act, bringing a non-registered weapon into Checkers is considered a Class B Felony. The External Relations Division will register any declared weapons upon approval of an embassy. [u]All weapons MUST be declared within this form.[/u][/i]

[b]Animals:[/b][hr][b]Request for an Alternative Embassy Location (not in the Plaza or Venerate Boulevard):[/b] <if yes, please state reason and location>

[b]Embassy exchange?[/b] <if yes, provide link to exchange thread>

[b]Do you have any special requests?[/b]

[b]Are there any security threats anticipated?[/b]
[b]Do you wish for a major intelligence sweep before your arrival?[/b]

[b]Would your nation like to enter into trade/treaty talks?[/b]

[b]Would you like to RP with this embassy? (dinner parties, terrorist attacks, etc.)[/b]

[b]Other Information:[/b]
The largest building in the back of the Plaza is the External Consulate Headquarters. Please note that any staff in your Consulate will be treated as citizens of Checkers, NOT diplomats. If you wish to establish a Consulate for distressed citizens of your country, please fill out the following:

[big][b]External Affairs Division - CONSULATE APPLICATION[/b]
[i]Application file under <NATION NAME- IN ALL CAPS>[/i][/big]

[b]Consul:[/b] <full name>

[b]Any and All Prior Experience:[/b] <in reverse chronological order, please provide time>

[i]Checkers will provide ALL security staff.[/i]

[b]Number of Diplomatic Staff:[/b]

[b]Number of Security Staff requested:[/b]

[b]Floor of building requested:[/b] <3-28>
[b]Half or whole floor?[/b]

[b]Do you have any special requests?[/b]

[b]Other Information:[/b]

Embassy List
Consulate List
External Affairs Division - EMBASSY APPLICATION
Application file under MALVAD

Ambassador: Sandra Donovan

Age: 43

Health Issues: none

Children?: Timothy Donovan 22

Any and All Prior Experience:Minister of Foreign Affairs 2001-2011 WA Ambassador 1989-2001
Please note that Checkers can provide security, service staff, vehicles, and weapons.

Number of Diplomatic Staff: 22

Number of Security Staff: 11
Number of Checkerian Staff requested: 11

Number of Service Staff: 11
Number of Checkerian Staff requested: 11

Vehicles brought into Checkers: black armored SUVs for transportation
Vehicles requested: none

Weapons brought into Checkers: handguns for security staff
Weapons requested: none
Please note that under the External Safeties Act, bringing a non-registered weapon into Checkers is considered a Class B Felony. The External Relations Division will register any declared weapons upon approval of an embassy. All weapons MUST be declared within this form.

Animals: 2 dogs
Request for an Alternative Embassy Location (not in the Plaza or Venerate Boulevard): no

Embassy exchange? Embassies in Malvad

Do you have any special requests? that we are shown respect

Are there any security threats anticipated? none
Do you wish for a major intelligence sweep before your arrival? yes

Would your nation like to enter into trade/treaty talks? yes

Would you like to RP with this embassy? (dinner parties, terrorist attacks, etc.) sure

Other Information: wish for peace and a long lasting diplomatic relationship
Malvad, pending due to the fact that your ambassador seems to have been the WA ambassador before he was born-- please rethink the experience or age areas :)
Malvad, pending due to the fact that your ambassador seems to have been the WA ambassador before he was born-- please rethink the experience or age areas :)
My ambassador is 43 making her born in 1969. 1989 is 20 years later making her 20 when she became WA ambassador.
Oh, sorry. I misread Timothy as the ambassador :P
External Relations Division

TO: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, c/o Minister Rebecca Donaldson, MALVAD
FROM: Daven LaSein, Chief Ambassador, CHECKERS

Ms. Donaldson,

Greetings. As the most prominent government officer on foreign affairs, let me state how pleased I am to see your application. Checkers would be delighted to have an embassy with Malvad. It will be approved at once, and your 22 Security/Service staff commissioned.

I have seen fit to place you at 34 Viable Plaza, a large, spacious 4-story building that I hope Ms. Donovan and all your diplomats will be quite comfortable in. There is a built-in garage that spouts at Bogam Boulevard, heavily secure for any entrances and exits your staff will be making.

Thank you,

Daven LaSeine
Chief Ambassador, External Relations Division
External Affairs Division - CONSULATE APPLICATION
Application file under THE ORIOLE UNION

Consul: Bridget Darvol

Any and All Prior Experience: Classified.

