


TTR begins talking with AWP about partnering - it's a complicated agreement, so check it out. :)
Also, an interview with Neasmyrna about the FRA elections.
And Staro and Mephistonan have joined new regions!

Check it out here


Europeia speaks out about Mecca and GNN. Shenrei says it's HIS fault NGM was destroyed, Nova Imperium becomes a republic, Audux allies with Europeia, and NSPF gets 4 new embassies!

Check it out here!


Romenoch makes a self-assessment of NSPF, of where it is been, where its going, and how it is operating today. In other news, you can find out what region invaded who, and who was just elected president where!

Check it out here


Was Gimbal Way's account hacked? Also, Audux reports that their Queen's account was hacked. NGM refugees are invited to join new regions, and Neo Order speaks his opinion on free speech!

Check it out here


Both Romenoch and Staro will be stepping down for full-time NSPF work, to focus largely on Real Life issues. With Staro, this means school work, and with Romenoch this means a relocation to Seattle Washington and a new job. Because of this, Romenoch and Staro have promoted two new administrators to take over their positions.

PLUS, find out what new changes are happening in Equinox!


2006 - GB&I General Election - The British Statesman
2005 - The East Pacific War - International NS News
2004 - PNN News Anchor Suspended - Pacific news Network

Read This Story and More HERE


Romenoch hands the main Admin to Island Union, so NSPF can move on! Also New Admins: Island Union, Rykkland and Seymour begin to work!



Was Gimbal Way's account hacked? Also, Audux reports that their Queen's account was hacked. NGM refugees are invited to join new regions, and Neo Order speaks his opinion on free speech!

Check it out here
Minor correction, my computer was hacked by an annoyed NSer after he was banned from Audux. GNN received a more detailed report today. (OOC: Now that I'm done wanting to do bodily harm to people over this, I can be rational again)
MAGICALITY CITY, Oct. 16 /TNPWire/ -- Speaker of the RA, mr sniffles, appointed Forensatha as the new deputy speaker. "Her new duties will be in the legislative side of the Speakership. She'll be in charge of moving, opening, closing, and counting votes; welcoming new members wishing to make a legislative proposal, and so much more!" said the Speaker.

SOURCE: http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?showtopic=4862

MAGICALITY CITY, Oct. 21 /TNPWire/ -- Three cabinet ministers were confirmed by the Regional Assembly in a vote from 10/18 to 10/21. Tresville, Delegate of The North Pacific, nominated Gracius Maximus as External Affairs Minister, Ator People as Minister of Interior, and Blue Wolf II as Minister of Defense & Security (Intel). All choices were confirmed with a 21-5-5, 29-0-2, and 24-4-2 (Aye-Nay-Abstain) vote respectively. Gracius Maximus, however, declined the position saying "I have advocated that the Court be separate as much as possible from the working government in order to prevent potential conflicts of interest [...] Since it would appear at present that I will be elected as a Judge to the Court I could not in good conscience take on a role that could cast a biased attitude upon my legal interpretation." Because Gracius Maximus declined, Tresville chose Ann instead. Tresville also chose Eluvatar, Vice Delegate, to be the ISA Director and Chowda Head as Attorney General.

SOURCE: http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?...opic=4867&st=20 :: http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?showtopic=4861

