Greetings to the citizens of The North Pacific,
On behalf of all of Narnia, I first would like to thank you for allowing Narnia to open this embassy on your soil. I hope that this will be the start of a fruitful friendship between our regions.
For those of you who do not know me, I am Fotar, a talking fox of Narnia. When I began my political career, I quickly rose to the position of Vice Chancellor, serving a wide variety of roles as the main assistant to the Lord Chancellor. My rise to power came as the year 2008 came to a close and the Lord Chancellor resigned. Since then, I have been working to bring Narnia back to the glory it once was, along with some new changes. Foreign affairs is one of those new changes, as is evident by this embassy.
I would like to tell you some more about our region. Hopefully this will help you understand the updates that get posted here in the future.
Government Structure:
Originally, The Council of Narnia was a mostly democratic region, with all government positions except the Lord Chancellor being elected. This did not last long, however, as a lack of interest and too small of a regional population made for an excess of wasted time and ambition. We then became more council-like, with the Lord Chancellor appointing officials. This led to a population and activity boon that I like to think of as a Golden Age. As that age died out and the Lord Chancellor became busier and busier, my duties as vice chancellor increased and it more or less became just myself and the LC running things. When the LC retired, I implemented a more concrete form of government, which is still evolving now. It is more like a council once again, but instead of appointing all government officials (called Chancellors), they are elected.
The Imperial Army:
The Imperial Army of Narnia is a defender/liberator army. We will assist any region that requests our help in preventing raider control of regions. We are also a member region of the Founderless Region Alliance (FRA) and will assist our allies on their missions.
Other Tidbits:
Operation Lion’s Roar was once a program in CoN which gave nations extensive training for the World Assembly. Disbanded due to a lack of leadership for it, OLR was very successful in its time, with its high point coming with the passing of now-repealed WA Resolution 13: Fair Criminal Trial. Hopefully, someday, OLR will once again become active in Narnia!
Our forums offer a variety of activities open to citizen and foreigners alike. We have minor roleplay, plans for more extensive roleplay, NS discussions, real life discussions, and of course the normal regional stuff. If you’d like, drop in and say hi…we love to have visitors.
That is all I can think of right off the bat. Feel free to ask any questions you might have about Narnia, I would be more than happy to answer them. Until I get a foreign affairs councilor, I will be the one posting any updates. Since I also have to actually run Narnia, sometimes it might be a while between posts.

But do not think I have forgotten you! I will return with an update! In general, expect an update post at least about once a month!