
The North Pacific is an open region and even in times of war, we accept all dissenting and new opinions. While she may be light on the dissent, she is certainly full of new and youthful energy. Starting immediately, I am excited to announce the new Deputy Speaker Forensatha!

Her new duties will be in the legislative side of the Speakership. She'll be in charge of moving, opening, closing, and counting votes; welcoming new members wishing to make a legislative proposal, and so much more!

So let's have a round of applause!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Thankies ^^

I hope to do well at this job. And I promise I will not go mad with power until I have at least conquered half of Ear... Wait, wrong speech.

*shuffles cards*

I will do my best at this job, and I will make it a point to do it as correctly as I can. I make no promises that I will set a new standard, but I hope to do so. I thank you for this opportunity.