Romanoffia's attempt at deceiving the RA

Oh, you are so full of crap, that it astonishes me as to how far you will try to go to cut your teeth and make a name for yourself. It won't work.

And to accuse me of lying to the RA? Go screw yourself.

You want me to write up formal legislation making TNP officially a raider region? You got it.

I will call it The KiwiTaicho Let's Make The North Pacific a Raider Region Act.

There, you claims of my lying to the RA are null and void.
Oh, you are so full of crap, that it astonishes me as to how far you will try to go to cut your teeth and make a name for yourself. It won't work.

And to accuse me of lying to the RA? Go screw yourself.

You want me to write up formal legislation making TNP officially a raider region? You got it.

I will call it The KiwiTaicho Let's Make The North Pacific a Raider Region Act.

There, you claims of my lying to the RA are null and void.
Make a name for myself? Roman if the last occasion when Eluvatar did this has taught me anything it's that doing this would result in the exact opposite. In fact, it has triggered a recall. So I don't know how you can justify that.

I'm not accusing you... you did lie. The fact that you're suggesting you draft legislation means that you are, in fact, agreeing with me.

I have asked numerous times for you to admit your wrongdoing but you have failed to do so. You have threatened me, assaulted my character with slander and insulted me at length.

I did not request that the legislation be drafted. I requested that you take back your statements and admit your wrongdoing.
Oh, no, Kiwi, you clearly claim that I attempted to deceive the RA by having no intent of ever writing up such legislation. That demands that I write up such legislation or be deemed a liar for not doing so. Such an accusation by you cannot go unanswered, and such an accusation requires that I write up said legislation as per my promise in said initial poll.

This whole thing rests securely and firmly upon your shoulders. You demanded it by calling me a liar as to my intents. Well, I am fulfilling my stated intents as you demand I do.

OK, KiwiTaicho and all concerned: The KiwiTaicho Let's Make The North Pacific a Rader Region Act

There, I even named the bill after you to assure you a much coveted place in TNP history.

Just remember Kiwi, et al, Roman always does what Roman says he will due in the spirit of truth in advertising.

Everyone talks about unfettered Raiderism and unfettered Defenderism, now Kiwi, you will get your dose of unfettered Democracy in the form of mob rule. Which brings up the old question of the advantages of a Republic over a Pure Democracy:

"[Pure] Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide." ------- John Adams

I'll tell you the problem with this whole region and why it always becomes a battleground for power struggles between those who want democracy vs. totalitarianism: its our insistence upon pure unfettered Democracy that always degenerates into mob rule because we always let checks and balances break down and refuse to take the path of being a Democratic Republic,.

Well, Kiwi, you asked for it, you got it as promised. Enjoy the legislation named in your honor. You demanded I write this legislation upon pains of being called a 'liar' (your word, not mine). Now you got it and it's your baby. Care for it well. I expect, since you demanded it,you support it.

Now, where is your apology for calling me a liar?
No, a state of war simply implies that there will be absolutely no communications on any level between Novare Res and KiwiTaicho. Not on the board, not in the Co5, nowhere, until a formal apology and retraction of the patently false and fabricated accusations.

Until then, Kiwi is on the proverbial S-list.
Blue Wolf II:
This has hit a new level of silliness.
And with your input on the matter, it's amazing it hasn't turned into a circus. Oh, wait, you did turn it into a circus.
I'm not sure how I am specifically to blame for your resounding silly comments and actions. I'd be interesting in hearing the theory, however.
Blue Wolf II:
Blue Wolf II:
This has hit a new level of silliness.
And with your input on the matter, it's amazing it hasn't turned into a circus. Oh, wait, you did turn it into a circus.
I'm not sure how I am specifically to blame for your resounding silly comments and actions. I'd be interesting in hearing the theory, however.
My silly comments don't even compare to trying to arrange for a coup of the region like you did. Pfffft.
Blue Wolf II:
Ah, but ultimately my reasons for even considering such a coup proved justified, didn't they?
Um... no?
My fears of a secret group trying to influence the region through underhanded means and abuses of power didn't prove true? Oh my mistake, I'll have to apologize to the extra-governmental Star Counsel later, once they release their secret records, of course.
Blue Wolf II:
Blue Wolf II:
Ah, but ultimately my reasons for even considering such a coup proved justified, didn't they?
Um... no?
My fears of a secret group trying to influence the region through underhanded means and abuses of power didn't prove true? Oh my mistake, I'll have to apologize to the extra-governmental Star Counsel later, once they release their secret records, of course.

Underhanded? Abuses? :fish:

Repeating it don't make it true.
Using your elected powers to influence regional opinion through an unprecedented and morally questionable release of intelligence gathered by means of a government position for use by a group that doesn't answer to any authority within the region doesn't count as abuse? We've really let ourselves go then.
Blue Wolf II:
Using your elected powers to influence regional opinion through an unprecedented and morally questionable release of intelligence gathered by means of a government position for use by a group that doesn't answer to any authority within the region doesn't count as abuse? We've really let ourselves go then.
You're the last one who is qualified to make such a comment, now or ever.
Blue Wolf II:
Using your elected powers to influence regional opinion through an unprecedented and morally questionable release of intelligence gathered by means of a government position for use by a group that doesn't answer to any authority within the region doesn't count as abuse? We've really let ourselves go then.
You're the last one who is qualified to make such a comment, now or ever.
That seems a little harsh. I mean, surely Ivan Moldavi could give Blue Wolf a run for his money in villainy.
Except in the fact that Ivan never stopped someone who was actively (and successfully) trying to ban/eject half the region. So in that way I think I'm very qualified to make that comment.

[Name Omitted] up there, however, is a member of the secret Star Chamber that encouraged Eluvatar to release the information for less than honorable reasons. If anyone is the last one to be taken seriously on this subject it is more certainly [this name would probably offend someone].
Has this thread been hijacked? Aren't there about a half dozen other places where this same circular argument can be carried on?