Great Bights Mum:
Sorta reminds you of the Democrats and the Republicans doesn't it?
As a matter of irony, yes.
The Reform Party doesn't vet it's 'members' for suitability for membership, we only ask that they be of a Libertarian bent.
The Reform Party doesn't ask or even suggest that its members vote as a bloc, only that they vote their conscience.
The Reform Party wants smaller government and believes that governments that govern least, govern best.
The Reform Party believes that everyone has the right to as much cheese and rum as they are capable of obtaining, accumulating and consuming on their own efforts.
The Reform Party is the
Tea Rum and Cheese Party of TNP.
We believe that "Fear is the foundation of most governments" and that this must change. Government should be afraid of the People, not the other way around.
We also promote the concept that, "Our Constitution should be constructed to suit a moral, cheese and rum loving people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
While all other sciences have advanced, that of government is at a standstill - little better understood, little better practiced now than three or four thousand years ago.
(John Adams)