MAGICALITY CITY, Oct. 22 /TNPWire/ -- The North Pacific forum has a new banner. Thel D'Ran was commissioned by Tresville to create the banner which went live early Oct. 22. The banner features various shades of blue, of which rgb(77, 137, 155) and rgb(106, 161, 177) are prominent. A black header reads "The North Pacific" with smaller text at the bottom which says "Still THE LARGEST AND GREATEST REGION IN NATIONSTATES". There is a brown border around the edge. In the middle of image are numerous vertical 55px lines in a row with what appears to be an image of a compass at the top. The banner was met with mainly negative response, both from a design and content standpoint. The claim to be the largest region in nationstates was slightly inaccurate, as mr. sniffles pointed out, saying "Hate to be a sticker but Lazarus has about 5000 nations making it the largest..." Tresville responded saying, "This is work in progress. Thel gave me the original font and a copy of the background. I have to make it 'Largest Feeder in NS.'" Grosseschnauzer said "Maybe you meant well Tresville, but the [...] banner is totally unreadable for me. I wish you had at least asked for feedback first so the use-ability issues could have been addressed before it was changed. and not after. I'd also request that you at least have the other changes tested before you implement them." Tresville responded, saying "I don't know why [you] can't see it. Clear your cookies and check your browser settings. [...] I request changes...I can't implement them." Minister of Entertainment, Sydia, ran the first POTW (Poll of the Week) with the topic "Our new banner." As of Oct. 27, 33.33% voted "It's fugly, but I didn't care much for the old one either!", 40.00% voted "It's fugly, change it back!", 13.33% voted "I have no strong feelings one way or the other!", and 13.33% voted "It's a vision of beauty, keep it!".

SOURCE: http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?showtopic=4875 :: http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?showtopic=4897

MAGICALITY CITY, Oct. 22 /TNPWire/ -- Three new justices were elected to the Court of The North Pacific. The election ran from Oct. 18 to Oct. 22. Gracius Maximus was elected Chief Justice with 22 votes. Heft and Haor Chall were also elected with 17 and 19 votes respectively. Though they did not win, Ann received 9 votes and both Kor and Al Homa each received 10 votes.

SOURCE: http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?...opic=4863&st=40

MAGICALITY CITY, Oct. 23 /TNPWire/ -- Gracius Maximus, Chief Justice, proposed an amendment to the Constitution's Article I; Section 3; Part 1. He proposed that the current text be replaced by "The Legal Code shall consist of Laws passed by the Regional Assembly and carried over by agreement from previous governing documents." This would remove the text that says "Upon passage of this document as an amendment to the previous Constitution, all legislation previously passed is nullified, except for TNP Laws 1, 2, 6, 14, 22, and 23 (previous to the passage of this Constitution), which shall each be entered into the Legal Code as laws." Gracius Maximus said, "The main issue with the current wording is that it is specific to only 6 TNP Laws, whereas the current Legal Code consists of 10 separately approved Laws. Technically, at present, any Law passed after the 23rd is not Constitutionally binding. This will allow for the inclusion of the Laws passed after the Constitution was ratified without the need for further, or future, amendment." Forensatha, deputy speaker, said it would be put up to vote soon.

SOURCE: http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?showtopic=4896

MAGICALITY CITY, Oct. 25 /TNPWire/ -- Tresville held the second government IRC chat on #thenorthpacific on Oct. 25 from 21:45 to 22:12. The first topic for discussion was defense and security, and Tresville said that he had "spoken with Moo and we will begin some interregional spam busting and possible military actions together." Tresville said that he "still [needs] Elu to start organizing the ISA," which was said was the "Intel and Security Agency." Tresville said Minister of Entertainment Sydia, was doing a "bang up job in Entertainment." Tresville also said that Ator People, who was unable to attend the meeting, has to be given "a quick kick in the pants as he hasn't done much in internal affairs." The meeting ended with Tresville asking that people, "vote on the Resolutions please."

SOURCE: http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?showtopic=4905

MAGICALITY CITY, Oct. 25 /TNPWire/ -- Tresville, Delegate of The North Pacific, announced there was an open Council of Lower Officers slot on Oct. 18 and an election for the position was held from Oct. 22 to Oct. 25. Romanoffia won the election, receiving 15 votes. Kor received 9 votes, Todd McCloud received 5 votes, and Falconias and Govindia each received 1 vote.

