
Sorry, but I have been playing the game since 2004, and I have not yet found a way to nuke other nations. have I been missing something?
I'm not sure where this topic would be going, but I don't think it's appropriate for this discussion, as there is no way to 'nuke' a nation in Nationstates. Perhaps this was meant to be a role-play discussion.

Either way, please take a look at the guidelines for this forum. It would be better to request that a topic would be opened, so we can determine if it is relevant or has already been started.

Topic closed.
Thanks Ator. I'm reopening it and moving it.

hey Andromeda...please read the revival guide to see what we are doing here and how it works. This poll will be moved to the Nation RP section. People can still vote and participate in your poll there.

By the way...i am bringing up this discussion in the RP discussion here...perhaps u could discuss that further there as well.

Thanks for participating....hope u keep it up!!
I think we need to explain to you how this game works really. RP Nation attacks would be done in a forum like this. Such RP rules we would have to create and regulate. Law wise we mainly regulate how elections happen, the type of government etc. This really has no effect on your in game nations categories (inoffensive Centrist Democracy, Dictatorship, etc). Only answering issues changes those.

Hey, if you like...hit me up on one of my messengers or come to our IRC Channel ( http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?showtopic=145 ) click that for IRC info.
Well, let me put it this way. Can the delegate (currently Sydia) actually ban members who nuke each other if s/he wants to and/or if a regional law were passed. The way some delegates, for example, ban nations who violate the endorsement-cap?

As I am sure you know, the resolution to ban nukes failed by a relatively close vote in the WA. We were for that ban. But since we can't ban them, at least we can prevent nations from using them. That is what we are after.
Sorry, but I have been playing the game since 2004, and I have not yet found a way to nuke other nations. have I been missing something?
Silly n00b.

Technically Flemingovia is a n00b comared to me:
I have been on the planet Earth(in the 'real' world) longer than flemingovia, and at nationstates longer...
not that that is important or significant in any way.
Sydia can ban whoever he likes. The WA is a role-play thing and has no effect on any game mechanics. Therefore, people don't often let WA and other role-play things affect actual in-game stuff like banning people. So, Sydia is unlikely to ban anyone.

Needless to say, it is impossible to attain nuclear weapons in NS and it's even more impossible to use them.

Sydia can ban whoever he likes. The WA is a role-play thing and has no effect on any game mechanics. Therefore, people don't often let WA and other role-play things affect actual in-game stuff like banning people. So, Sydia is unlikely to ban anyone.

Needless to say, it is impossible to attain nuclear weapons in NS and it's even more impossible to use them.

Everything at ns is role playing, for that matter.
Sydia can ban whoever he likes. The WA is a role-play thing and has no effect on any game mechanics. Therefore, people don't often let WA and other role-play things affect actual in-game stuff like banning people. So, Sydia is unlikely to ban anyone.

Needless to say, it is impossible to attain nuclear weapons in NS and it's even more impossible to use them.

Everything at ns is role playing, for that matter.
Not exactly. Delegates have control over regions. You can invade and defend. Ok we are not talking about amazing game mechanics here, but there are some...

I am assuming that the population of a nation is directly proportional to how long the nation has existed. Correct me if that is a stupid assumption.
Sydia can ban whoever he likes. The WA is a role-play thing and has no effect on any game mechanics. Therefore, people don't often let WA and other role-play things affect actual in-game stuff like banning people. So, Sydia is unlikely to ban anyone.

Needless to say, it is impossible to attain nuclear weapons in NS and it's even more impossible to use them.

Everything at ns is role playing, for that matter.
Not exactly. Delegates have control over regions. You can invade and defend. Ok we are not talking about amazing game mechanics here, but there are some...

Ok, I see your point. But what I was saying is that ns is a role playing site, primarily; although people are free to talk about their "real" identities.
That is a very correct assumption. However, if a nation dies and is re-incarnated, you'll find it didn't age in the meantime. My main nation is at 7.972 billion whereas my oldest nation is at 2.57 billion.

Sydia can ban whoever he likes. The WA is a role-play thing and has no effect on any game mechanics. Therefore, people don't often let WA and other role-play things affect actual in-game stuff like banning people. So, Sydia is unlikely to ban anyone.

Needless to say, it is impossible to attain nuclear weapons in NS and it's even more impossible to use them.

Everything at ns is role playing, for that matter.
Not exactly. Delegates have control over regions. You can invade and defend. Ok we are not talking about amazing game mechanics here, but there are some...

Ok, I see your point. But what I was saying is that ns is a role playing site, primarily; although people are free to talk about their "real" identities.
Yes, but I wouldn't consider it entirely role-play in the sense that people figure out a way to make most of their actions that seem like role-play have an effect on in-game stuff, generally control of regions etc.

Heck I have nuked myself like 6 times, and I think I nuked Pack a couple times too, dont ban just impose reasistic consequences on them, like other nations shunning them. or retaliations or whatnot.