A new constitution for TNP

strangely, TNP does not guarantee a right to a speedy trial. Anyone who promised that would find their nose grew faster than Pinnochio's.

The Flemingovian constitution cannot be made any longer as it cannot be improved upon. The reason it cannot be improved upon is because it comes directly from god. Look at it again and tell me what in it contains any imperfection?

That is right. It is perfect. It is complete. It is divine. Embrace it.
All hail the Flemingovia Diety! Hail!

But seriously, the government is constipated in terms of how long it takes to act. Is there a metaphorical laxative that can be prescribed to mitigate its costive state?
yes, because my solution was so deeply inside the box.

Some of us have been thinking outside the box for months, Elu.
yes, because my solution was so deeply inside the box.

Some of us have been thinking outside the box for months, Elu.
Thinking outside the box is one thing, but I think what you've been doing might be more thinking without a box. :worship:
Honestly the #1 problem with TNP and the feeders in general is that they are so appallingly uninteresting. The UCRs get all the best players because they are generally more interesting and engaging. Hence you're left with a handful of players who recycle themselves amongst all the various feeders, and they've been pursuing the same boring, uninspired policies for years. I believe the blame lies with them, the Feeder Elite.
To add onto that, what I see here is a noble effort to dismantle the government system that enables the Feeder Elite, and replace it with a more uniquely North Pacifican structure.

But no says the Elite, what we need is a Regional Assembly and an electorate stacked with voters who log into the forums once a month and/or have loyalties elsewhere.
Actually I'd be perfectly happy to institute a requirement that North Pacific citizens have no citizenships elsewhere @_@
John Ashcroft Land:
To add onto that, what I see here is a noble effort to dismantle the government system that enables the Feeder Elite, and replace it with a more uniquely North Pacifican structure.

But no says the Elite, what we need is a Regional Assembly and an electorate stacked with voters who log into the forums once a month and/or have loyalties elsewhere.
Some very valid points. I tend to agree. Unfortunately, the problem is that in extremely large regions (as feeders by mechanics tend to be) the participation of the general 'population' tends to be minimal. And when you are dealing with a large number of people, those who do participate tend always to be the same set of people. The mechanics of it all results in the development of an 'elite' if the mold isn't broken. But this can be used to the region's advantage provided the region can find a way to be different from the other feeders.

One of the problems that I see is that feeder regions tend not to have 'themes' - something interesting that keeps new nations in the region and attracts other nations to the region. Our Constitution isn't really the problem but rather a symptom of the desire to maintain the status quo and a level of stability that the Francoists would have been proud of. Stability is a good thing but it sometimes entails stagnation.

All things aside, we need to make things a little more interesting with the goal of getting more people involved. This may require a simplified Constitution which is more understandable to new-comers and which stirs the pot enough to keep people's interest long enough to get them and keep them involved.
It's interesting, isn't it, that so many people are using this thread to diagnose quite correctly what this region needs:

A "theme" that keeps people interested.
a simplified structure, with more speed
an end to the "Wall of text" culture which is dull to read.

The Flemingovian constitution supplies all of these.

As near as I can tell the only objection to the Flemingovian plan is the requirement for all government officials to wear lilac. Sadly, this is non-negotiable, although I may compromise and let them wear puce on alternate thursdays.
TP (two words) does not have a theocracy. Krull is but a mortal, with mortal failings. He makes no claims to divinity.
Not only do I make no claims, but I will actively thump anyone who tries to deify me.

Much like I thump those who defy me.
It's interesting, isn't it, that so many people are using this thread to diagnose quite correctly what this region needs:

A "theme" that keeps people interested.
a simplified structure, with more speed
an end to the "Wall of text" culture which is dull to read.

The Flemingovian constitution supplies all of these.

As near as I can tell the only objection to the Flemingovian plan is the requirement for all government officials to wear lilac. Sadly, this is non-negotiable, although I may compromise and let them wear puce on alternate thursdays.
Now, if you modified it to a requirement that people wear traditional highland kilts, carried claymore swords and made the regional motto to read, "Does Your Mum Sew?", then it might work. :P
As near as I can tell the only objection to the Flemingovian plan is the requirement for all government officials to wear lilac. Sadly, this is non-negotiable, although I may compromise and let them wear puce on alternate thursdays.
Deity or not, I'm afraid that lilac is totally last season.

I'm sorry to say that I can't bring myself to worship a god whose sense of fashion is so outdated.
As a newcomer myself, I would have the following suggestions for engaging new members:

1. Make the political system less stable. While this may seem counter-intuitive, the long time between elections and the (somewhat) entrenched leadership would seem to me to limit the possible engagement in the politics for newcomers. Hence I would suggest a change in the political system.

My personal suggestion would be to schedule more frequent elections. Also I would suggest we overhaul the regional assembly into a party-based parliament, with heads of government chosen from the parliament and the head of state chosen in separate elections. Furthermore I would suggest the creation of a set list of ministries for the government and that all important positions be advertised on the front page (because I am honestly still not sure who is in what position).

Obviously I am not a devoted advocate of the above system of governance, but I believe a change of the political system into a more fluid, party-based system would definitely help engage newcomers.

2. I personally wouldn't enshrine a particular theme into the constitution, but would rather leave that to individual parties (eg. the establishment of the Flemingovian People's Party with the goal of bringing about visible changes in favour of the deity.
John Ashcroft Land:
To add onto that, what I see here is a noble effort to dismantle the government system that enables the Feeder Elite, and replace it with a more uniquely North Pacifican structure.

But no says the Elite, what we need is a Regional Assembly and an electorate stacked with voters who log into the forums once a month and/or have loyalties elsewhere.
Aren't you and Flem (at least) part of the Feeder Elite?
As a newcomer myself, I would have the following suggestions for engaging new members:

1. Make the political system less stable. While this may seem counter-intuitive, the long time between elections and the (somewhat) entrenched leadership would seem to me to limit the possible engagement in the politics for newcomers. Hence I would suggest a change in the political system.

My personal suggestion would be to schedule more frequent elections. Also I would suggest we overhaul the regional assembly into a party-based parliament, with heads of government chosen from the parliament and the head of state chosen in separate elections. Furthermore I would suggest the creation of a set list of ministries for the government and that all important positions be advertised on the front page (because I am honestly still not sure who is in what position).

Obviously I am not a devoted advocate of the above system of governance, but I believe a change of the political system into a more fluid, party-based system would definitely help engage newcomers.

2. I personally wouldn't enshrine a particular theme into the constitution, but would rather leave that to individual parties (eg. the establishment of the Flemingovian People's Party with the goal of bringing about visible changes in favour of the deity.

I'm sure the Speaker won't object to referring this to the Constitution Committee where all the other proposals for constitutional reform are supposed to go without favoritism.

Please don't. That is the TNP equivalent of kicking something into the tall grass.

By the time the constitution committee have finished with it, it will be 500 pages long and self-contradictory.

Either the Flemingovian constitution is the WORD of GOD, and is therefore perfect, or it is noit the word of God, and therefore should be discarded. You cannot tinker with perfection.
But the constitution committee is perhaps the proper place to hold a poll on whether it is the word of god or not. Our own little Council of Nicea, perhaps.
Of course, that would mean we would have to write up the Gospel of The Flemingovia Deity. Can't have a state religion without the proper scriptures in place.

"In the beginning there was nothing. Then it blew up."