SOURCE: http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?...opic=4891&st=20
The Pacific Progress

Welcome to the Pacific Progress

Internal News

The People's Congress has been created, which allows al Pacifican Citizens to have a greater say in the Internal running of the Pacific, along with the Pacific Reward Points (PRP) system, which allows those who have contributed most to The Pacific to be rewarded. The Pacific Rewards Points ties in uniquely with the People's Congress, with those who have accrued the most points in the appropriate areas being awarded with Positions within The People's Congress. There are also regular elections planned for the position of Congress Chairman, and only those who contribute enough to the Pacific will be able to keep these positions. After an eventful election, Rothinizil was elected the first Congress Chairman. Congratulations!

Foreign Desk:
Pacific Army Activities:

BLH Productions

World Factbook Entry: BLH Productions is now a subordinate region of the New TAO Order.

Many thanks to The Shadowy Darklands of Minininjas and The Dark Arts of The Black Necromancer for helping to secure the region.

The region is slated for Demolition within the next 36 hours.

This region has been secured by the Pacifican Army.

Last night, in a training exercise, The Pacific Army helped TAO secure the region BLH Productions which was responsible for some unsightly spam advertising a youtube channel. The original owner of the region, as 7RON, was then banned from The Pacific for this by the delegate Moo-Cows with Guns. In retaliation, the player proceeded to create nations mocking Moo-Cows, and created the region BLH Productions to further advertise the youtube channel. The Player was then reported and deleted for various NS offences.
The region was then taken by TAO, in order to secure it for the New TAO Order. The Pacific Army then moved in to secure the region and ensure it's demolition. The region should soon be demolished.
Unsurprisingly, there has been little outcry to the destruction of such an annoying and pointless region, whose only real function was to break NS rules.

The Genesis Federation:
World Factbook Entry: You attempted to invade The Pacific and you failed. Now feel the wrath of Pacifica.

A few months ago, the Founder of The Genesis Federation, Swarmlandia attempted to take the delegacy of The Pacific (See The Pacific Post 14th Ed ). Swarmlandia recently ceased to exist, and The Pacific Army was swift to take it revenge. Despite interference from Userites from Equinox, who should not have interfered with The Pacific's activities, The Pacific Army, with the help of the North Pacific Army, has been successful in taking the delegacy of this Userite Region, despite the resurrection of the founder nation.
The Genesis Federation was an alliance of over 500 nations about a year ago, and now it is down to less than 50. This is a clear demonstration that those who attempt to take The Pacific will always fail, and that The Pacific will always strike back.
See Editorial Opinion below for more details.


The Pacific Army has taken another TGF region, Egeden. After holding Egeden for a few days, the Pacific Army moved out, just as Swarmlandia once again resurrected the founder. But the point has been made, and The Pacific Army has been able to take not one, but two regions that participated in a failed attack on The Pacific. It also took the natives around two days to even notice they had been invaded, and no Pacific Army nation was ejected from Egeden.

International Affairs:
The Pacific's International Affairs Section has seen a surge of activity, spearheaded by Senator Haor Chall, which has resulted in new updates for our embassies in other regions.

The Azure Alliance
The Pacific Progress is pleased to announce that the Azure Alliance has been ratified between The North Pacific and The Pacific . This Alliance strengthens the bond between these two great Feeder regions, and allows mutual defence from those who wish to exploit the Feeders.

Pacifican Culture

The Return of the Feast of BlackAdder

The time of spooks and spectres is once more approaching, and Senator Krulltopia is pleased to announce the return of the Feast of BlackAdder:
In an effort to shake the cobwebs out of the culture office, we are first going to put some more in for the upcoming Feast of Blackadder, a week long Festivity starting October 31st and ending November 5th.
The current scheduled events are:
  • A Story telling contest: Each Pacifican is invited to tell a story over the week, with the winner being Judged and announced.

  • Halloween Costume Contest: Each Pacifican is invited to change their mask for the week, with the winner being decided by public vote.

  • Halloween Disco: A new addition: various themed music videos will be linked to in a 'disco' thread. No Mature content, and obey copyright as much as possible.

Caption Contest and Letters Page

The PNN would like to announce the opening of Letters to the Editor. Currently, any letters should be sent via PM to Krulltopia, and they will be published in the next issue of The Pacific Progress. Also, suggestions for Interviews, corrections and any Graphic designs will be gratefully received.

