My motions have been a bit too irregular recently, so, at last a motion we can all get behind, or alternatively not.
motion to declare the motion to declare the reelection called because the election was decalred null and void null and void null and void.
I strongly believe that the motion to declare the reelection called because the election was decalred null and void null and void should be decared null and void because of the general plonkerness and asshattery we have got into.
By supporting this motion you will be indicating that you do not wish to see pass the motion to declare the reelection called because the election was declared null and void null and void passed, but instead that the decision to call for a re-election should NOT be declared null and void.
I am glad to clarify that situation.
If you vote against this motion, you will be declaring that the motion to declare the re-election null and void is not a null and void motion. Except, of course, in the event of a judicial ruling declaring any part of the above, or below, or any surrounding materials null and void. This would, of course, render it all null and void.
However, I am, in this instance alone, offering a third alternative.
Do not vote anything null and void. Just vote: GET THE HELL ON WITH IT.
This will declare your desire, like mine, just to see this collective legalistic asshattery put to one side, and to have a bloody re-election and get a sodding government in place.
I urge you all: Vote GET THE HELL ON WITH IT>
Mr Speaker, I so move.
motion to declare the motion to declare the reelection called because the election was decalred null and void null and void null and void.
I strongly believe that the motion to declare the reelection called because the election was decalred null and void null and void should be decared null and void because of the general plonkerness and asshattery we have got into.
By supporting this motion you will be indicating that you do not wish to see pass the motion to declare the reelection called because the election was declared null and void null and void passed, but instead that the decision to call for a re-election should NOT be declared null and void.
I am glad to clarify that situation.
If you vote against this motion, you will be declaring that the motion to declare the re-election null and void is not a null and void motion. Except, of course, in the event of a judicial ruling declaring any part of the above, or below, or any surrounding materials null and void. This would, of course, render it all null and void.
However, I am, in this instance alone, offering a third alternative.
Do not vote anything null and void. Just vote: GET THE HELL ON WITH IT.
This will declare your desire, like mine, just to see this collective legalistic asshattery put to one side, and to have a bloody re-election and get a sodding government in place.
I urge you all: Vote GET THE HELL ON WITH IT>
Mr Speaker, I so move.