Motion to Recall the Delegate

No motion to table will be taking place, no such action exists in the RA procedures and neither is the reason cited for such a motion valid. The time which the delegate has been away has no bearing on a recall, the Regional Assembly is free to recall anyone it feels deserves it. This has been moved to a vote.
I voted aye. Not because of anything against Elu - he's done a good job up until this point. I voted aye because of the recent bout of inactivity. I understand NS is just a game and real life should take precedent over that of a game. But, if one knows they're going to be away for an extended period of time, or simply is, that's not good if one's a delegate of a large region IMO.

I'd like to think we'd all understand if it was a real-life thing. But inactivity without explanation is cause for concern, enough for me to vote in affirmation.
It's a really close vote.

I would urge that everyone who has not voted to do so. Lastly, Grosseschnauzer I would urge you to put this matter with the Speaker behind you. If you feel as strongly as you do about the recall motion (as indicated by the size and colour of your text) have your voice heard, and simply vote "Nay". Your vote will be counted like the rest of us.

Anyone who hasn't voted should do so, it will be closed tomorrow I believe.
Well, I have made a motion for recall which has been seconded, so let's see if there's going to be any even-handedness on the matter....which there likely won't.

I will cast a third time, solely because you asked, McMasterdonia, however, my dispute with the Speaker's behavior isn't over.
Well, I have made a motion for recall which has been seconded, so let's see if there's going to be any even-handedness on the matter....which there likely won't.

I will cast a third time, solely because you asked, McMasterdonia, however, my dispute with the Speaker's behavior isn't over.
The Speaker recall vote is up Grosse.
Wow...this is a close vote.

We're going on day 18 without a delegate.

We're going on day 18 without an official word from the delegate.

If we do not pass this recall of Eluvatar when do we recall an absent delegate? The region is definitely vulnerable and we, the RA, need to act. I was on the fence before, but my fellow RA members we need to remove Eluvatar because of his absence. If this motion fails and you are a NAY voter, what does the region do if Eluvatar continues to be absent?
How is this a close vote... Currently it stands to about 31 for and 16 against recall (I very quickly skimmed the thread while reading the news, so give a +-2 margin of error to these counts).

EDIT: Nevermind, you are right. I forgot the two-third majority requirement for recalls.
There had been some talk on IRC of a legal challenge to the election act to rule that holding a special election would be unconstitutional, based on the provision that says that upon the removal of the Delegate, the Vice delegate will assume the duties of the Delegate.

To some -duties- means only until a special election is held - which is what is said in the code. In order to clear this matter up, an amendment to the constitution may be necessary. It is at the very least practice that special elections will occur if a recall is passed.

Does the Vice Delegate guarantee that an election will be held should this recall pass?
Abbey Anumia:
Heh, how -hard- is it to just vote normally the first time round?
What an irony on irony of this vote passes just because Grosse cannot write "nay" without pissing about.

Just when you thought tnp could not surprise....
Does the Vice Delegate guarantee that an election will be held should this recall pass?
Firstly, it would be amazing if I could be pinged to threads like this when I'm being discussed. Anyway:

The Regional Assembly, the Citizens, and the Region as a Whole have my word that I will push for, and make sure that, an Emergency Election is held for the Seat of Delegate. I would do everything in my power as Interim Delegate to make sure that this election go smoothly, and shall honor whatever results it may bring.
Does the Vice Delegate guarantee that an election will be held should this recall pass?
Firstly, it would be amazing if I could be pinged to threads like this when I'm being discussed. Anyway:

The Regional Assembly, the Citizens, and the Region as a Whole have my word that I will push for, and make sure that, an Emergency Election is held for the Seat of Delegate. I would do everything in my power as Interim Delegate to make sure that this election go smoothly, and shall honor whatever results it may bring.
I should have been clear - it was not Tim discussing this idea either. I just wanted to be sure that an election would be held.

Thanks for the clarification.
Does the Vice Delegate guarantee that an election will be held should this recall pass?
Firstly, it would be amazing if I could be pinged to threads like this when I'm being discussed. Anyway:

The Regional Assembly, the Citizens, and the Region as a Whole have my word that I will push for, and make sure that, an Emergency Election is held for the Seat of Delegate. I would do everything in my power as Interim Delegate to make sure that this election go smoothly, and shall honor whatever results it may bring.
I should have been clear - it was not Tim discussing this idea either. I just wanted to be sure that an election would be held.

Thanks for the clarification.
Yup, I felt like I did have to address it though since it's a fairly valid concern.
1. Is this the right thread to talk about this, it being a vote and all?

2. Yet since we already are, does not the Constitution say that Tim becomes Delegate? Or has Tim agreed to resign in order to make an election happen?
The constitution says Tim assumes the duties (not the office) of the delegate in such a case. Therefore a special election must be held.
To Clarify:
Assuming the Recall Passes:

I would become Interim Delegate between the time that the Recall has passed and the time when a new Delegate is elected in the Emergency Election. This means I have the powers of the Delegate, yes, but I am not permanent Delegate (unless elected by the Emergency Election) The only thing I would actually have to resign would be Vice Delegate, if I run in the Emergency Election and win.
Thanks for clarifying Tim. The point I'm not clear on is if Vice Delegate will be contested in the same election as Delegate. I think that's the best way. If you win the Delegate election, then Vice Delegate becomes vacant and would have to be filled by another special election? The duties of Vice Delegate should pass to the next in the constitutionally mandated order of succession, Great Bights Mum. Like I said, probably best to have an election of both offices together. Who has the duties of Vice Delegate while you're Interim Delegate, does anybody know?
Great Bights Mum has the duties of the Vice Delegate, should Tim become the Interim Delegate.

An election for Vice Delegater after Delegate elections wouldn't cause that much trouble really.