Editorial Opinion
By Krulltopia

Despite what the remaining natives of The Genesis Federation would think, The Pacific Army's mission there was a success. We did there what they failed to do in The Pacific: take the home region of the enemy. For those of you unfamiliar with the background to this conflict, allow me to elaborate. Roughly a year ago, TGF was a region of around 500 nations, and made diplomatic overtures to The Pacific, with the pretence of TGF becoming a satellite region of the Pacific. With foresight, however, it is clear that this was merely an attempt to hide it's true intentions, namely to take The Pacific. Due to inactivity, these talks fell through, but Swarmlandia/Sakaba remained in The Pacific. This was noted, and the nation was watched. Eventually, Swarmlandia and The Genesis Federation made their move during an ingame glitch, where the delegate was temporarily removed from the seat due to a server error. However, despite pouring troops into The Pacific, Sakaba/Swarmlandia was promptly ejected and banned by Moo-Cows when he came online. The attempt had failed.
Recently, the Swarmlandia CTE'd, and The Pacific Army took the opportunity. Taking the region, with no intention of holding it for long, and with the assistance of fellow feeder The North Pacific, The Pacific Army took the delegacy, despite the inteference of Userite 'defenders' from Equinox. Mission accomplished, the troopers prepared to move out. The founder of the region was resurrected (whether it was the original player behind it is currently unknown), and Pacific Army troopers were ejected.
The founder then boasted about their 'victory' in the WFE. It is a shame it happened AFTER the delegacy was taken by The Pacific Army, wasn't it?
The fact of the matter is that The NeoGenesis Movement/Federation is dead. The Pacific has once again outlasted it's enemies, and has played a part in hastening its downfall. No illiterate, immature posturing can change the fact that we have won the war that this pathetic Userite region has started.
In order to further demonstrate our point, the satellite region of Egeden was also taken shortly afterwards, with little resistance. Once again, the founder was resurrected after the event, and attempted to cover for their failure to act with illiterate posturing.
All feeders should follow our example. Do not stand for regions that exploit you. Fight back. Be strong. For you are the regions that others pretend and inspire to be. You are the greatest Regions in NationStates, with individual histories that are unmatched by any other User region. Acknowledge that, and make those who doubt your claim suffer for their ignorance and hubris.
Will be moving this to the Publications section soon as Flem returns to make the changes to The Wire Forum.

**Nevermind...its already set up...moving**


With leaders leaving Soviet Union, these elections were all the more important for the future of the region.

Check it out here

ISSUE DATE: March 21, 2009
EDITORS: Romenoch

For those who do not know, the former NSPF was changed over t GIRO, which opened earlier this week. Today,however is the official opening of GIRO, as well as RegionStates (RS). To catch up on any GNN articles you may have missed, please check out our GNN Archives. In NSPF, you asked for the new features, now, with GIRO, you have them so have some fun!. Dont forget to re-open your embassy, and join a RS Political Party Today!

---RegionStates Opens
---Interview with The Enclave
---GIRO's Got Maps!
---Embassies Rising
---Day 1, A Manifesto
---Various Ideologies Within Parties
---The Validity of an Objective News Report in Relation to its Author



---Establishment of RegionStates causes Celebration throughout the world.


---Chairman of the Neo Order defends his position concerning his article written for GNN three days ago.


---The Official GIRO RegionState party got off to a bad start when the bubble machine exploded at a local night club. Turns out party-goers enjoyed the extra foam.



Romenoch announced to the world today that the highly anticipated World Government game, RegionStates is opening, right here on GIRO. Within just several minutes RegionStates had its two of the five allowed political parties established, the Imperialist and the Libertarian Party. All five parties are expected to be filled by the end of the day today.


