From the Desk of the Secretary of State of The Second Republic of New Sorvun
Atrigean Emigration
Citizens of New Sorvun, Atrigean Emigrants, and Friends Abroad:
Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed a chain of events unfold in our neighboring region, Atrigeas. As we saw the situation in Atrigeas deteriorate further, there was little we as New Sorvunites could do except watch on in disbelief that a region with such potential as Atrigeas collapsed from within. As a by-product of this, Atlantis and New Sorvun felt we had no choice but to cut them out of the very project that they had started, and I watched diligently to see what kind of reaction the Atrigeans would have once the realized they had been cut out of their dream.
At first there was nothing. No signs that they even knew they were ejected, but then this afternoon it happened, on the Atrigean RMB, a voice from their former Patron and Delegate rung out:
Hello, regional colleagues:
Our friends in the Commonwealth of Regions have informed me that they have decided to exclude Atrigeas from the Charter deliberations due to steps taken by People United Together. I take this as the final tipping of the balance. I invite all nations to move to New Sorvun, Atrigeas's partner region, therefore leaving PUT with the desert wasteland of a region that he deserves to rule.
Thank you,IronicnessResigned Citizen, Delegate, and Patron of Atrigeas
Iro, as he likes to be called, approached me moments after this was placed on the RMB seeking guidance on this. Most specifically on how to make the transition, should Atrigeans decide to emigrate, appealing and comfortable to the emigrants. I admit this has caught me off guard, however I assured him that New Sorvunites are generally accepting of everyone.
This shall be handled informally, i.e. no treaties, unless the Atrigean Emigrants wish to draft one. There are a couple of things the emigrants can do in New Sorvun to preserve their region's culture. For instance, if there are at least four emigrants, they can petition the League of Nations (our legislature) to form a province in New Sorvun, which offers semi-autonomy where they can establish their own local government if they so wish.
Regardless if they create a province or not, there is no transitional period, as soon as they become citizens they can involve themselves in our government, our political parties, our military, and/or our RPs. They will not be treated as second-class, this I can personally assure. Further more, the emigrants can stay as long as they wish, this is a right by New Sorvun citizens, no treaties required. Even if they only reside here until they find an opportunity to reclaim their homeland, that is fine, we will accept you nonetheless.
The emigrants are escaping the despotic notions of an ambitious soul, though this despot claims to be doing things for their best interests, these emigrants have seen through his deceit, and now I ask that New Sorvun greets them with open arms. We shall be your refuge, and we will protect you from this despot. If he and his cohorts pursue you and harass you, rest assured, he will be dealt with just as swiftly.
New Sorvun is a region of democracy and law, and will never mistreat its citizens, and I leave you with the immortal motto of the Atrigean people, for it is a notion that New Sorvunites also hold close to their hearts:
Democracy Always, Tyranny Never!