Dalimbar Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot - TNP Nation Cassiars Sep 27, 2009 #1,663 If he had a corrupted relative... perhaps. But alas, no. A random ADN ninja?
Felasia TNPer Sep 27, 2009 #1,666 Nah, I'm not just citizen. Someone who is applying for Equilism's citizenship?
Dyr Nasad TNPer Sep 27, 2009 #1,669 That mask is a little complicated - I'm TITO, but I'm also in Jethnea, so I'm not non-allied A gmod?
Dalimbar Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot - TNP Nation Cassiars Sep 29, 2009 #1,676 I may be a bit of a fruit some times, but certainly not that type. A userite?
IndieGirl TNPer TNP Nation IndieGirl Sep 30, 2009 #1,680 SO WRONG! Bahaha. Surprise! I'm guessing..... Felasia. Maybe.