Socks & Undies


TNP Nation
Okay, so I know Sybsyb knows about this playlist, and some others might as well. If you don't know it, it's easy to imagine.

Some days, it's super hard to get out of bed, right? Like, you just don't want to haul your ass out for another day? That's when you break out the Socks & Undies playlist. Those songs you sing and dance and jump around to and scream along with while you're getting ready in the morning, or when you just want to shake it like you just don't care. The ones that motivate you to move. The ones you know all the lyrics to.

This morning I found an awesome one, that I've had on repeat since I got in to work, and I want to know which ones do the same for you. Because my playlist needs some additions, and as awesome as I am, I might have forgot some.

First up, because it's a must for every one of these playlists...


Billy Idol's Dancing With Myself
Give up your day job - The Fauves.

Just for you Poeser.

And feel free to send me any rad socks and undies songs anyone finds, I'm gonna need all the musical help I can get.