Hello, fellow north pacificans


Hello everyone. I recently recieved an invitation to join this forum from another World assembly nation of the north pacific. I was also informed that I am apparently being watched and that I'm also an "invader" to the north pacfic region.

There was also a suggestion that I have multiple nations registered. I'm joining this forum to find out whether or not this is true, and if so, why my otherwise good name is being trodden on.

Hello. I must say that I'm not sure who is calling you a raider, but I can say that as head of Defense and Security I have not authorized anyone to do say.

That being said, I welcome you to the forums, even if the circumstances aren't the greatest. :lol:
Thanks very much, it's a very nice forum you have here. Is there someone I can talk to about this, forward my telegrams to etc?

Hello everyone. I recently recieved an invitation to join this forum from another World assembly nation of the north pacific. I was also informed that I am apparently being watched and that I'm also an "invader" to the north pacfic region.

There was also a suggestion that I have multiple nations registered. I'm joining this forum to find out whether or not this is true, and if so, why my otherwise good name is being trodden on.

Who sent that jibba-jabba to you?

Welcome to the forums!
Impenyer, first welcome to TNP and to these forums.

I haven't been asked to check for duplicate accounts, bur we do have a policy that unless someone has a valid reason for more than one forum account, they should have only one forum account. (If someone wants to use a different froum name, we have the ability to change it for you.)

An example of a valid reason is having a nation that is a foreign envoy with an embassy or consulkate in TNP in the Embassies area, and then having a second nation in TNP propoer in-game, and wanting to maintain distinct in-game personalities. Some don't care and use the same account for both capacities, but others do care, so we accomodate those as best we can unless it becomes a TOS issuem or an issue under TNP law.

If you want me to run a check, that can always be done! But I might not be able to tell you the results! :)
The nation that sent me the telegrams was Vrtbovska zahrada. I don't know whether the person was just talking a big game or simply getting a misconstrude meaning over my endorsing them. Either way I'm just letting everyone know I'm a North Pacific native since my nation was first established and I mean no harm, or whatever.

I'll send the relevant telegrams to outer Kharkistania.

Thanks again for the warm welcoming everyone. I think I'll enjoy spending some time at these forums.
I would imagine it would be the second reason, as VZ isn't the type to indulge in asshattery. Some of us just see unknown endoswappers and assume the worst.

Hope you stick around, Impenyer! Always good to have some new blood.