The Democratic Union of Allied Nations
Or DUAN, for short
Our region is a fully functioning democracy, with over 200 nations, and is constantly growing.
We have a bicameral legislature with six Senators (including our Vice President), and three Representatives.
The President and the Vice President are elected every six months, the Senators are elected every three, and the Representatives are elected monthly.
We have two main political parties: the New Rationalist Party, which comprises of a Senator, the President, the Vice President, and several citizens, and the Democratic Christian - Conservative Party, which comprises of two Senators.
We have several other, smaller, political parties, two of which have a senator each.
As you can imagine, politics is a bit strong in our region, and has led to several small disputes, already.
Anyone is welcome to join and participate! Something new and interesting goes on almost everyday!
Regional News and Updates
Elections for the Senate will take place on February 6th, 2012.
Elections for President/Vice President take place May 6th, 2012.
Elections for House of Representatives will take place on December 28th, 2011.
Our World Assembly Delegate usually is the President (it's not required, but is encouraged).
Our average growth daily is about 6.5 nations, and we are projected to have more than 350 nations by the New Year.
Update: The New Constitution has passed!