Checkers will provide ALL security staff.

Number of Diplomatic Staff: 40

Number of Security Staff requested: --

Floor of building requested: Irrelevant -- whatever we get is fine.
Half or whole floor? Whole.

Do you have any special requests? N/A

Other Information: N/A
From: External Relations Division, CHECKERS

To the honorable foreign ministries of OE:

We have seen fit to approve your consulate application. Because of your proximity and friendship to Checkers, Consul Darvol and her staff will be placed on the fifth floor of the Consulate Headquarters in Viable Plaza.

Thank you,

Daven LaSeine
Chief Ambassador
External Affairs Division - EMBASSY APPLICATION
Application file under GUSLANTIS

Ambassador: Madeleine Knowles


Health Issues:None

Children?: No

Any and All Prior Experience:Secretary of State (2009-present)
Please note that Checkers can provide security, service staff, vehicles, and weapons.

Number of Diplomatic Staff:10

Number of Security Staff:5
Number of Checkerian Staff requested:5

Number of Service Staff:5
Number of Checkerian Staff requested:5

Vehicles brought into Checkers:Transport vehicles used to transport the ambassador and her diplomatic crew.
Vehicles requested:Checkerian Transport vehicles to transport the ambassador.

Weapons brought into Checkers:Guard pistols
Weapons requested:None
Please note that under the External Safeties Act, bringing a non-registered weapon into Checkers is considered a Class B Felony. The External Relations Division will register any declared weapons upon approval of an embassy. All weapons MUST be declared within this form.

Animals:The ambassador's Maltese.
Request for an Alternative Embassy Location (not in the Plaza or Venerate Boulevard): No

Embassy exchange?

Do you have any special requests?No

Are there any security threats anticipated?No
Do you wish for a major intelligence sweep before your arrival?Yes

Would your nation like to enter into trade/treaty talks?Yes

Would you like to RP with this embassy? (dinner parties, terrorist attacks, etc.)Yes

Other Information:No
President Hilley:

Your application has been accepted. Unfortunately, Foreign Ministries Moderator Stephens has informed me that I can not place you on Venerate Boulevard because your invasion of our ally Zemnaya Svoboda took you off the allies list. You will be given the fourteenth floor of the External Consulates Building, and your transportation throughout Checkers must be registered with the Foreign Ministries Division. Embassy Task Force agents will accompany you for your protection at all times, except inside your embassy.

Contact information:
External Consulate Headquarters
Floor 17
100 Viable Plaza
Ciessa, CI475


Daven La Seine
Chief Ambassador
External Affairs Division - EMBASSY APPLICATION
Application file under THE UNITED STATES OF NEW SEKAI

Ambassador: Sens? Ky?ki.

Age: 21 Years old.

Health Issues: None.

Children?: No.

Any and All Prior Experience: None.

Number of Diplomatic Staff: 20.

Number of Security Staff: 10 Armed Soilders and 15 Security Guards.
Number of Checkerian Staff requested: 10 Armed Soilders and 15 Security Guards. (If it ok with you?)

Number of Service Staff: 30.
Number of Checkerian Staff requested: 20 (If it ok with you?)

Vehicles brought into Checkers: 10 Full-size Armored SUVs.
Vehicles requested: 10-full-size Armored SUVs for your Checkerian staffs.

Weapons brought into Checkers: 25 Light Machine Guns because high security.
Weapons requested: 25 Light Machine Guns for your Checkerian staffs because high security again.
Please note that under the External Safeties Act, bringing a non-registered weapon into Checkers is considered a Class B Felony. The External Relations Division will register any declared weapons upon approval of an embassy. All weapons MUST be declared within this form.

Animals: None.

Request for an Alternative Embassy Location (not in the Plaza or Venerate Boulevard): N/A.

Embassy exchange? Yes but I don't have tread yet. I will give you as soon as possible.

Do you have any special requests? None.

Are there any security threats anticipated? high-medium security threats.
Do you wish for a major intelligence sweep before your arrival? Yes.

Would your nation like to enter into trade/treaty talks? Yes.

Would you like to RP with this embassy? (dinner parties, terrorist attacks, etc.) Maybe.

Other Information: None.
Lord Lore:
(Iro has not been online since May and his nation has CTE. Please don't reply to dead threads it just buries newer and more active threads.)
Sorry, it so difficult to think which one is online or not offline for while because to many threads on the embassy exchange.