RegionStates, the games first attempt at establishing some sort of inter-regional organization since the failed World Assembly back in April 2007, has held many high expectations and has been highly anticipated, due to the nature of the former NationStates Public Embassies (NSPF), GNN, and the new GIRO, in creating a more unified world. Romenoch remarked today that "I am quite pleased and happy to see people excited for this new venture. Amidst all the skepticism by some, for the most part people are eager to see if this will work, and I have worked my absolute hardest for months to formulate and devise a way to create this system. Unlike the systems of the past, this one allows players to participate and 'acknowledge' the laws and rules when they want, or reject them if they want to, with no harm done. Players have also agreed to recognize the said elected Leader, as the official ____ of all of NationStates, the highest government position created in the game today. It cannot get any more fair than that!"

Many people are wondering about rules for the new RegionStates Government(RSG), and the rules are very simple. Keep Everything on the Party Level. The Party will elect a Candidate for Leader of teh RSG, and though elections can be elected. Only 5 parties allowed, so players from all over NS must choose between the five. Intelligence, military and legislative unification must take place on the Party level, and the Leader of the RSG cannot order one party to work with another. The Leader of teh RSG can, however, take recommended laws from his winning party, and try to have other parties vote on them, or can direct his parties military anywhere, or choose not to have a military. He is given certain rights within the GIRO forum as well.

The RegionStates Government may be found on the GIRO forum at Http://


After agreeing to an interview, representatives of "The Enclave", a spam terrorist organization, sat down and provided several interesting answers to very difficult questions. Joining us for the interview are "President John Henry Eden" and "Chairman of The Neo Order", notable spammers and controversial figures in the Nation States community.

Romenoch: Who exactly are you? "The Enclave" I mean.

Eden: We are a group who wishes simply to rid the NationStates world of anti-spam.

Neo: As well as removing the anti-spam mentality.

Romenoch: Now this is probably the question everyone has had on their minds, why do you spam?

Neo: Honest answer? It's a guilty pleasure, cheap thrills, and lots of laughs. Simple as that.

Romenoch: Then why this "crusade" on anti-spam?

Eden: We believe spam is an acceptable form of entertainment, and will fight to maintain the right to utilize it.

Romenoch: Interesting, Is it possible we can have a hint on your next attack?

Neo: That's classified information, Horrigan would kill me.

Eden: Not before I would.

Romenoch: Who is "Horrigan"?

Neo: The Enclave Spam Army's master strategist and second in command to me only in military rank. We give him a target, he gives us a way to crack it. Aside from that? An old friend of mine.

Eden: As a matter of fact, he is working on our strategy as we speak.

Romenoch: So you find nothing morally rephrehensible about spam attacks or spam in general?

Neo: I do it primarily because it is morally reprehensible.

Eden: It is not wrong to express freedom of speech, all true spammers realize that.

Romenoch: So who is the "true" leader of The Enclave?

Eden: Symbolically and politically, I am. On a strategical plane, Neo is, and on the tactical spectrum, Horrigan is. The actaul spammers in any battle make it all possible. In a way we all "lead" The Enclave.

Neo: *nothing to add*

Romenoch: Well gentleman, that looks like it, any closing comments?


Neo: It's not illegal if the president does it.

Romenoch: Alright then, there you have it. Thank You.


The GIRO World Archives just added maps from over 13 regions thoughout NationStates, and the region-count keeps growing. World Archives, maintained by GIRO Guardian and Romenoch, is fast becomming one of the games largest archives of all information anywhere.

GIRO, historic, scenic, and New? New Embassies are being built on the GIRO forum, dispite all the other activity going on, with GNN News, and RegionStates, the GIRO forum is has more worldly things than any other forum in the game besides Jolt. Taking over where NSPF left off, The people from around the NS world have requested 8 embassies, in GIRO's first week alone.

All Regions are strongly encouraged to open an embassy on the GIRO forum, so that they may keep in touch with the rest of the world.


