Flemingovia's leave of absence

CLO members should look at Flemingovia's post in the WA Delegate subforum on his absence.

It's pretty clear we need to take some sort of action in order to empower Sydia to act as Interim Delegate (and to appoint an interim Vice Delegate.)

I'd like to come up with a motion that can be brought to a vote in the RA as soon as possible.

CLO members should sign in and post here a.s.a.p. so we can decide exactly what to take to the RA.
you have my support in appointing Sydia as vice delegate and i believe this motion shouls be brought up to vote by the full RA
I ahve posted what needed to be said in the other thread. All I need to say here is to thank you once again for the compassion and care you have shown.
Sydia and I have been discussing the need to fill the VD's office, now that he has become Delegate, and there's a possibility that the CLO may have to initiate emergency legislation.

Please keep checking this area in the event something is needed.