I saw The Voting Booth...

I saw the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth seeing the voting booth.
I saw the voting booth get the election commission to proclaim me as SUPREME DICTATOR AVGVSTVS CÆSAR of TNP.
I saw the voting booth leaving a large sum of money within a black suitcase out of Yrk's office.
I saw the voting booth in this picture with Cronaal:

I saw the Voting Booth admiring my records and record player that just so happen to be in my bedroom before politely her/himself and leaving for the rest of the evening, however, afterwards I saw the Voting Booth and Cronaal in the backseat of an old car parked out of the way...
I saw the Voting Booth helping me pay for car repairs.
I did see the Voting Booth producing some 'odd' noises from an old derelict building that both he and Yrkidding were in!
I saw the Voting Booth and I exploring a really cool old abandoned building before they screamed after being startled by a cute racoon who had made their home there. On the other hand, I saw Cronaal and the Voting Booth discussing something about "the deal they worked out"!
I saw the Voting Booth offering me some money because I can't afford to feed my child, with no catch!
I did, however, see Yrkidding with the Voting Booth walking into an orphanage with illegal-grade weapons!
I saw the Voting Booth and I saving an orphanage form a raving band of maniacal psychos after being hired and equipped by the army to do so.

I did see Cronaal and the Voting Booth entering Mcm's place wearing all black, ski masks, and bearing machetes and large dufflebags though.
I saw the Voting Booth and I saving an orphanage form a raving band of maniacal psychos after being hired and equipped by the army to do so.

I did see Cronaal and the Voting Booth entering Mcm's place wearing all black, ski masks, and bearing machetes and large dufflebags though.
I saw myself and the Voting Booth working a bailiffs because McM hasn't paid off their credit recently, the weapons and masks being for our own protection since there's rumors McM's personality is like a volcano - outbursts of death to the people around!

I saw Yrkidding and the Voting Booth cornering a young woman in a dark alleyway with guns and knives, saying threatening things!
I saw the Voting Booth and I doing our night job of superheros. Like Batman and Robin, The Voting Booth and Kidding merely protect the wonderful citizens of The North Pacific. Make no mistake, that woman was an evil henchwoman of an infamous raiding group known as The Black Riders seeking to destroy that which we call home.

I do believe I saw Cronaal and the Voting Booth exchanging a mysterious package with some shady dudes down by the docks last night, while several armed individuals stood-by watching!
I saw the voting booth creating the autonomous Kingdom of Camelopardia within TNP, and instating me as King.