The Imperialism Party was first to answer the call to establish their party, and close behind them was the Libertarian Party. However, it is the Imperialist Party which is making news, as it hurriedly wrote the Imperialism Party Manifesto:

The Manifesto of the Imperialist Party is as follows:

Imperialism, the most glorious form of government. The Imperialist Party is established to bring the voice of the Empires and Kingdoms of NS to the world stage. We as a party believe in the need for a central and powerful leader over the conventional, decentralized and ineffective systems utilized by many states. We, though pro-monarchy, have no qualms with Democratically elected leaders, so long as they effectively hold the power of a Sovereign Prince. We believe that through imperialist causes beyond sheer government style, such as culture and defense, are crucial to a healthy and civilized world. We beleive through gaining control of the RegionStates Government, we can usher in a new era of order, peace and justice to the world.

Our goal as a party is to introduce an ordered system to help bring reform to the world yet also restore and protect the values of older imperialism. It is also hoped that when the Sovereign Candidate is on the throne, they will work with those outside the party in order to create an ordered, cooperative society.

Our proposed government system (organized by leader hierarchy rather than specifically by sectors) for the world for when we assume control is such:

At the head of the RSG will be the Sovereign of NationStates.

-The Sovereign will maintain an "Heir", who will likely hold another lead position, in case they are inactive and unable to continue leading the Party and the World.

-Officer of Order. In Charge of the World Office of Order, which manages the World Intelligence Sector and the military force known as the Legions of Order, whom they are Generalissimo under the  Sovereign's command. The Legions will defend any member region of RS and will invade any non RS enemies of member regions.
--The Director of World Intelligence. The Director of World Intelligence is in charge of gathering intelligence on enemies of the RSG. This is truly a potential party position, not a federal one due to RS law but it will de facto act as one.

-Head of the World Council. The World Council is an advisory council to help guide the Sovereign in leading the RSG. The council itself has 3 standard members, the Council Head (who is the de jure second in command the the Sovereign) and the Sovereign. The Sovereign may choose to allow the Council to go past advisory status and allow for it to be directly involved in government decisions but the Sovereign always maintains the right to veto laws and remove the increased power from the council at any time. The council is appointed by the Sovereign.

-Supreme Judges. There will be three Supreme judges. They will be the judges and jury should anyone within the party commit Treason or any other crime.

-Propaganda Minister. This minster will be in charge of helping to manage GNN. Despite the name, they are not allowed to interfere with neutrality or attempt to censor any information on GNN. 

We believe in establishing a system like such in the RSG and believe that we can create an ordered world without tyranny.

New Party Starters are opening up their parties to people of a variety of ideologies. The Libertarian Party, for example has attracted Anarchists into their party, for more diversification.



Lately GIRO has recieved some flak for allowing me, Chairman of The Neo Order, to compose news related to a spam attack I was involved in. The rhetoric used by the critics was essentially "Neo is a bad person, so whatever he wrote must be bad as well, by letting him write and publish it Romenoch is a bad editor." This is simply incorrect on all of it's assertions. For one, the article I wrote was a neutral, objective reporting of facts, with no subjective opinion or implication included. In laymans terms, it was fair, and I didnt try to make it favorable to my situation. Regardless of who wrote the article, in this case me, it would still be considered objective, therefore destroying the assertion that "Neo is a bad person, so whatever he wrote must be bad." If a convict discovered a cure for cancer that had been verified scientifically, it would not be considered "bad" because the man who developed it did bad things, the creation is still good, regardless of the creator.

Furthermore, Romenoch's job is to publish objective, factual articles, not to pass moral judgements on the person who wrote them. This is not to say he cannot judge me based on my demonstrations of character, but it is to say that he cannot reject an objective,factual article and still call his newspaper an objective, factual publication (unless a better one is submitted of course). In conclusion the hypothesis "Neo is a bad person, so whaatever he wrote is bad as well, and by letting him publish it, Romenoch is a bad editor." has been disproven by simple logic and metaphorical demonstration. It is for this reason that I will continue to write for the paper, and if you feel that it is of bad "taste" to publish it, you have no scientific or logical premises to back it up.

Good day sirs.

-Chairman of The Neo Order

GIRO - Home of GNN - Please Register and Comment Today!